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Jennifer Ostermeier

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jennifer Ostermeier

  1. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Anyone getting VGS Feb 29th?

    My name is jennifer Lin! ???? Where do you get injury? How about tasteless protein powder?
  2. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Any FEBRUARY sleevers?!

    I'm in Chicago.
  3. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Anyone getting VGS Feb 29th?

    I haven't tried any of their products yet. I also think the name of their company is little strange very close to the word injury. Anyway so glad to have found a couple of folks to connect with in this next month of the journey. I can't believe it. I'll be sleeved on the 22nd of next month.
  4. Jennifer Ostermeier

    The truth is, I failed

    I second what you are saying here!!! too suffer from binge eating disorder, as well as alcoholism. I'm scheduled to be sleeved in February. I went through intensive outpatient therapy later last year as I got closer to being cleared for surgery for exactly this reason. Dysfunctional eating will not be cured by getting this surgery. You need help. You've been given a physical tool, but you haven't been given the mental tools and resources to learn how to cope with the urges and the emotional eating that you have used in your life. I just want you to know you are not alone. This is not your fault. You sound like you're beating yourself up. This is a genuine disorder. You need help. What's great is once you get the emotional support you need, you have a fantastic tool in hand, or in abdomen ????, to help carry you through to your physical goals. I wish you all the luck. I don't know where you're located but if you look for eating disorder programs there are a few around the country. Best of luck. You aren't alone. And this isn't your fault.
  5. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Any FEBRUARY sleevers?!

    Feb 22
  6. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Anyone getting VGS Feb 29th?

    I'm scheduled on the 22nd. Getting some jitters. Would love some support.
  7. Jennifer Ostermeier

    February 2016 sleevers?

    I'm Feb 22!!
  8. Jennifer Ostermeier

    December 2015 or January 2016 sleevers ?

    I've got a date! 2/22!! Super excited.
  9. In June when they hospital ran my initial blood work I came back positive for h. pylori which wasn't surprising because I lived in 3rd world countries for a few years in my younger days. It is actually pretty common here as well. I was put on an 10 day intensive round of antibiotics. Yesterday I had my endoscopy and the results were that my esophagus was normal, but that there was erethematous mucosa in the incisura, antrum and perpyolric region of the stomach that was biopsied. In my mind my friends, I have catapulted myself into full blown stomach cancer. So, once I back myself off of that ledge, what does this mean for surgery? I have no idea and of course have to wait for pathology. I just have no idea what this all means. Is this something that could stop getting the sleeve permanently? Anyone else out there with a similar story?
  10. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Endoscopy (EGD) slowly freaking out here

    Thanks for the feedback. Just don't want to derail this train!!!
  11. I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder in 2008. I thought I had really "dealt" with it, but turns out it was only the tip of the iceburg! More about my journey here. I started the gastric sleeve process in May 2015 at Northwestern University. I have been impressed with the doctors, the nurses, the nutritionists, and the recommended psychological evaluators for surgical approval. In late October I was approved for surgery. With that approval came fear. Fear that I needed to make sure I had completely dealt with the hidden binge and overeating addict within. I needed to face the fact that there were many times that I was stuffed beyond fullness and I couldn't keep away from another handful of M&Ms. I am a month into an intensive outpatient therapy for disordered eating. I am kicking this thing in the ass. Next week I go in for endosopy to prep for surgery once I am released from therapy (in the next 2 weeks or so) I am happy for the journey and have really learned a ton about my head hunger and the self defeating stories I tell myself about the impossibilities of certain "glittery" foods. I'd love to hear about ways you have dealt with food addictions, binge addictions pre and post surgery. Both success and failures.
  12. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Head Hunger - Binge Eating Disorder

    I suggest seeing someone, a counselor, who specializes in eating disorders. You can do this side by side with the approval process for the sleeve. Recovery is possible. I am on my way ????.
  13. I have a binge eating disorder and have been working with the issues tassociated with bingeing through herapy, intensive outpatient work, group participation and a few other things mixed in there. I have been approved to be sleeved. I plan to continue work on this issue both pre and post surgery. I am curious, have any of you suffered from disordered eating prior to surgery and how you deal with that now? ​
  14. Jennifer Ostermeier

    Disordered Eating (Binge, Compulsive, etc)

    Thanks so much for your quick reply. I took a look at the string you started earlier as well. I am interested to see if there are people who feel like they have overcome their eating disorder. Or is eating disorder recovery similar to alcohol recovery… Something we have to do for the rest of our lives. Just curious. I am doing DBT therapy as well. Trying to get as much in on the front end, prior to surgery, so that post surgery. I am really starting to think that I will never be able to stop seeking outside resources.
  15. Jennifer Ostermeier

    What was the final straw to decide this?

    I'm brand new on this forum and am 2 months into the process. It really helps to read your tips and ideas about this surgery. I am on 2 different hypertension medictions, a statin and an antidepressant. If I can just get rid of a few of these I would think the surgery was a success. Thanks again for all of your posts. @@muzical1

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