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About her1981

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 11/03/1981

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  1. I currently weigh more than most people starting weights, and yet I feel so awesome! This is why I don't compare myself to others. What's good for you is not always good for others.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      It is so hard sometimes to read people talk about what fat whales they were at the weight I am at currently, and how they couldn't do xyz. When I feel great at this weight and I can do basically anything I want to. That is just our lot when we start out at a really high BMI. I wish at 130lbs down I was in wonderland, but I'm not, I still have a long way to go. I try not to let it get me down, and that is one of the reasons it is good to take a break from forums. This micro WLS world, isn't reality. I'm regular chunky to thick for an African American, but in the broader american culture I'm still fat. If I never lost anymore weight, I'm good at a 14/16. Still aiming for that Gucci size 12 though.

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