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About her1981

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 11/03/1981

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  1. I really try not to compare myself to others, but I'm feeling jealous of the people who drop weight quickly. Especially when they weigh like 100 pounds less than me.

    1. jane13


      ok. I am jealous that you have lost over 50lbs. in a month....

    2. jane13



      oops forgot to add smiley

    3. catwoman7


      there are so many things that can affect how quickly you'll lose - age, gender, how much you have to lose, whether or not you lost weight before surgery, etc. I've been a slow loser, so I can relate, but as long as you're sticking to the plan, what more can you do? Your body's going to lose as slowly or as quickly as it wants to, and you only have so much control over that. As long as you're following the plan, you should be fine.

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