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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MIMISAN


    Anyone use a GARMIN gps running watch?

    I have the Garmin Vivofit 2 also. So far I really like it.

    Water and Obesity Connection

    I am a person that is constantly on the dehydrated side. I don't get thirsty easily and I never think to reach and get a glass or drink of Water. I don't hate water, I just am not a big DRINKER of anything. I have to force myself to drink things and with that in mind I have been overweight about 80 percent of my life. I do think there is a huge connection, and I need to DRINK water.
  3. Do any of you want to start a Facebook page for March Sleevers? I would be glad to try. If so send me your email addresses in private message and we can try it.

    March 2016 surgeries

    I am scheduled March 1st! Just ready to get it over with.
  5. I have my blood work on Feb 9th and my last meeting with the surgeon on Feb 12th, then start the pre-op diet on the 16th

    Switching my account

    My reason for going with an alias was because I didn't anyone I know to read my real weight! But then I decided that my skinny friends weren't likely to be trolling a Bariatric site and that I have to face the weight in order to lose it. So I used a name that my kids call me all the time. Now I added my real photo so it hardly matters.

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    I was around 190 at the time but pretty firm and curvy. Definitely not skinny but I didn't look obese (even though I felt it) Just to try to make real connections I did not want to surprise anyone so I put several pictures out so they should have any surprises and I never let anyone think I was little. At any rate here are some of the experiences I had while online in my mid forties. 1. This guy that was 6 ft, blond and blue eyes and it good shape met me at the zoo, he was suppose to be in his forties. He showed up wearing a work uniform which I could live with but, he was maybe 5'10", his hair WAS blond on the sides but he huge combover and it seemed dirty. He wore glasses and they were taped on the corner. Hmmm, that was a no from me. 2. Another guy showed up for a drink and I realized he walked with a limp and after questioning he admitted he had a wooden leg from the knee down on one leg. That wasn't a deal breaker but when he wanted to rent a hotel room to show me that it didn't affect him, that was a deal breaker. 3. One guy I had only talked to on the phone about 3 times He kept telling me about his wonderful house with a pool and told me he was having a big pool party with lots of important people attending. He asked me if I wanted to come and after a lot of pressure I said I would. The more I thought about it I decided not to because I didn't know him nor any of the people coming and I would be in a strange house and area of town. When I told him I wasn't coming he blew a gasket. He called me everything filthy that I had ever heard and said if he could find me he would beat the *$#% out of me. I was SOOOO thankful I had never told this person where I lived. What in the heck had he planned for that evening that I wasn't aware of. 4. Several married men that wanted a quickie and wanted our first meeting to be at a motel 5. One guy that was at least 20 years older and he showed up in what I called an old man jump suit. He could have been my father. He was nice but I wasn't interested at all and he immediately started pushing for a weekend away together. I very plainly told him that he was nice but I couldn't see a future for us so I wouldn't want to mislead him at all. He then offered to take me shopping after dinner. I shook his hand goodbye and didn't return any of his future calls. 6. I met another guy for lunch one day. He ended up being about 28 and when I showed up I asked him for first impressions and he said...you aren't THAT fat! LOL, I laughed in his face and told him to take some advice and never say that to any future dates. I also told him my impression of him was that he was a kid looking for a sugar mama and I wasn't that. But I let him buy my lunch and kidded with him for about an hour. Never saw him again, didn't want to 7. Lots of guys that just wanted to have phone sex. 8. I also met a couple of guys that were ok but either weren't interested in me because they somehow didn't care for me.(hard to believe, I know) or that I didn't click with for some reason. 9. I met 2 men that I could have had a major fling with because we had an immediate attraction but I know one was married and the other didn't want just one person in his life. Some of it was fun, some exciting, some heartbreaking, some downright scary, but thankfully I survived and ended up with my prince. The saying is true, You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming.

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Obviously some are there for the real thing or my husband and I would have never met!


    Ok is decaffeinated any better?

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    The truth is that most of the men on the dating sites and many of the women are just looking to hook up and they are just looking for Ms. Right Now, not Ms. Right. Those not looking for a quickie are looking to rip off your life savings, they don't care if they ruin your life But I have an interesting story too. When I was 45 I went middle aged crazy, lost a lot of weight and as someone mentioned above I really needed someone to tell me I was special and pretty etc.... I tried some free online sites and then heard about the Phone line service where men and women could call and leave a recorded profile and then you could listen to the profiles of others in their own voice and if you liked them you could leave them a message and so on. Well, I placed my profile and got several messages and it was interesting and fun because it was free and I had nothing else to do. The problem is that I begin to weed these guys out and realized pretty fast that the majority just wanted a sexual hookup. Some were down right scary, a few were normal guys that I actually met but they just weren't for me. They were either much older than they said, much uglier than they said, or more married than they said. HOWEVER, just as I was about to give up on that service I got a very short message from a gentleman that actually sounded like a nice guy and I decided to take a chance and meet him. We decided to meet at IHOP and he came up on his Harley complete with doo-rag and I was think.....awww hell no I'm no cycle mama. He came in and introduced himself and he wasn't a stunner but kind of sweet looking. He was skinny, I outweighed him by 50lbs even then. His wife had died of cancer the year before and he was about to head off on a motorcycle trip for a few days. Anyway, we had breakfast I really enjoyed the time and I thought he did too, we were there for probably 2 hours. When he left I went home and realized I had a nice time and a free Breakfast so it was worth the morning anyway. About 4 days later I got a call from him asking me out and I said yes. We went to a flea market and out to lunch and again had a good time. We spent much of that day together. Within 2 weeks I knew I wanted this guy in my life. That was 1997 -we became exclusive and a year later I moved in with him. 2 Years later we were married and we have now been married for 15 years. This guy is a prince, he is kind and supportive and caring and has a fabulous sense of humor which is a blessing because I am KARAZY. I love him to pieces and he treats me better than I deserve. The funny part of this whole deal is that after we moved in together I was reading an article in the paper and they mentioned this service as a PHONE SEX LINE! LOL That answered a lot of niggling questions about the weirdos that left messages. Apparently even though it was free for women, the men had to pay by the MINUTE and my husband never knew that either because he had used it on a free promotion just to try to meet a nice woman. If you knew my hubby you would know he was being truthful. All I can say is that GOD was watching over me.

    Whinge du jour

    Fortunately mine was in the early A.M. That stinks having to wait all day
  12. I know this sounds nutty but years ago when I was on a diet called Protein power, I am sure that there was a section that mentioned stalls. One suggestion they had was donating blood because that tended to put your body back to work to replace the blood and that it can many times pull you through a stall. If this is true WONDERFUL and if not....WONDERFUL, the blood helps someone.

    March 1,2016

    Get back to your diet and you will be fine, My surgery date is March 1st too!
  14. WOW, I am sure you are contented. You are kicking butt and I am proud of you.

    MyFitnessPal Buddies?

    I am always worried about connecting up with someone else because I don't do much walking or anything and I would be embarrassed. LOL

    Anyone getting VGS Feb 29th?

    I will be hot on your heels because I am scheduled for March 1st!
  17. Yesterday I purchased this at the local grocery here. I was looking for an unflavored powder that I could ad to anything but unflavored is HARD to find locally. Anyway I went ahead and bought this because I am sure I will need it or something like it after my surgery. I also thought it wouldn't hurt me to try to get use to it prior to the necessity. Anyway, I put one cup of almond milk cold out of the fridge and I hefty scoop of this powder and mixed it up on my blender. It actually blended very well and really didn't have a nasty after taste. I can see that with experimentation I should be able to use this in shakes, baking and other ways both before and after surgery. 1 scoop is 90 calories - with 20 Proteins and no carbs.
  18. They are really wonderful animals and you're probably right. I know that when my 6 month old great grandchild visited at Thanksgiving I was amazed how gentle she was around him. She seemed to know that she should not be rough. Thanks for the pep talk.@@2goldengirl Now I know what your name means!

    Alcohol- beware.

    Since I don't enjoy alcohol now I can only hope it stays that way, but I would surely try to avoid it for 6months or more just so my stomach would heal.
  20. @ssflbelle Your surgery date is coming soon isn't it? Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.

    Things I Didn't Know Before Weight Loss Surgery

    Just look at it this way@@scarletwitch19, while your co workers are tearing you apart they are leaving someone else alone. Consider it your sacrifice for others. You can never make everyone happy.

    The truth is, I failed

    If you are grazing on junk food I would think you are in the process of throwing away this opportunity. Why is Protein food yuck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
