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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from FluffyChix in OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all   
    If I could see down there well enough to shave I wouldn't be needing the surgery!
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from FluffyChix in OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all   
    If I could see down there well enough to shave I wouldn't be needing the surgery!
  3. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from FluffyChix in OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all   
    If I could see down there well enough to shave I wouldn't be needing the surgery!
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    MIMISAN reacted to Sajijoma in It's been a whole year now, where did the time go?!?   
    It's been a whole year since I took control of my life and had RNY gastric bypass. I've had ups and downs and physical delay after delay(chronic Lupus flares, swollen joints, torn rotator cuff, loss of ability to use my right arm, etc), but here we are! It's been one year and I don't regret it for one moment! I am not where I want to be YET, but I will get there. Here are my stats: hw:429lbs sw:386 cw:220lbs
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from Omieliz in Surgeon says I should only focus on losing 50-70% of excess weight -Boo!   
    I had the surgery on March 1st and to this date I have only lost 54 pounds. Prior to surgery on my pre-surgery diet I kicked butt and lost 39 lb's but that was totally me, no surgery involved. Still that means my total loss so far is 93 pounds and I do look drastically different already.
    after surgery I was never sick, never queazy, no food made me feel bad and I have always been able to eat anything I tried to eat without ill effects. I also don't and never had a restriction on swallowing liquids. The only difference between you and me is that if I overeat in one sitting I do feel a restriction on the amount I can eat.
    At times I have felt a little cheated and wondered if the Dr. did enough or took enough of my stomach etc, because I was hoping for more help in the first few months because that's when they say you will lose the most.
    Now I realize that its going to be up to me. If I keep eating to many carbs (and I do) I am not going to continue to lose weight. It's a mental game and I had expectations that aren't realistic. I will have to do my own low carbing and just use the sleeve as a tool to assist. Once I realized this I felt better about it.
    I do look better, I do FEEL better and I do have to take responsibility for what goes in my mouth! LOL ( Damn it)
  6. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from Omieliz in Surgeon says I should only focus on losing 50-70% of excess weight -Boo!   
    I had the surgery on March 1st and to this date I have only lost 54 pounds. Prior to surgery on my pre-surgery diet I kicked butt and lost 39 lb's but that was totally me, no surgery involved. Still that means my total loss so far is 93 pounds and I do look drastically different already.
    after surgery I was never sick, never queazy, no food made me feel bad and I have always been able to eat anything I tried to eat without ill effects. I also don't and never had a restriction on swallowing liquids. The only difference between you and me is that if I overeat in one sitting I do feel a restriction on the amount I can eat.
    At times I have felt a little cheated and wondered if the Dr. did enough or took enough of my stomach etc, because I was hoping for more help in the first few months because that's when they say you will lose the most.
    Now I realize that its going to be up to me. If I keep eating to many carbs (and I do) I am not going to continue to lose weight. It's a mental game and I had expectations that aren't realistic. I will have to do my own low carbing and just use the sleeve as a tool to assist. Once I realized this I felt better about it.
    I do look better, I do FEEL better and I do have to take responsibility for what goes in my mouth! LOL ( Damn it)
  7. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from Omieliz in Surgeon says I should only focus on losing 50-70% of excess weight -Boo!   
    I had the surgery on March 1st and to this date I have only lost 54 pounds. Prior to surgery on my pre-surgery diet I kicked butt and lost 39 lb's but that was totally me, no surgery involved. Still that means my total loss so far is 93 pounds and I do look drastically different already.
    after surgery I was never sick, never queazy, no food made me feel bad and I have always been able to eat anything I tried to eat without ill effects. I also don't and never had a restriction on swallowing liquids. The only difference between you and me is that if I overeat in one sitting I do feel a restriction on the amount I can eat.
    At times I have felt a little cheated and wondered if the Dr. did enough or took enough of my stomach etc, because I was hoping for more help in the first few months because that's when they say you will lose the most.
    Now I realize that its going to be up to me. If I keep eating to many carbs (and I do) I am not going to continue to lose weight. It's a mental game and I had expectations that aren't realistic. I will have to do my own low carbing and just use the sleeve as a tool to assist. Once I realized this I felt better about it.
    I do look better, I do FEEL better and I do have to take responsibility for what goes in my mouth! LOL ( Damn it)
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from MizzKirz in Any 6 month nutrition people still hanging in their?   
    I started my 6 month supervised dieting in June also. I am eating low carb/hi Protein. What plan are you on?
    So far I have been very committed and I have lost 20 lbs. Lately I seemed to have stalled a little bit even though I am still eating the same way and I finally realized it is because I dropped off on my Water drinking. I must get use to drinking WATER!
    Keep at it, get committed, I know we can do this!
  10. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from OKCPirate in How to start again?   
    @OKCPirate I really like the audio book idea and I may try that. I listen to audiobooks in my car so I need to find one that I can use specifically for exercising.
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    MIMISAN reacted to OKCPirate in How to start again?   
    I trick myself by getting into an audio book I really like. But I don't let myself listen to it unless I am exercising. It seems to jump start things. I'm an odd duck on this though, but give me a good Tom Clancy novel and I am going to walk/run/lift for an hour or more.
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from onehappychick in Who do you want to be after?   
    I think I would like to be a pole dancer!
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from LindaLena in MyFitnessPal Buddies?   
    I am always worried about connecting up with someone else because I don't do much walking or anything and I would be embarrassed. LOL
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from Recycled in My rant for the day.   
    @Recycled You wouldn't me able to get out of my Dr. without the copay, they collect it upfront!!!
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from Recycled in My rant for the day.   
    @Recycled You wouldn't me able to get out of my Dr. without the copay, they collect it upfront!!!
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from Andrea72 in Binge watching a killer show.....   
    I could listen to Sam Elliot read the grocery list and get excited....that guy is so sexy that even the nasty mustache doesn't ruin him for me and I can't stand mustaches (even my own)
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    MIMISAN reacted to KindaFamiliar in Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?   
    I love you all like brothers...
    Albeit brothers with boobs and certain levels of inappropriate hotness...
    So I feel I can speak my mind...
    And here 'tis...
    If you lot can't find something better to do in mud than run thru it then I think you need to take a good, long look at yourselves...
    I know when I think of you lot and mud, running thru it is THE LAST thing that comes to mind...
    I apologise for hijacking your post...
    But not for my thoughts...
    They're much fun...
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    MIMISAN reacted to Daisee68 in Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?   
    Wow! GO you!! Can't wait to hear of your progress!
    I am not a runner but have always admired how free people looked when they ran. I actually "ran" (i.e. slow jog) on my treadmill a couple of times and outside a couple of times yesterday during my walk. (I'm talking maybe 30 seconds to a minute and then walked again.) Mostly I was amazed that I could do it at all and that felt good - except for all the jiggly bits! Think I may not try that again until I have been all nipped and tucked!
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    MIMISAN reacted to Andrea72 in Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?   
    I am 6 weeks out today and I feel fantastic. So much so that I just registered for my first ever half marathon in November. WTF? I don't run. A killer could be chasing me and I'd just lay down.
    To think just a few short weeks ago I was an emotional wreck and kicking myself for going through with the surgery, and now here I am feeling better than ever and registered for a freaking half marathon.
    Never in a million years did I think this could be my life.
  20. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from Recycled in My rant for the day.   
    @Recycled You wouldn't me able to get out of my Dr. without the copay, they collect it upfront!!!
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    MIMISAN reacted to Recycled in My rant for the day.   
    I can add to that........If I end up leaving the doctors office without paying the co-pay....I snicker to myself like I won some kind of challenge.........But then later, I get all irritated when a statement shows up in the mail with a bill for the missed co-pay.
    Yep.....guess I'm one of those people......
  22. Like
    MIMISAN reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Binge watching a killer show.....   
    I spent a few hours watching what I thought was a show about an Alaskan snowstorm on television, but it turned out to be my cable line was disconnected.

  23. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from WantToBe in Trying not to be angry   
    I was the 3rd child and 3rd daughter to a beautiful mother. She was no DIVA but she was/is beautiful. Unfortunately the first 2 daughters took after mother and I took after my dads side that wasn't so beautiful. I was just nothing that my mom was use to dealing with or that she really related to looks wise. By the time I was 12 I was wearing her clothes at 15 I was a size larger and bustier. I had straight hair and I was bigger boned and not delicate, they were smaller, more petite and mom could relate to them. I wasn't fat as a teenager but due to the constant comparison I felt to my sisters I FELT FAT. At 16 I was 36-26-35 .But felt ugly and huge.
    In reality mom was never intentionally nasty to me, I don't know that she made me feel bad on purpose but she didn't know how to comfort me when I approached her with body issues because to her I was bigger. What I needed was for her to say, your right you are nothing like me or your sisters but your beautiful in different way. Even if she lied convincingly that's what I needed to hear. Unfortunately no one has ever told me that and partially because I am not beautiful, but it would be nice for someone to say I was beautiful in a way that I truly felt they meant it.
    I am sure she didn't realize the importance of certain phrases or lack of certain words or realize they played a part in the person I became, just as I didn't realize how some things I said and did to my kids may affect them.
    That's the interesting thing about life - some of us have to learn the hard way and by the time we learn it feels like we missed out, but I have learned and I intend to enjoy the rest of my life with Zest, humor and love.
    Just realize you are the only person you can really control so enjoy who you are and people that emotionally support you.
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    MIMISAN got a reaction from 2016ismine in Need some feedback from the old pro's   
    I haven't been here for a couple of weeks but I guess that's a good thing. The truth is I haven't had one minutes trouble from my surgery or my sleeve and in some ways that makes me nervous. I guess I expected more discomfort and problems.
    I am now 8 weeks out. Have never had real pain, no nausea, no vomiting and seldom feel any real constriction. I can drink normally and I can take normal bites of food. I sometimes wonder if this is normal?
    I eat right, high Protein, low carb and SELDOM over step the serving size. Over eating is the only thing that causes me any unusual feelings and I get a little restriction in the upper belly or at what I consider the connection of the esophagus into the stomach.
    Right after surgery I was out of the gate flying and lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks, to me that was great and what I expected. Since then however my weight loss is VERY slow. In the last 5 weeks I have lost only another 8 pounds. This seems like very little to me even though I am happy to be losing at all. I just felt like I would be losing bigger chunks. Especially when I am eating under 1000 calories a day and low carbing.
    I can say that I see changes in my body (not all good) but I can see a difference, I just worry that this isn't going to work for me the way it seems to work for others. I guess what I need to know is whether my loss is normal or not. I am not unhappy just a little worried that I am doing something wrong. I see the PA and NUT on Thursday the 28th and I almost expect them to b***h at me for not losing more because it feels like I should have because I had WLS for goodness sake.
    HELP me shut my brain up!
  25. Like
    MIMISAN got a reaction from Georgia in Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement   
    I had a hysterectomy at 38 and I am now 62 so if I get a chunky butt after surgery I will have to claim it!

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