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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LynneB

  1. Well, 1 week post op check went really well. Incisions healing really fast, Dr was surprised. Did find out that pain in my left ribs when I breathe is from a partially collapsed left lung. Nothing I can do about it except force myself to take deep breaths thru the pain to force my lung to re-inflate itself. Dr gave me a respiratory spirometer to use & that does seem to help even though it hurts like hell. But good news was no pneumonia or blood clot. I have also lost 6 more lbs!! YAYYYY!!!!!!
  2. Sorry I havent responded, been super busy...yes that sounds exactly like my pain, which is better today finally. I did have the procedure in the hosp & I stayed the night voluntarily. No, the pain did not start immediately after surgery, it was day 3 when it got really hard to take a deep breath. I do finally feel somewhat normal today though & I am on day 10.
  3. My doc suggested Colace stool softener...and he was sooooooo right! 1 dose on day 4 & 2 hours later...well, u get the idea!
  4. Hey sorry I havent been online in a few days. Everything went SUPER! I am 9 days post op now & feeling pretty good except for some lung pain & a swollen baseball sized port. I just love the whole Bunch/Erbella crew too!
  5. LynneB

    Belly Sleepers

    I'm still waiting for belly, but I was finally able to sleep on my side last night w/ a body pillow!! Cant wait for belly!!!
  6. Yes it was from the surgery. Dr said its something that happens sometimes & nothing to be alarmed about. He just said someone should have told me to begin breathing in very deeply immediately after surgery to prevent it. He said to take in very slow deep breaths and count to 30 while I am sucking in as much air as I can, hold it, and then exhale slowly. Do it as many times as possible or until I get lightheaded or the pain is intolerable. Repeat as many times per hour as possible. Should take a couple weeks to heal. Small price to pay since I have had zero gas pains, and just minimal muscular and incision soreness. Nothing like I had prepared myself for. I have had it pretty easy right from the start. No trouble getting in protein or creamy soups either. Overall, I feel pretty blessed to have had such an easy surgery.
  7. I am day 6 post op & jello still feels very heavy to me too. I am on full liquids now & soups & protein shakes go down very easy in very small quantities. It still hurts in my left ribs to take a deep breath, but they gave me a respiratory machine to beathe into & that helps some. Each day gets better.
  8. good luck!! I hope yours goes as easy as mine did. Tomorrow is 1 week postop for me & I feel great! No gas pains at all, & soreness is getting better. You will do great!
  9. I was banded Thursday & drove home from my moms house on Friday after getting out of the hospital. It was about a 10 min drive & it hurt like hell. I hadnt had pain meds since 930pm Thurs night in the hospital & I took some as soon as I got home from driving. Then Saturday I drove back to my moms house & went with her to the movies. Again no pain meds other than the ones I took Friday around 5pm. I regret both times driving as I dont think I would have needed pain meds if I hadnt. It was more the pain of operating the steering wheel that was the main reason I wish I hadnt.
  10. Hi welcome to LBT. I was banded Thursday. So far I feel great. Just very sore. My Dr was able to remove almost all the gas b4 closing me up so I havent had any pain from gas at all. Hope u get to feeling better soon!
  11. Good morning! So far so good, no gas pains! I feel pretty good today, sore but no pain meds needed. I am just coughing alot & that hurts bad but not excruciating by any means. Still cant poop but peeing like a racehorse (gross I know) I do wonder if my band is really in there cuz I dont really have alot of pain even in port area. Just general soreness. I should be going home sometime around noon today, hopefully they let me do the barium test cuz I really wanna see my band "face to face" LOL
  12. I didnt think it was really gonna happen today...it was a comedy of errors right from the start! First, they call to tell me not to be here at 5am, but 7:15 am instead, AFTER I had already left the house & was on my way! Then, when I got here, they couldnt find the Drs orders. Then the computer system crashed in the preop registration room. Then best of all, I hear "Code Red, East tower, Penthouse". Great the flippin hospital is burning down now!!!!!!!!! So my surgery was delayed almost an hour due to a fire somewhere. But, after everything was calm again, surgery went perfectly. I got in around 11:20, & was out by 11:50. Liver was perfect. My band is an Inamed AP Regular 10cc. I am not hungry at all, but I have had some warm broth since it feels great on my throat which hurts SUPER BAD! The lip balm and throat drops have been big helps too. Although I find myself dozing w/ the throat lozenge in my mouth, gotta be careful not to swallow that! I am very sore, but I havent had pain meds in about 7 hours now & its not too bad. So far no gas pains & I hope it stays that way! My mom & kids just left (I am staying the night voluntarily) So I am gonna go nap again. I just wanted to tell all of you, THANKS SO MUCH!! I never woulda gotten thru all this without the support & knowledge I gained on here! Luv u guys!!! xposted in Avengers
  13. they kept saying it was an exclusion. my contract stated the surgical an non surgical tratment of obesity was excluded unless, authorized by a physician for medical reasons. Guess they couldnt read past the comma.
  14. I didnt think it was really gonna happen today...it was a comedy of errors right from the start! First, they call to tell me not to be here at 5am, but 7:15 am instead, AFTER I had already left the house & was on my way! Then, when I got here, they couldnt find the Drs orders. Then the computer system crashed in the preop registration room. Then best of all, I hear "Code Red, East tower, Penthouse". Great the flippin hospital is burning down now!!!!!!!!! So my surgery was delayed almost an hour due to a fire somewhere. But, after everything was calm again, surgery went perfectly. I got in around 11:20, & was out by 11:50. Liver was perfect. My band is an Inamed AP Regular 10cc. I am not hungry at all, but I have had some warm broth since it feels great on my throat which hurts SUPER BAD! The lip balm and throat drops have been big helps too. Although I find myself dozing w/ the throat lozenge in my mouth, gotta be careful not to swallow that! I am very sore, but I havent had pain meds in about 7 hours now & its not too bad. So far no gas pains & I hope it stays that way! My mom & kids just left (I am staying the night voluntarily) So I am gonna go nap again. I just wanted to tell all of you, THANKS SO MUCH!! I never woulda gotten thru all this without the support & knowledge I gained on here! Luv u guys!!!
  15. After everything I have been thru w/ cancelling/rescheduling...blah blah blah... I wont believe it till I wake up in the recovery room! To everyone else scheduled for tomorrow & Friday, I will be praying for all of you & please pray for me too!! Cant wait to wake up in bandland around 8:30am tomorrow morning!!! Just dreading having to be up at 4am & at the hospital at 5am! I am not a morning person, maybe I just wont sleep at all, plenty of time for that while I am recovering.
  16. I know there are stickys for surgeon FAQ's, but I am looking for questions to ask only of anesthesia Dr & team. A couple I thought of were: Do you use brainwave monitors to check for awareness during surgery? What meds are given for nausea both before& after? I went for preop testing today & anes. was the only ones I didnt get to meet with (they were really backed up) so I wont get to talk to them till Thurs just before I go into the OR & I want to have a list of questions ready for them since I wont have much time w/ them like originally planned. Thanks for your help!
  17. I am so happy, after everything I have been thru w/ 2 cancellations, now the Dr just called me & moved me to Thurs instead of Fri! YEAH!!!!!!
  18. Very true I was on phentermine, however, anesthesia stated it made no difference what I was taking, that any diet pill whether RX or OTC was not allowed before surgery. ALLI was on that list of meds that would cancel surgery. They showed me a whole list of meds that would be grounds for cancelling. Phentermine just happened to be the #1 on the list. ALLI was #9.
  19. not necessarily looking for answers, mainly just ideas & suggestions of what questions to ask them on Thurs morning. Sorry I guess I didnt clarify that to well, after almost 3 weeks of liquids, my brain is a puddle!! LOL
  20. LynneB

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    Good luck!! I go Thurs @ 5am. Hope everything goes perfectly for you! I will keep you in my prayers :smile2:
  21. I just wanted to add that 5 shakes a day seems like alot (depending on how much protein is in them). Be careful of taking in more than 100 grams of protein a day because it can affect your kidneys.Other than that, you are doing great. The fact that you made it work even when the choices were limited says alot about you. You could have gone for the "last supper syndrome" and eaten that fried fatty foods, but you went with the best choice possible in a difficult situation. Stay positive & you will get there!
  22. Please STOP taking it NOW! My surgery was cancelled last Fri due to diet pills. The anesthesia reacts to the ingredients and can cause heart arythmias and spikes in your blood pressure, leading to cardiac arrest. My surgeon did not know, they put me on it pre op. It wasnt till my preop hospital appt that the anesthesia Dr put the brakes on. I now go in Thurs instead of last week. You have to be off of it 10-14 days before surgery.
  23. Same here Livn4jesus! We can deal w/ our disappointing delay together. Mine was due to being on phentermine, so now I have to wait till the 18th to. Oh well, we will get there!
  24. :drool: surgeon put me on Phentermine 3 weeks ago to get the max loss possible b4 surgery & I went for pre op appt at the hospital this morning & anesthesia Dr refused to do my surgery because a pt went into cardiac arrest last week on the table & anesthsia found out that it was due to diet pills. Apparently they have found out that all diet pills counteract the drugs they give to put you to sleep & cause heart arythmias & skipes in blood pressure. So now I have to be off the phentermine at least 10 days before they will do it. So now I am resched for 4/18 instead of 4/11. I am so bummed, this is my 2nd time doing the 10 day liquid diet & 2nd time being cancelled, 1st time was cuz of insurance. I am glad they arent taking chances w/ my life, but really sad to have to wait & continue w/ liquids for another 10 days. :frown:

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