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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BarrySue

  1. 10 weeks out, I suddenly lost the ability to tolerate the small bits of food I'd been eating. I started feeling nauseous after a bite of anything, and even the smell or thought of most foods made me dry heave. After a couple of weeks, I started vomiting and felt so awful I ended up checking into the hospital for vitamins/hydration. They suspected a stricture, but it couldn't be dilated as an emergency (and I couldn't afford to pay for one), so they had me eat whatever I wanted (so long as it wasn't sweets) just so the familiar taste of things I loved could combat the paranoia of vomiting. I lived on peanut butter crackers (I loved them as a kid), and gradually get better. I still eat a lot less than most people at 7 months out, but I can live with it.
  2. BarrySue

    When did you start exercising?

    To be completely honest, I'm seven months out and I still haven't exercised. I mean, I walk all over my huge college campus, but I haven't done any regular exercises out routines. I've just been tweaking and reworking my diet and haven't experienced many problems. I figure I'll start now since the weight loss is slowing down, but age and genetics have been on my side (I'm young, and my mother, grandmother, and six sisters are all slender. I just reeeeaaaally loved food).
  3. BarrySue

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    If he is this unsupportive and unhelpful after your hysterectomy, how will he cope with recovery from the sleeve? You need to reach out a friend or family member to make arrangements for a safe place to heal if and when things go south. If you are staying with him solely because you've got no place to go, you need to look into other options. Additionally, you need to talk to a divorce lawyer. Just because you're living in his house doesn't mean he's off the hook for spousal support or can simply put you on the street. You have legal rights and entitlements. Don't allow yourself to be abused simply because you think you have no options.
  4. BarrySue

    stop the food funerals

    I did a food funeral, and I'm happy I did. In a way, it was similar to an actual funeral. It gave me a sense of closure, and it was a last rush of good feelings. It may not be for everyone, but I definitely needed it. I'm one of those unlucky people that can't tolerate most food, so I'm happy I got to indulge in some of my favorite meals before going under the knife. Food and flavor was a big part of memories, joy, social gatherings, and interactions. It's okay to acknowledge its place in our lives.
  5. BarrySue

    Day 5: miserable

    Of course you feel miserable-- you're walking 2 miles a day after getting an organ removed. I go to the dentist and let them drill without novocaine. I never take painkillers for aches or pains. I don't bother with stitches for cuts, I sterilize and glue them at home myself. But after my sleeve surgery, I was useless and in pain for five weeks. Sometimes it sucks, and there is no way to determine your body's reaction in advance. You will be miserable, and that's okay. Use these forums to vent, cry as much as you need to. Just know it gets better, and this experience will grow smaller and smaller in your memory until you forget why it was even a big deal. Hang in there. Edit: For constipation, you need tons of fluids. Meds won't work properly if you don't try to get as much Water as possible anyhow. The general progression is tons of water, then prune juice, then milk of magnesia/dulcolax (or any laxative + stool softener combo) as a last result. Constipation is normal when you're barely eating and post-op (anesthesia also paralyzes your digestive track, so it takes awhile to get everything moving).
  6. BarrySue

    Fairlife Milk

    Love Fairlife! It's not just lactose free, but they also filter out much of the sugar as well, making it a relatively low carb milk. After surgery, fairlife was the ONLY thing I could tolerate without vomiting for nearly a month (without it, I would've been stuck in the hospital). I loved that I could use diet hot cocoa mix for mornings, and then mix sugar free strawberry syrup with it when I wanted dessert. It's expensive, but I could always find them on sale for BOGO or 1-2 dollars off when I looked around. Walmart/Target and discount chains also carry them here in Florida, and Publix has promotions often.
  7. BarrySue

    Holiday Weight/Bloat!

    Traveling and disruption of routine can make the body do zany things, and you'd be surprised how easy it is for the body to go "Hey! Wouldn't it be cool to hang onto a few lbs of weight just in case?" Stress, even the good kind, will make your body do annoying things. I gained 4 lbs during an x-mas trip to Vegas, even though I stayed under 1k calories per day (though I did eat some candy). Within 10 days, it was gone along with another 4 lbs. Three weeks after, I'm down 15 lbs from my initial post-Vegas bump.
  8. BarrySue


    Your body is not a precise mathematical formula that calculates and measures your calories. It is a complex series of chemical reactions that vary wildly (and day to day) due to hormones, genetics, activity level, menstruation, age, gender, and a host of other factors. You will not lose weight in neat, exact increments, and often the journey isn't a steep slope, more ups and downs. Don't stress, don't lose sleep, your body will not defy science and operate on stubbornness alone (there is no one incapable of starving themselves to death). Eventually, you will lose weight so long as you stick to the plan. Remember that fat is not the only thing coming and going in your body. There are a lot of other materials being shuffled around, reassembled, hung onto and manufactured (Yep, your body can manufacture just about anything). If you're stuck, assess your plan (are you doing the recommended water/protein amounts?), chuck the bad stuff (eating too many carbs? Cheating, even if in small amounts? Eating one big meal instead of splitting things up?), and switch up your exercise routine (or start if you haven't).
  9. For those of us who started at a higher weight, it takes longer. I am an apple shape, and my clothing size didn't change for the first 80 lbs. Now, I lose a size every time I drop 10-15 lbs. Don't worry, you'll soon be approaching territory when things will start to change more dramatically. I still feel heavy and not much different, even though the change is becoming more dramatic now. I hold up smaller clothes and go "ugh, this is impossibly small and won't fit," but then it does with room to spare. It's like our brains still have the same sense of spatial awareness and can't comprehend the shrinking space out bodies occupy. Hang in there, it'll get better and the results will finally start to show in a way you can see.
  10. BarrySue

    Food food food

    Loaded up my plate at Christmas dinner so as not to feel awkward, figuring I could toss it later. But then all the dishes were collected and I kept being asked if the food was okay/was I still hungry/why did I not eat. Ah, holidays
  11. BarrySue


    It depends. They are easy to load up, taste good, and go down easy, so they are inherently dangerous and there is no good reason to have them unless your doc recommends it. I had severe GI issues about two months out and lost the ability to tolerate almost any foods, so I lived on PB crackers per doctor's orders (they didn't care what I ate, so long as I ate something. It was the only solid food I could tolerate for a while). Now, 2-3x per week I have a pack of Peanut Butter honey crackers, and those get to be my carbs for the day (24g carbs but 7g protein). It's too easy to slide into bad habits with them, so why bother for your first few months? You've worked hard to get this far. Screw crackers, you don't need them.
  12. Orlando, FL. The seedy underbelly of Mickey Mouse-ville.
  13. BarrySue

    NSV shout outs

    Other than that terrible Texans hat (hey, no one is perfect ), you're doing amazing! Keep on truckin'!
  14. BarrySue

    Stomach Spasms

    They are awful, they are normal, and they do pass. You'll get past this hump, OP! Hang in there.
  15. Look up the user BLERDgirl (you can use the search function). She is a vegetarian with strong vegan leanings, and she is making incredible progress on her weight goal.
  16. BarrySue

    NSV shout outs

    I just buckled my seat on a plane for the first time in 13 years. It was so amazing and I wish I could scream out loud when it happened (although my fellow passengers on the flight would be very confused/awkward).
  17. BarrySue

    GoFundMe accounts?

    I'm very happy you found another option, OP (I wish I had gone to Mexico and saved a bundle). I've thought about a gofundme account for future plastics, but ultimately decided against it for the following reasons: 1. I am ultimately responsible for the damage done to my body (weight is the luxury tax we pay on getting to eat whatever and however we want). 2. There are so many gofundme people out there needing money for limb prosthetics, death of family members, natural catastrophes, and terrible accidents over which they had ZERO responsibility and control. 3. I could still ask my friends/family to contribute money in lieu of gifts for x-mas, birthdays, etc. 4. Doing it because "it's a free country" despite the implications it has for my character, integrity, and personal responsibility is not okay with me. Good luck on your journey, OP. Hope to see you on the other side post-op!
  18. Why can't they invent clothing that magically shrinks with you?

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      What a good thing that would be. All we have now is hot water and a hot dryer, but not all fabrics succumb.

  19. Morbid obesity increases the likelihood of gallstones/gallbladder problems. Extreme weight loss increases the likelihood of gallstones/gallbladder problems. Combine the two, and you have a high rate of gallbladder failure or complications within the first year of surgery. Removing the gallbladder pre-emptively is common practice, and can reduce the risk of additional surgeries and other problems.
  20. I did self pay for around 15k here in Orlando, Florida. However, knowing what I know now about the safety, reliability, and high patient satisfaction of folks heading to Mexico, I'd go there if I could do it all over again (and save the extra money to put toward plastic surgery to remove loose skin).
  21. BarrySue

    Loose skin after surgery

    At your weight, yes, you will have lots of loose skin. So do I. It's a luxury tax we pay for being able to eat whatever we want over the course of our lives.
  22. BarrySue

    Dairy stops weight loss?

    No, no, and no. Read all the pseudoscience and quack natural theories you want, no legitimate science will ever link dairy and stalls. Not only is dairy okay (if you are lactose intolerant, you can get lactose filtered milk, and yogurt/cheese go through fermentation that can reduce lactose reaction), but it's a GREAT way to get both calcium and protein without the carbs.
  23. No lie, pre-op, I could eat an entire pizza (and frequently did). When I didn't do that, I'd order 2-3 meals at a time from restaurants or fast food joints and eat it ALL. Six months out, I can now comfortably eat 90% of one pizza slice. How times have changed!
  24. No one is entitled to your private health information or personal decisions. Feel no guilt, tell no one who you wouldn't trust with your life (and even then know something will likely slip). When people know you had surgery, they treat it like an invitation to ask personal questions and frankly make inappropriate or stupid comments that make me want to kill them.
  25. Answer: It depends. (anyone who tells you otherwise is lying) It all depends on your level of activity, total caloric intake, Protein intake, hydration level, individual metabolism, and frankly, a whole lot of "I'm your body and I'll lose more when I damn well please." Don't get discouraged. The 3 week stall is a rite of passage. You're one of us now.

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