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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LynneB

  1. LynneB

    Anyone else being banded week of 4/7

    Mine is Friday, gotta be @ the hospital 5am, surgery starts, 7am. I am getting nervous! Good luck to everybody!
  2. Send me one too please! Starting 4/11/08 so I can track from date of surgery. BnGMacawMom@aol.com Thanks so much!!
  3. I decided to get my hubby to take me out to get some liquid Vitamins to help me ensure I'm getting all the nutrients I need to recover well. We went to a well known Vitamin shop. (I won't mention the name.) I got a large bottle of "good tasting" liquid vitamins. Well, at least that's what it said on the label. It was darkish orange when I poured out the measurement of the liquid and smelled horrific. I took a little taste and nearly lost it. I'm going to stick with Flinstone's chewable I think now.:regular_smile: I know exactly the ones you are talking about! Talk about puke inducing! Drinkink Ipecac syrup is less likely to make you barf than those. I had some too, the store will take them back, they did for me at least. It was pricey stuff too! Very gross!
  4. LynneB

    Back from surgery!!!

    Welcome home! So glad you are doing good!
  5. omg, what a visual... too funny! I bet that was strange!
  6. LynneB

    Diabetic Bandsters?

    I am so happy to see this thread. I am type 2 diabetic, no insulin, just glyburide. I am hoping to get off of it ASAP after banding. My sugars have been really wacky on the 10 day liquid pre op, they go between 70 & 250 for some reason. Cant seem to get them regulated. Hopefully surgery will help! Just 6 more days!
  7. LynneB

    Cheesy Broccoli-Potato Mash

    oh man that sounds so awesome! Hurry up mushies!! Cant wait to get past this liquid pre op/post op diet!
  8. wow congrats to all of you! I hope mine and all the rest of us soon to go goes that good! Keep us posted on your recovery.
  9. My Dr is also a gen. surg. He removed my gallbladder a couple yrs ago & I love him. He is terrific. I think its better to have a GS in case you have other issues down the road, he will already be familiar w/ u.
  10. LynneB

    Pre-Surgery Diet

    I am on day 4 of a 10 day liquid diet. Its not so bad with the exception of the major headaches! I can have 1 can of campbells broth based soup a day (boy do I look forward to that for dinner!) and all the sugar free jello/popsicles/fudgesicles I want, and all the broth I want. The worst broth IMO is Swansons, the best is called "Better Than Bouillon" I got it at Publix. The veggie & chicken are really good but the mushroom was gross. I also like the GNC Essential Natural Protein, the vanilla cake, chocolate fudge, and strawberry are yummy. So far so good, I havent cheated except for licking the salt off 1 mini fat free pretzel, but I didnt eat it & it sure was hard not to! It just isnt worth the risk of my Dr closing me right back up if my liver isnt shrunk enough!
  11. LynneB

    Band Date 4-11-08!

    I'm the 11th too. I cant wait!
  12. LynneB

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Had my coaching session w/ Tamala today!! She is soooooooo sweet!!
  13. LynneB

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hey, is anyone else on their preop liquid diet? If so, are you feeling a little bitchy? I am. I'm not hungry, just bitchy/irritable. ~C OMG BIG TIME ROYAL BITCH!! I catch myself snapping at my kids & my pets for no reason & then I feel soooo bad after I open my mouth! I have apologized so many times in the last 4 days!
  14. LynneB

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Bariatric eating.com says a food processor can do everything a blender can do, but a blender cant do everything a food processor does. If you cant have both, I would go for the processor.
  15. LynneB

    day one of liquids

    Someone on here told me about chromium picolinate, you can get it at GNC or any vitamin shop. My surgeon said its fine to take pre and post op, it is super tiny so it will not get stuck post op. It curbs carb cravings and decreases appetite. It has really helped me on my preop liquid diet.
  16. WOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! Congrats!! Hope everything goes perfectly!!
  17. LynneB

    Good Luck April 4th Avengers!

    good luck everyone! My prayers are w/ u!
  18. I am so proud of myself from this weekend...I made it thru 3 days of every single park at Disney World and I never ate anything at the parks!! I came back to our cabin at Ft Wilderness to eat my healthy stuff I brought w/ me. Passing by the turkey legs, all the wonderful smelling pretzel & churro stands & especially my weakness...the Confectionary!! I LOVE Disney fudge & choc covered hard pretzels there!! But I did it!! I wore my bodybugg & it showed I walked 9.5 miles during the 3 days! My legs are killing me!! My preop diet started yesterday & we were still at Ft Wilderness, my entire family decides to go to the most amazing breakfast buffet, I look so forward to going to this buffet everytime we are there so I knew it was gonna be tough, but I couldnt skip it since my entire family never gets together except for these trips. It was so shocking to me that, I was able to get thru it! I did have 1 bite of a mickey mouse waffle (my FAV!) & it tasted so gross! I dont know if anyone has been to this buffet, but the bacon is to die for! I had 1 small corner off a piece & almost threw up. The grease after so many weeks of watching my carbs was just sickening. So funny how our taste for carbs changes when we eat high protein for awhile! So I drank my fat free milk and my orange juice and I was proud of me!! LOL The waiter noticed I hadnt eaten & asked if I was ok. When I told him why, he told me he had lapband surgery a yr ago & he was 380lbs before surgery & he was down to 170lbs & he looked GREAT! When he brought the check he had taken off the $25.00 for my food without even asking if we wanted the charge removed. (We never would have asked) The best part, I came home from Disney World 5 lbs lighter than when I left!! Not many ppl can say that!! I usually gain at least 5lbs when I go there!! Off to change my ticker!!
  19. LynneB

    April 3 Bandsters - Good Luck today!

    Cant wait to hear from all of you! You are all in my prayers for a smooth surgery & fast recovery.
  20. LynneB

    any April 3rds?

    Best of luck to all the 3rds!! Cant wait to hear how it all goes! Big hugs to all of u.
  21. LynneB

    I'M HERE! 4/2 is the day!

    sooooooooo...........I want updates!!!! Hope everything went well for all of u!!
  22. LynneB

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I cant believe only 9 more days!! Day 2 liquid diet is not too bad, although I do have a major headache right now. Discovered today that I like cottage cheese when I forced myself to try Breakstones cottage doubles w/ peach topping. It was a little odd as far as consistency, it felt really strange chewing & swallowing it, but overall, it will be tolerable as a lunch. So far the broth has been the worst, I love Swansons chicken broth when I make homeade chicken noodle soup, but drinking it plain is disgusting! I gotta find a better broth or I will never make it thru this preop diet. I have to have no more than 3 servings of dairy a day, SF popsicles/fudgesicles/jello (all I want) & all the broth I want. (yuck!) Then for dinner I am allowed 1 small can of Campbells chicken noodle/beef noodle/or veggie soup. I am so glad I started the "modified" diet early cuz this would have been so incredibly hard to switch to from eating normally!
  23. LynneB

    Getting to Know You questions

    My name is Lynne, I live in Manatee County (Bradenton) FL. I have a son who is 14 & a daughter who is 8. My pets are 10 birds (4 of them are exotic) and 2 cats. I have been very happily single for 5 yrs after a 12yr relationship. My surgery is April 11th & I am on day 2 of preop liquid diet. I am so excited, so far no second thoughts on having surgery! I just cant wait!
  24. LynneB

    I had my surgery this morning!!

    wow, I hope you continue to heal fast! I go on the 11th also. I may spend the night voluntarily since I am a single mom. Keep us posted on your day to day progress! Cant wait to see how you feel over the next couple days since usually days 2 & 3 are the worst after surgery.
  25. OMG I am worried about EVERYTHING!!! If it wasnt for bad luck I would have NO luck!! I am starting to freak out! There was a teenager locally here (18) who was having reconstructive medically necessary breast surgery & she had a complication from anesthesia & she died! Just what I need to hear 16 days away from surgery!! She was 1/2 my age!! Supposedly it was some kind of genetic allergy & her parents didnt know about it. I just keep telling myself, I have been thru this all before w/ gall bladder & endometriosis surgeries & everything was fine then.

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