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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from momin2005 in Inner thigh, oh my   
    You guys might want to research gut health and see if its related, a lot of things are related to Candida overgrowth in the gut, and getting that under control would be better than treating the symptoms. I uses a great Probiotic (all are not the same), if you are interested let me know.
  2. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to ITGeekGirl in The Best Decision I've Ever Made   
    Hi there! I wanted to post a thread to all of you who are still out there wondering if this is the right thing to do. A few weeks ago I was one of you. I was still asking myself if I really should have the surgery. I just wanted to let you know how I feel now, almost 3 weeks out.
    Yes, I had the blues the first week or so, and the liquid diet has been the bane of my existance. But, I have to tell you, when you can visibly see the weight just dropping when you used to struggle so hard to even maintain a steady weight before - it's worth it.
    I also used to suffer from chronic fatigue. I would go to bed at 9pm, struggle to wake up at 5 am and drag myself around all day.
    I can pop out of bed at 5 am, hop on the elliptical, and I am full of energy ALL DAY LONG!
    I feel so alive!
    So I just wanted to tell you, if you are still having doubts - not even three weeks out and I'm so happy I could cry.
  3. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from hopefullythininme in If you haven't had surgery yet what are you most afraid of?   
    Im going to Mexico for my surgery and only my husband and BFF know, I'm scared something will happen and my children and parents will feel I made a selfish choice.
    I'm also worried about losing and regaining and being "that person" who thought she could take the easy way as people think only to regain and prove people right.
    I'm worried about energy levels for the first few weeks post op and being able to do my job two weeks out.
  4. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from hopefullythininme in If you haven't had surgery yet what are you most afraid of?   
    Im going to Mexico for my surgery and only my husband and BFF know, I'm scared something will happen and my children and parents will feel I made a selfish choice.
    I'm also worried about losing and regaining and being "that person" who thought she could take the easy way as people think only to regain and prove people right.
    I'm worried about energy levels for the first few weeks post op and being able to do my job two weeks out.
  5. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from Elode in Doctor Passing Me off to Assistant   
    I agree its hard to look at is as a business deal. Think of the women that prepay for OB and delivery care only to have the nurse end up delivering......do you get a refund because a nurse delivered and not your OB? nope.....medical care and billing is a whole different world.
  6. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from snapdragon05 in Sleep study   
    Ive been sing CPAP for about 4 yrs, can't sleep without it, makes a world of difference in how rested I feel. It does take getting used to and finding the right mask. I have to use a full face mask because I'm a mouth breather, but once you realize the importance of it and what you are putting your body through everytime you stop breathing....you will make it happen. I personally know a young man 30's that died from sleep apnea....not something to play around with.
    I do look forward to some day not needing it....surgery in less than 2 weeks eekks!!
  7. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from snapdragon05 in Sleep study   
    Ive been sing CPAP for about 4 yrs, can't sleep without it, makes a world of difference in how rested I feel. It does take getting used to and finding the right mask. I have to use a full face mask because I'm a mouth breather, but once you realize the importance of it and what you are putting your body through everytime you stop breathing....you will make it happen. I personally know a young man 30's that died from sleep apnea....not something to play around with.
    I do look forward to some day not needing it....surgery in less than 2 weeks eekks!!
  8. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from snapdragon05 in Sleep study   
    Ive been sing CPAP for about 4 yrs, can't sleep without it, makes a world of difference in how rested I feel. It does take getting used to and finding the right mask. I have to use a full face mask because I'm a mouth breather, but once you realize the importance of it and what you are putting your body through everytime you stop breathing....you will make it happen. I personally know a young man 30's that died from sleep apnea....not something to play around with.
    I do look forward to some day not needing it....surgery in less than 2 weeks eekks!!
  9. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from notforthefaint in Hey there September sleevers! Any one out there?   
    I'm scheduled for Sept 7th!!! getting closer, start pre-op diet Monday.

  10. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from notforthefaint in Hey there September sleevers! Any one out there?   
    I'm scheduled for Sept 7th!!! getting closer, start pre-op diet Monday.

  11. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from notforthefaint in Hey there September sleevers! Any one out there?   
    I'm scheduled for Sept 7th!!! getting closer, start pre-op diet Monday.

  12. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to TXTinana in Stop it!   
    Or what Master's Degree can you achieve without learning the proper use of language and grammar? And what kind of Christian-like person goes on a rude and insulting rampage because of the phrase, and the proper use of the phrase I might add, "I beg your pardon?"
  13. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to Sharon1964 in Stop it!   
    I probably won't get a straight answer to this question either...
    What job do you have that requires a masters degree, pays a six figure salary, but you don't get off work until 11pm??
    Do you at least get lots of perquisites?
  14. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in What am I missing ?   
    I choose not to because I value the anonymity of the site and it is open to the world. If someone can identify me by my photo I would not feel as free to share personal information.
  15. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from Dr. Altamirano in Scheduled!   
    I am so excited I am scheduled for my sleeve of 9/7/15!!!!
  16. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from Dr. Altamirano in Scheduled!   
    I am so excited I am scheduled for my sleeve of 9/7/15!!!!
  17. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from Dr. Altamirano in Scheduled!   
    I am so excited I am scheduled for my sleeve of 9/7/15!!!!
  18. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to Luigi5144 in Deciding to keep my sleeve quiet....   
    I think I'll feel less pressure having kept it a secret. I don't need people thinking that I should've lost more by now or that I've lost too much. For me, It takes all of the pressure of having an audience away from the experience. It also takes away the pressure of having everyone compare your experience to their own or that of someone they know.
  19. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to Jim in Utah in One week post op, I was just able to drink 10oz of juice....   
    juice, even mixed with Water is really not a good idea. It is just sugar, maybe has some Vitamins, but not worth the calories.
  20. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to The Candidate in Interesting US Bariatric Surgery Statistics   
    @@Inner Surfer Girl I agree with what you're saying in part. Insurance in relation to weight loss surgery definitely needs a total rehaul. In my "track" composed of the people I was grouped with also seeking surgery, for six months of classes, I personally know of two who ran into insurance firewalls even "after" having jumped through all of their mandated hoops.
    One was laid off a week after graduating and lost her coverage. The other was told in JULY just before she was to get her date, that her husband hadn't worked enough hours in May & June to cover the premiums, so her insurance was deemed inactive. During class one gentlemen had to drop out because his company was changing insurance. And another had to postpone hers because she couldn't arrange time off for the endless pre op appts and surgery recovery time. In a very real sense they're hoping to wait us out. Make us give up before we ever even make it to the OR.
    We, the obese, aren't treated as second class citizens. We're treated as disgusting blights on society. That premise is what has to change first. When I was growing up, smoking was still in fashion. They unabashedly showed cigarette commercials on TV, and they were even sold openly in vending machines. It took decades before worldwide change came about, when lung cancer was undeniably linked with tobacco use. Initially there was a lot of push back though. Change never happens without a fight, without sacrifice, especially when bottom line profit and big money is involved. It took a very long time before big corporate tobacco was made to bear the brunt of blame and reform. Only then did things start to noticeably change.
    Well the same thing is happening now, with the so called "obesity epidemic." And in the exact fashion that tobacco head honchos tried to shift the blame to the smoker, saying their product wasn't addictive, today, fast food, sugar additives, and the like, along with the diet industry would rather zero in entirely on the fat person for being fat, as opposed to accepting any part of the blame themselves. They produce addictive products that are scientifically proven to cause weight gain. Then they price it low enough to keep you coming back for more. And after you're completely hooked, then they try and sell you a cure all in the form of Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. It's the very definition of an endless cycle.
    I'm not saying that everyone's obesity is solely caused by junk food, as we know better. Genetics is a major factor as well, among others. But it being our fault entirely is the prevalent outside notion, isn't it? If we'd all just eat less and exercise more we'd all be thin right? Well, that's the misconception that has to be changed first, before we'll ever have widespread reform on more easily obtaining WLS. If WE, the obese are entirely at fault, than why should other people, thin people, have to put their insurance or tax dollars towards our fat?
    Personally, I think we need more and more obese people to come out of the shadows and demand WLS, not less. We need more medical studies done showing the medicinal cost savings between patient care pre and post op surgery too. In the same way that all those who began the process before us, by first seeking out a surgical option, who underwent the experimental procedures in the past with less than desirable results - we have to keep it alive too. In this forum and in other places. Only then will the proof that the demand far exceeds the supply of knowledgable surgeons and center of excellence facilities. Only then will real changes begin to be made.
    Our surgical wait time today can be measured in long arduous months, sometimes years, before we ever even get a bypass, sleeve, band, or whichever procedure chosen. But the fact that the numbers, the obese people, who are seeking it out are growing exponentially gives me infinite hope that those who will come after us will benefit from what we've done today to further promote the monumental need.
  21. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to Chrissyg in What Gives With the Long Term VSG Posts?   
    I am so very disappointed in Bariatric Pal Website. They continue to remove the post about Long Term VSG simply because they don't want to pay to advertise on the site. That is quite ridiculous considering it is a weight loss forum. So in other words, unless a company advertises on the site, we can't share our journey on the site. How sad is that?
  22. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from RNsleever715 in Dr. Kim/traveling patients   
    How much is the cash pay with Dr. Kim?
  23. Like
    Timeforme15 got a reaction from RNsleever715 in Just scared myself!   
    Just scrolled through Forum topics and took a looksy at the one focused on gastric sleeve complications!! I've been reading such awesome great things for so long and reading this knocked me on my rear. How do we know the leak rates of surgeons especially in Mexico and are their specific things that are going wrong procedure wise or in post op care/eating??
    Enlighten me please!
  24. Like
    Timeforme15 reacted to kmd0235 in Just scared myself!   
    I don't know about Mexico specifically because my surgery was here, but your surgeon should be able (and willing) to tell you about complication rates.
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    Timeforme15 reacted to Lotsoflove77 in Dr. Kim/traveling patients   
    Yes..There was a promotion for $2000. I have Aetna but did not want to do the 6 month tracking to qualify for them to cover at 80/20. They found heital hernia and billed insurance for majority of surgery costs that way. Then billed me with easy payment plan a bariatric fee to cover the sleeve.

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