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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Megdelyn

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/03/1972

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  1. Megdelyn


    I didn't get hunger pain, but I did get a weak, woozy feeling if I didn't eat every 2-3 hours when I was 3 months post op. I can go longer now because I am eating more regular food, but I still need to eat more often.
  2. Megdelyn

    Alabama sleevers!

    I'm in B'ham too.
  3. Megdelyn

    They won't help themselves...

    @@VSGAnn2014 - you expressed my sentiments in such a humorous manner - thank you! As someone who stuck my head in the sand for a long time, I can vouch that until I was ready to do something about it, anything anyone said fell on deaf ears. Maybe not totally deaf - maybe just partially deaf since some of what I heard had time to circulate round my brain for a while until I was ready to take action. It also annoys me when people complain and complain and never take action to change their situation. Now, I like to complain too, but I also like to take action. For example, let me tell you about my underwear problem. My bras are just too big now - they make bra extenders, why not bra shrinkers? I have the cutest hot pink bra that just started fitting in the cup a few weeks after surgery and now the band is too big and it's soooo annoying. But my husband sure likes it when I take it off....
  4. Megdelyn

    Article about the Youtube video - Dear Fat People

    Nice blog post, Jeff. I haven't seen that video, though I've read about it and seen a few vlogs in response. (In particular, the one from Whitney whateverhernameis with the show on TLC - and that bothered me more than what's purportedly in the original video.) Why I like your post is because, well, it's real. You don't shy away from the fat issue. It always bothers me how people dance around my weight - as if I don't know I'm fat and they're afraid to be the one to point it out, or something. Find me a fat person who doesn't know they're fat! Really.
  5. Yes. This. Exactly. It's tempting to believe, "If you only knew what I know then you'd make the same choice" but it's simply not true. It comes down to this: we only make a change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of making the change. Each of us reach that point in our own way, in our own time. Maybe if you share your plans it could affect how your friend looks at her own weight loss. Maybe it won't. If she's being passive about seeking out information then I doubt you would have much influence.
  6. Ah yes, this is the question that came to mind when I read your post. We all have extensive histories of losing and gaining weight. I've lost 50 pounds before. And gained 75. What finally brought me to surgery was acceptance that I couldn't do it on my own. I was never going to lose enough weight AND KEEP IT OFF without the surgery. Sounds to me like you have your answer. But some positive support can't hurt, right? So yes, if I were in your position I would still have the surgery. I'd be scared. Each time you go into the OR there's a risk. I was scared with my surgery, too. And I understand why your family wants to say "leave it well enough alone" - they're scared too. But burying one's head in the sand isn't a solution. Even if lightening should strike twice, would you rather know it? Not to mention that yes, you are still overweight, and yes, you still need the weight loss surgery. Better to do it now than wait another 5 years. Best of luck, no matter what you decide.
  7. Megdelyn


    We have an employer-insured plan administered by Cigna so I don't know how in compares to Cigna sponsored plans. But I did have to wait 7 months.
  8. Megdelyn

    Alabama sleevers!

    Where are you? There's a bunch of us on here!
  9. I wonder if what you are experiencing isn't hunger at all. I also take omeprazole for reflux, and when I don't take it I find myself eating a lot more frequently. In part because eating pushes the acid down, but I also misinterpret the bubbly feeling as hunger.
  10. Megdelyn

    May Sleevers, How much?

    May 26 too! Down 70 pounds total. And we just got back from Disney World!
  11. Megdelyn

    Confused hunger and gas?

    I found that hunger feels a lot different now. I've had a lot more heartburn since surgery and I find myself eating too often because I'm mistaking the gas/acid for hunger. As time goes on, it gets easier to tell the difference.
  12. Megdelyn

    Current sleevers in Alabama?

    Have you called AWLS? They have experience with lots of different insurance and can probably give you better information on how often they get approvals from your type.
  13. I do my best. But there are things I don't do, such as abstaining from Water 30 minutes before and after eating. I can't do that. I can't wait that long. I'll wait 10 minutes. And it's not like I'm guzzling down the fluids to flush out my pouch. But if I'm going to get my 64oz in, I need every minute. Not drinking 3 hours every day adversely impacts this. And I "cheat" on occasion. But I'm surprised that my cheating isn't all that satisfying. For example, I had a doughnut the other day. Yes, so totally not recommended. But I ate it. And I enjoyed it. But one was enough. And I'm not sure that I would choose to have a doughnut again. I'd rather lose weight.
  14. Megdelyn


    LOL! We didn't get fat by drinking Water all day.

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