Hi there. I'm fairly new to this forum but since everyone seems to be introducing themselves here's me: I'm 33, married, with 3 kids of my own and 1 stepson that lives with us. I'm in the DFW area, so shout out to jusme and crystal.
My best friend got banded 3 years ago and has done great. I was pregnant at the time so just congratulated her and kinda pushed it onto the back burner for me. Well, I've finally decided to go for it and DH seemed fine with it while I was just talking about it, but now that I just had my 1st appt., was told I should be able to be banded next month, I'm getting shit from him. He's fat too, so I don't know if he's afraid that I'll lose all this weight and not want him anymore or what. The thing is I know I'm not doing it for anybody but ME! To save my life actually. My dad died of his 3rd heart attack 10 years ago at the age of 48. Three years ago, my mom had cardiac bypass surgery and just a month ago had to have bypass on her femoral artery that was 100% blocked. So looking at my family history, it doesn't have anything to do with anyone but me. And making sure I'm there for my kids for a long time to come.
Whew! Thanks for letting me get that out, like ya'll had any choice!
Anyhoo! Hi everyone!