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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Kayotic

  1. I have HORRIBLE gas pain! It sits at the top of my stomach and the pain increases up to my shoulder where it is excruciatingly painful. Walking makes me nauseous. My meds make me nauseous, even my nausea pill makes me nauseous! All that sounds good is egg drop soup but my sister is being a turd and refuses to give it to me even with the stuff drained out of the broth...
  2. Before I left the hospital the RN gave us a sheet of paper saying what's allowed in the liquid phase. She's just trying to make sure I don't go back to the hospital. But she's sticking strictly to the paper and none of it tastes right. I'm still drinking what she's giving me but all I want is egg drop soup. It sounds amazing.
  3. It's Monday and Surgery is on Thursday. The liver shrinking diet is killing me... today I broke down and drank pickle juice and ate a few pickles. Does anyone know if this is bad?
  4. Kayotic


    Awkward answer: if you are able to; on the bed or floor, get on your hands and knees and put your butt in the air... see if that helps.
  5. I'm still in the surgical weight loss class. I have 2 more left, then the wait for a surgery date. I'm stressed because A LOT has decided to go on in my life right now and I'm just trying to keep myself afloat right now... I figured I should find a way to talk to people who understand what I'm going through. So we'll see how this one works out.
  6. Kayotic

    Just venting a bit.

    Thank you so much for your kind words... Best of luck with surgery! I hope everything goes great. I still have a few months to go, my estimated surgery time is end of July to early/mid August. Which sucks job/school/life schedule wise, but I'm slowly coming up with a game plan.

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