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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MissAKY

  1. MissAKY

    Image 1

    From the album: MissAKY

  2. MissAKY

    IMG 5767

    From the album: MissAKY

  3. MissAKY

    IMG 6241

    From the album: MissAKY

  4. MissAKY

    IMG 6486.PNG

    From the album: MissAKY

  5. MissAKY

    Halloween Challenge!

    @stepp I cannot find my original post of my weight. CW 228.6
  6. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    Thank you so much for your positive thoughts. Surgery went well. I had some post op complications from human error. Spent 2 nights in El Camino Hospital. My 1st week post op was a little rough. Doing a lot better now. Went with my mom yesterday and got a medical alert tattoo
  7. Hey Sleevers, I joined this side of the journey Monday afternoon. I've had a few speed bumps since and looking for some advice. My surgeon "forgot" to list morphine as my drug of choice instead of dilaudid (sp?). Well, I ended up being on dilaudid for 8 hours making me super sick (vomiting excessively). When this occurred, I would puke to the right side of my body. For the past few days, my sutures on the left side have been very painful. It feels like they're constantly pulling and burning. Pain meds are ok but I'm concerned I pulled a muscle or something serious. There is a minor bulge (emphasis on minor) but not sure if there is something I can do for pain relieve or comfort. This makes walking extremely uncomfortable. I have been constantly icing it to try and relieve pain. This is pretty freaking rough. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks so much.
  8. Getting sleeved Monday at 1:30p - 11:30a check in? Anyone else an emotional hot mess? I think it's the lack of food from the past 2 weeks. Aaaaaagggggghhhhhh - Just trying to stay hydrated and make it through these past couple of days.
  9. I made it out alive. I had a massage Monday before my 11:30a check in at the hospital. My surgery was scheduled for 1:30p, but wasn't rolled into surgery until 4:30. At this point I was a grumpy bitch. Woke up pretty rough in recovery. I was extremely nauseous and vomiting for the better part of the night until 4am. We figured it was because my doc forgot to change my pain meds from Delodid (sp?) to Morphine. Once I was put on morphine, it was the difference between night and day. I feel 110% better. I've been able to keep fluids down. I'm loving the diet cranberry juice - it goes down the ease and super yummy! Anticipating to be discharged tomorrow. My surgeon was very impressed with the shrinkage of my liver and stomach. In fact it was the smallest liver and stomach he has seen in 17 years of bariatric surgery. I was pretty stoked to hear that ???????????????? Here are my battle wounds. Five, small 1"ish incisions. The purple is his measurements.
  10. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    I'm in Mountain View. Where are you having your surgery?
  11. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    I'm Ali. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Where are located?
  12. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    Congrats on your new journey, Heidi. I don't want to be discouraging in anyway, but usually you have to jump through several hoops before you get a surgery date. If you're self pay, it's a whole different ball game. Just to give you some insight. I met with my surgeon end of May 2015. I did the required labs, barium test, chest x-ray, and saw the nutritionist 3 times. I also attended two orientations (PAMF requirement). I also chose to attend support groups, which has been great. From start to approval date for surgery: May 26 - Sept 18 Surgery date Oct 12 I was required to lose 10% of my excess body weight - 12 lbs I'm currently down almost 30 since I start this journey Best of luck and if you'd like to see my journey - follow my blog FromAtoSleeve.blogspot.com
  13. I'm ready for it to be here. A friend who was sleeved last November suggested smoking or vaporizing a little pot to help me sleep. I am contemplating that now.
  14. I know! When I had knee surgery back in 2004, my check in was at 11:30a. It sucked so bad. The morning of my surgery I have a massage, then home to shower with the special soap my doctor gave me and off to the hospital. It's about 4 miles from my house.
  15. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    I think at this point, I'm just anxious to get it over with. Plus the lack of food is horrible. I know post surgery I won't be hungry, which is great, but for now, it's torturous. I'm not sure of your age, but with the rapid weight loss, I have been spotting for the past month. Could also be that I started depo (shot) in August. Not sure. Just keep an eye out for that.
  16. MissAKY

    Pre op diet HUNGRY

    I'm on day 13 of all liquid. Doing just Clear liquids now and surgery on Monday morning. I have no energy to do anything. All I can do is walking the dogs, reading and sleeping. Went to the movies with friends today and wanted to murder everyone with popcorn. I have had the weirdest food cravings like vienna sausage - I wouldn't not be caught dead with these - EVER. Milk of magnesium tomorrow and Sunday. I think its fair to hole myself off from the rest of the world. I am such a hellacious female dog right now. Not to mention, an utter emotional mess. This rapid weight loss has all my cycle all freaked out. Can Monday just get here already?
  17. MissAKY

    My wedding rings during surgery

    This has ALWAYS worked for me. Couldn't get my class ring off when I had an allergic reaction and my hand swelled up. Try this out.
  18. I can't believe it's almost here - Monday can't come fast enough. Just picked up my post-op meds - pain, anti-acid, gallbladder reliever, and anti-nausea. I am starting all Clear liquids tomorrow and doing a double dose of milk of magnesium - Saturday and Sunday to make sure I'm all ready to rumble (no pun intended) on Monday.
  19. Bstillnknow0309@gmailtropical37@gmail.com aky.gaiety@gmail.com
  20. Hey Sleevers, I am having my surgery on Monday, Oct. 12. I have to be on a flight to DC on Tuesday, Oct. 27. What are your thoughts on flying 2 weeks post op?
  21. MissAKY

    Surgery date is Monday 10/5

    That's completely normal. When you had surgery, they inflated your abdomen with gas, it typically releases from the shoulder area. Walking always helps release the gas, as does sitting up. It should only last 2-4 days max.
  22. You're not going to fail. You're going to do just fine. Keep your head high - tell people who you feel will be your support system. I have a few at work. We get daily custom free lunch, so I have given it to the people who have helped me on my journey. For me, the first 3-5 days were THE HARDEST. I was particularly grumpy and (still) have little to no energy. You can do it!! Stay hydrated and have a shake when you're hungry.
  23. Thanks. It's actually my blog, but happy you're enjoying it. Please continue to follow.
  24. Those jerks :-D Maybe they're having a manufacturing issue. Very interesting though. I can't stomach paying more than $35/40 for Protein. So the deal on Amazon was great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
