I am just finishing day two of the liquids and my headaches are killing me. I am allowed h2o, broth, protein shakes and SF Popsicles or jello too. Oh and I can have chicken or a lean cuisine under 300 cal. once per day. I had chicken noodle soup tonight and ate a few of the noodles
What's the worst is the dang headaches!!! No excedrin allowed and Tylenol is not working as I hoped.
I did notice this morning that my tummy appears more "deflated" than usual so that's good! I am 235 so very close to you.
I am on day 11, 2 days left. The headaches are from detoxing. I cheated 2 times. One day I substituted 4oz. Chicken and a low carb veggie for a drink and it helped. The next time I cheated BIG time and had Chinese take out and spent the night vomiting. I don't recommend that. lol