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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tztmama

  1. tztmama


    I stayed for 8 years and then finally, after 18 months of counseling, left. I never missed him. Not once. It truly was over much longer than I wanted to admit. You are right. Once cruelty and insensitivity has killed the love, it is hard to bring it back. Best of all to you and congratulations for standing up for yourself.
  2. tztmama

    Sunsett 1 yr later

    I am off to New Mexico for 10 days (leaving tomorrow night). I went to buy pants for the trip and guess what????? I bought a size 12!!! They are a little snug but they fit well. I am so happy with my weight loss. Yes, i have had the pain of a "too tight" band and the fear of a too loose band (gained back 12 lbs at one point) but overall..................I'm with you partner, we are doin' this!!!
  3. tztmama

    STUPID f'n band! what is WRONG!!!

    I am in the exact same boat. Fill/unfill over and over. I got a fill and it was too loose. I got 1.25 more and I can barely get my Protein shake down. A bite of cracker feels like a mouth of steel in my chest. There has never, in the past year, been a happy medium for me. Maybe I have a slip????? Thanks for the info, Dr. C.
  4. tztmama

    One Year With The Band!

    Happy Bandiversary Kathy and Sunshine!! 9/26 will be mine. Hey, we are all moving at our own pace, the important thing is that we are moving in the right direction. Wooo hoooo!
  5. tztmama

    Anti-Blockage Recipe

    Thanks for the info. I'm posting it on my frig.
  6. tztmama

    OH my GAWD I got a tattoo!

    Happy Birthday, Penni! Nice Ink!
  7. tztmama

    Tighter with wt loss?

    My band gets tighter with weight loss. I am not sure I understood my dr.'s explanation as to why this happens. I lost about 25 pounds in 3 months and then had to get an unfill.
  8. I am almost a year out and am still in search of the elusive "sweet spot". I am either too tight or too loose. I have gone from needing fills to needing unfills and back again. I had a fill a couple of weeks ago and am once again too tight. I am about 20 pounds from goal am probably going to go back for another unfill because I am unable to have any solids, am having back pain, and even have pain after drinking my shakes. Frustrating.
  9. Have you had PS? Are you gonna? I thought I would just need a TT but my surgeon said I might need a body lift. I'm going to do some research but thought I'd run by y'all first. Darla
  10. tztmama

    Lap Band and Multiple Sclerosis

    I have no experience with MS other than having a couple of friends who have it. THey are both in remission and doing fine. I am so sorry for the pain you had to go through and admire your courage and perserverence during this difficult time. Best of all to you!
  11. I had surgery on Wed. afternoon and was back at work on Monday.
  12. tztmama

    Is this just a stage?

    Yep. I am about 25 pounds from where I think I want to end up and I have just sort of been "maintaining". For me, my fatness kept me "invisible" and now people at work are constantly talking to me about the weight loss. I appreciate it and know they are just being supportive but there is a part of me that wants to run and hide behind something. Like a timid bunny although to know me, one would never picture me that way. Interesting.
  13. tztmama

    What is your pirate name?

    The Evil Mermaid Et hel is me name!
  14. I was up to almost 8 cc and after a few weeks couldn't even drink liquids. So now I am at 5.25 and this is not enought restriction. I get another fill on the 11th.
  15. tztmama

    Xelapaul got her new reband!!

    Happy recovery and best of all on your journey!
  16. tztmama

    GB vs. Lapband

    Same as Missy's reasons.
  17. I lost and gained the same 20 pounds until I got a my fourth fill. Right now I am losing nothing and have even gained about 7 pounds. I had to have an unfill due to being too tight and now I am getting filled a half cc at a time which is giving almost no restriction. We all vary so much that it is hard to compare. In all I have lost over 50 pounds so I am happy with that. I am definitely in the "turtle" club.
  18. tztmama

    Muscle pain - any opinions?

    Hey Stitchy, Did you ever have this pre-band? How is your fill and are you able to eat? I spent months on pain pills and then finally had an unfill which cut the neck and back pain in half, allowing me to stop the pain pills almost entirely. I had back issue before the band but when my fill was too tight it made it worse. Just a thought. Meanwhile, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you feel better real soon. Darla
  19. tztmama

    NordicTrak Elliptical

    Does anyone have the nordictrak elliptical spacesaver? I am thinking about getting one and thought I'd ask here first. If you have one, how do you like it? Thanks, Darla
  20. tztmama

    NordicTrak Elliptical

    Thanks for the info and best of all..................Darla
  21. tztmama

    So CAL Bandsters

    Chula Vista, which is about 5 miles from the Tijuana border is where I am from! Where/when is the "Tijuana Bash" I've heard tale of?
  22. tztmama

    TT vs Body Lift

    My surgeon said he thinks he can get my insurance to pay for most of it. Anyone else have their insurance pick up the tab?
  23. I'd do it again too. I've lost about 60 lbs and the only complications are 2 overfills. I am sort of "stuck" now but also realize I should excersize.
  24. tztmama

    Dr. C Question

    I empathize with you. It is sooo frustrating. I went on so many diets and if I eat more that 800 calls a day, I GAIN.........no matter what the diet is. Some of us just can't metabolize the calories. I don't have answers and am so grateful Dr. C is here for us. Take care, Darla
  25. tztmama

    Taking Meds With Band

    Check with pharmacist to make sure you can split the pills. I get a pill splitter and chop them quite fine. If I am having trouble swallowing, i have a pill crusher that i use and then just mix them with my protein shake or yogurt.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
