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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tztmama

  1. tztmama

    I Did It!

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement! This has been quite a journey and I dont know if I would have done it if I knew how painful it would be, so Im glad I didnt know. Some get through it without much pain, Im not one. I am SOOOO glad I did it though!!! Im 46 so I dont have a bikini belly by any means. My stretch marks are still there and I still weigh 150 lbs and am only 5' 4. But I actually have a WAIST! I have curves where there once was ROLLS on my sides!!! Was it worth it??? HECK YES!!!! Thanks again!!:whoo:
  2. tztmama

    Pain Management after PS

    I just had a tummy tuck and did not have an unfill. When I had the lapband installed my surgeon gave me liquid vicodin. Since thne though noone I[ve mentioned it to has ever herad of it. Good luck to you. Can you take pillsif they are chopped? I've done that before.
  3. tztmama

    Pain Management after PS

    Ok, I just called my surgeon and asked him to call me in some liquid meds just in case. At first they said they had done tt's on many lapband patients and none needed liquid meds but I told them since my surgeryis this Thursday, I am afraid I'll wake up on Friday or Sat in pain and be unable to get help cuz of the weekend. Thanks for the info all
  4. tztmama

    Pain Management after PS

    I have no problem taking pills but must crush them up a bit. Also, my surgeryis going to be July 19th and my dr has prescribed me vicodin for pain. I am very worried because vicodin does very little for my back pain so hows it supposed to help with a full on extended tummy tuck plus lipo!!
  5. My surgeon said that the tt can be done without even doing an unfill. He told me that even if the tubing was accidentally cut it could be easily repaired. Lipo, im not sure about.........i imagine it would be just like any other procedure, as long as the doc is careful and knows about the lapband process it should be fine. Id ask the doc though.
  6. Yeah I heard the same thing........that Ann had her band removed and gained all her weight back. Did the younger Judd (is it Naomi or Wynona?) have surgery. I saw her on Oprah a while back and she stated that she really wanted to lose weight but just couldn't seem to do it. I thought then that she would be a good band candidate. Ann is still beautiful thouh, isn't she???? Hope her health is ok.
  7. tztmama

    Bulemic state of mind?

    Donna, I had the same experience as you so I'm glad you shared this info. I lost about 80 lbs in 1.5 year and most of it was done while being too tight and pbing several times a week. I was way too tight with my last fill and was in sooo much pain that I had to get a partial unfill. Of course I gained ten pounds right away. At the same time my new elliptical machine arrived and I've religiously been on that thing for thiry minutes five to six times a week. I really don't think I eat that much but the weight has come on and I am back in size ten as opposed to eights. To top it off, I'm due for my TT in three weeks. Not a good time to gain weight but I'm afraid to get a fill cuz I can't stand the pain when I'm too tight. Not sure what I'll do here.
  8. tztmama

    The Journey Begins

    I had surgery on a wed. and was back at work the following Monday. It was a pretty painless surgery and I only had pain pills for maybe a week.
  9. tztmama

    Just for fun - misconceptions?

    My mom's friend (75 yr old) thought that the band was on the outside and I could tighten it like a belt. Another misconception is about the term being "banded" among those who raise goats, means the tying of a male goats' testicles tightly so that they turn black and fall off (a form of neutering).
  10. I voted 1000-1200 but am not losing weight at that amount. I had gone down to 142 but am up to 152 )-: And I'm having my TT in 3 wks. Problem is that even though I am on the elliptical 5- 6 days a wk for 30 min, I don't lose unless I eat around 800 cals a day and right now if I get a fill, I'm painfully too tight. Where I am, I'm mostly too loose. I can't get the sweet spot to save my life.
  11. Interesting and thanks for the info. I'll check back to see if you find the name of the medicine. I really need to get these last few pounds off.
  12. I got my machine 2 weeks ago and have been on it 6 days a week. I love it! This is really the first time I have been consistent with my exercise in quite awhile. Its actually enjoyable. Problem is, I don't lose weigt and exercise has always increased my appetite. But.........I'm toning up so thats a good thing.
  13. I have the exact same thing going on. Either its too tight and I get horrible back pains and can't keep any solids down or its too loose and I gain weight/feel hungry shortly after eating. I have lost about 80 lbs in the 20 months I've had the band but only once felt that my fill was about right. And it didn't last long.
  14. Thanks for the responses. My lapband surgeon said I should lose more weight before ps. My ps said I'm good to go as I am. It seems like I just can't find that sweet spot with myfills. I either am too tight or too loose. Right now I can eat a little bread, even pizza if I only eat a little and chew it a lot. I just don't want to be too tight and then go for ps and be in more pain than the surgery itself. Thanks ladies!
  15. I am concerned that I am not close enough to my goal and my surgery is scheduled for next month. I started at 226 lbs and am now 151 lbs. I want to be at 135. I am thinking about getting a fill so that I can lose that 15 lbs but am afraid because I hae been having a hard time with being too tight when I get fills which results in incredible pain and unfills. Do you think I am close enough? I am 5'4 and 46 yrs old. I am working out like crazy but am not dieting really. Thanks!
  16. Wow, I just started a thread about how close to goal we should be before surgery so your thread gave me some answers as well. It looks like (according to your ticker) we are similar in our weight loss journey. I started at 226 and am now 150. I wanted to be at 135 before surgery but just haven't quite got there. SOunds like most think you should do both surgeries at once. I'll check back on this thread for more responses. Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do. I'd probably do both at once. One surgery and one round with the painkillers. Those pills can be physically addicting so the less time on them the better.
  17. Thank you soooo much for sharing the pics with us. I am scheduled for curgery july 19th and will be getting the vertical incision as well. I have never seen anyone with it no matter where I searched so you have helped me immensely! Thanks and if you can, please post updated pics! You already look great!
  18. I'm a younger grandma of 46. Welcome!
  19. Okay brave people, my extended tt date is set for 7/19. I am very nervous and am wimping out here! Oh, I'll do it, but I hate to go in to this feeling so anxious. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Stats regarding complications would help if they are good. Thanks!
  20. tztmama

    Need encouragement!

    Annielkd Thanks for the advice. Are you happy with your surgery? I am teaching summer school until July 18, having surgery July 19 and do not have to return to school until Aug 19th ish. So I'll have a few weeks off. I was so afraid that 4 weeks wouldn't be enough but people on this thread have helped to ease my mind soooo much! I'm very grateful to you all!
  21. tztmama

    Celebrities with lap band

    Courtney Love had the band, I read the other day. Also the brunette of the band Heart had it. I think it is Ann Wilson. I heard she had the band removed though and has gained a bunch of weight back. Not sure about that though.
  22. tztmama

    Need encouragement!

    Wow! I love this talk about small yoga pants and size 6's! Ive never worn a six but am in a size 10 or snug size 8 in jeans. I am trying to figure out how to post pics also so I can post some before and afters. Can't wait to see Pacomama's and Brandy's pics!!
  23. tztmama

    Need encouragement!

    OMG! Already? Wow, this is awesome news. One thing I was really worried about is that the school year would begin with me still hunched over in pain. I teach emotionally disturbed teens and need to be at the top of my game, so to speak. Best of wishes to you and a million thanks for helping (and spydr and Brandy as well). Pictures anytime soon????
  24. tztmama

    Need encouragement!

    Brandy, Ok, now I'm really getting excited! You are right, I can do this! I can't wait to see the results. That must be so exciting for you to already be in smaller clothes so soon after surgery! Thanks for your words of encouragement and for sharing your experience with me....everyone has been awesome!
  25. Julie, Wow! You look absolutely fantastic! The scar has really healed up nicely. You are an inspiration!

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