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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tztmama

  1. tztmama

    Something's gone wrong...

    I haven't heard from her at all. Puddin, please update us. You are in our prayers!
  2. tztmama

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    I'm in Chula Vista which is about 10 min. from the Tijuana border. I'm getting my band on Monday and would love to get together for support.
  3. Just wondering. I was told I am having surgery at the outpatient center. Do you think this means I will not have to spend any time in the hospital?
  4. Hi again, Just wanted to see how you are feeling today and if you have heard anything else from you doctor??? If you would like to talk to someone via a phone call please let us know!
  5. tztmama

    Something's gone wrong...

    So sorry to hear about your trouble. I would be very concerned too! I have heard that most Dr.'s check the gall bladder while they are doing the surgery. Perhaps they didn't see a stone in there. You are in my prayers and keep posting to let us know how you are doing and what the doctors say. Darla
  6. tztmama

    Gross taste in my mouth

    Dianne, When I was on a liquid diet I was on a support website like this. Almost all of us had that weird taste. It could be related to ketosis. It is a normal side effect of the liquid diet.
  7. Well I am off to get my band on Monday, 9/26! I called yesterday to ask when I would get scheduled and they asked if I could come in Monday! Not only that, my Dr. told me I get free fills for the first year! Needless to say I am happy and nervous. My Dr. also said I could more than likely drive myself home the next day. Did anyone else drive themself home the next day? I am thinking I might take a friend and have her drive me home (2 hr drive) the same day. Any info is greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi all and thanks so much to all who responded to my previous post and to those who have shared their experiences so honestly on this site. What a great group of people! As I stated before, I found out yesterday that I am getting my band on Monday, 9/26. What should I stock up on at home? Protein shakes, loose clothing, pain meds, anything else? Good movies maybe. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks so much! Darla
  9. tztmama

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I teach teens who have emotional/behavioral challenges.
  10. tztmama

    Post Surgery Gear??!!

    Thanks you all!!! I am making a list (checking it twice)! Y'all are the best!
  11. Hey Sunset, This is really a coincidence...................I am going out of town Oct. 18 - 30! You are leaving on the 14th and me on the 18th. I am going to keep you in my thoughts and prayers so all goes well. I am not going on a cruise but I will be out in the boondocks (tiny, tiny, town) in Northern New Mexico. Everyone I ask says we should be fine by then. Let's think positive..............and really focus on our recovery, ok?
  12. Hi Sunsett, I am so glad to hear I have a pal who is also going in on Monday. Lets keep in touch with how we are doing, ok? Are you just bursting with excitement? I am! I am sort of nervous too. Best of luck to you! Darla
  13. tztmama

    I've always wanted to....

    Things I want to do after I lose some weight.......... *sit cross legged in a chair *learn to play football with my students (middle school) *go horseback riding *jog in the rain, wearing tank top and shorts *being able to mix and match clothes easier and in less time *not wondering if the next blood test will reveal diabetes *live longer and therefore having more time with those i love *hiking atop the beautiful, magical red mesas in Northern New Mexico *nice fitting jeans without too much "spare tire" pouring over the waistline. *becoming small breasted vs being fat titted (52 inch bustline) *off pain meds for back pain
  14. Jamie, Reading your post brings a tear to my eye! CONGRATULATIONS! I admire your courage and dedication to living a healthier lifestyle. I am so happy for you, keep up the good work! Darla
  15. Lynn, Thanks so much for the information! I think I will talk to the surgery coordinator. I am thinking that I should stay in a hotel a day or two before returning to San Diego. Thanks for the warm welcome! I can't wait to get started on this journey!
  16. One in 200 die from GB, 1 in 2000 or less in LBS (better odds/less risk). I have a friend who had GB and she lost weight so fast that she now looks much older. I may too once I get this weight off but I don't want to lose so fast. ALso, rearranging my anatomy (GB) just scares me! I don't like the sound of "malabsorption".
  17. tztmama

    Exercise Challenge

    What a great idea! I am being banded on Monday but as soon as I am able I would love to join the challenge!
  18. tztmama

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    Delarla, All that can be seen is not tangible. I have very liberal views and know the power of clicking the button if I don't feel like reading something. I read more on your views about God than anyone else's on this board, though. Of course, I am still a newbie too.
  19. tztmama

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    I agree with DeLarla(name?). If thats your name, I like it! Mine is Darla, similar but not as fancy (smile). Your slumberparty site is your business, both figuratively and literally. Some sell tupperware, some sell slumber party supplies. Hey, I personally am grateful for such businesses. Anybody ever go into an "adult toy" store and feel like the floor was similar to that of an old theater's linoleum? This ages me of course but I am much rather shop for self of bridal shower/bach. party gifts in the comfort of a friend's home amongst friends anyday!
  20. I found this site after I was approved. A friend said I should have just gone for the gastric bypass. Seems I read post after post about people have resurgeries due to port problems. Is this the norm? I soooo hope I am not making a mistake. For those who have surgeries later on, do the insurance pay? I have not been scheduled yet but am the sole provider for my family. One person said he had had 4 surgeries to correct port problems in 5 years...........wow!
  21. Wow! I really appreciate the info and support. I did some more searching around and then came back to this site to find all this wonderful and sincere feedback. Rerouting my organs is exactly what freaks me out with the other surgery and it is so true about the fact that the band is adjustable. Thanks so much for the support.............guess I'm getting a little nervous now that I know it is really going to happen. I am reassured that this is right for me!
  22. Hi there! I am in San Diego and will be scheduling with Dr. Milton Owens. He apparently contracts out with several hospitals. I was going to have mine done at Alvarado Hospital in La Mesa but they are having some type of contractual dispute that has caused them to put the lap band surgery on hold. So, since I have my letter of approval, I am more than likely going through Coastal Obesity Center, another facility Dr. Owens works with. I may have to travel to Orange County for this but thats fine with me. I am sooo ready for this. Let's keep in touch, ok?
  23. Hey all! I found this site last night and am so excited to see the overwhelming support. Ya have ta admit it, we are some of the nicest folks around! I am 45, school teacher, weight is in the 200's (afraid to look at scale) and have just been approved for the lap band. I am nervous and really hope I am doing the right thing. Women in my family (for several generations) have a history of becoming obese, having strokes, dying young. I am caring for my mom who is completely disabled and on hospice from an obesity related (and diabetes, of course) stroke. I have watched her fade away for 5 years now. Finally I said "time to take some action" and never thought my insurance would approve me, but they did! I don't have a scheduled surgery date yet but should by next week. Question: What is PBing????? Glad yal are here!
  24. tztmama

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    I'm in San DIego and will be getting scheduled next week. Anybody work with Dr. Owens?
  25. tztmama

    Hi - What are my chances?

    Hi, I have almost an identical situation. My insurance approved me so I think your chances are good! Best of luck!

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