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About shalotta1974

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    Senior Member
  1. shalotta1974

    Trying to get to the onerland:

    Thank you so much...
  2. shalotta1974

    Trying to get to the onerland:

    You doing a great job I have the same problem with certain foods and get sick easy as well just keep doing whats best for your body remember everybody differnt. I exercise three times a week I do elliptical and I love it.
  3. shalotta1974

    Six months out with pics

    You look great how has your eating did it get better because I'm three months out and it's still a struggle to eat but I do my best did it get better over the months and protein shakes make me sick.
  4. shalotta1974

    May I get some advice?

    I have the same problem so I use Enemia every other day that seems to work for me.
  5. shalotta1974


    I still have real bad nausea and it's been 3 mos for me. I drink Blue Sky Seltzer Water from Wholefoods and it works great on my stomach and it's all natural. It's still a struggle eith me eating but I take it one day at a time. Hang in there it will get better but I know the feeling I was like that as well.
  6. ok I have been seeing alot of people talk about this strictures procedure and wondered what that was about. I have a appointment in September but if things keep going the way there I may go sooner. Thanks
  7. Hello I'm 2 months sleeved and my food intake is still a struggle the protein shakes make me sick now. Eggs don't agree with me so so I try to at least three spoons of yogurt when does it get better. Chicken agrees sometimes mu nausea is terrible and most of the time I throw up mu food. Any suggestions or recipes...
  8. shalotta1974

    Any NC sleeves!?

    My doctor at UNC is Dr. Overby he is the best I thought he was the only surgeon that did the weight loss procedure. Good Luck!!!
  9. shalotta1974


    Thanks staying positive about things is the key. I know what I signed up for and I'm going to continue to strive to lose the weight I want for my health. Thanks staying positive about things is the key. I know what I signed up for and I'm going to continue to strive to lose the weight I want for my health.
  10. shalotta1974


    I was wondering about the alcohol as well I had two sips of a wine cooler and no problems just got full so I guess moderation is the key and everybody differnt.
  11. shalotta1974

    Any NC sleeves!?

    Hello I'm from Chapel Hill got my surgery May 13 at UNC and I love my Doctor for the person who getting theirs dine at UNC Dr.Overby is the best good luck. The only problem I've had is really bad nausea abd constipation but it's gotten better. My food intake is still a work in progress but I'm eating more than I use to the key is exercise. Good Luck!!!!
  12. shalotta1974

    How do you know you're full?

    Ok thanks for the advice eggs don't agree with me they make sick everytime I try to eat them so I just eat Activia Greek yogurt for breakfast and lunch and dinner are the hardest meals because I have to make myself eat I do be hungry but just have a hard time finding something that want make me sick.
  13. shalotta1974

    How do you know you're full?

    Yes that's so true I'm at the 8 week mark and I'm still vomiting but I know it's a work in progress. My doctor told me to eat more leafy vegetables because I was constipated really bad but I don't think I'm ready for salads tried and I got sick. Have anybody tried pasta?
  14. shalotta1974


    They are all chewable but as soon as I take them th err u come back up the multi that is I don't even take their calcium it taste like chalk so I just went and bought some calcium chews from Walmart. How has your appetite been I'm still trying to introduce solids back into my diet.
  15. shalotta1974


    I take dissovable biotin,iron,and. calcium chews it's the muiltvitamin that I have a problem with. My b12 i d a nasal spary that i got from my gastric vitamins but i can't order that separate it have to order the whole kit and only take the iron pills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
