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About her1981

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 11/03/1981

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  1. I currently weigh more than most people starting weights, and yet I feel so awesome! This is why I don't compare myself to others. What's good for you is not always good for others.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. her1981


      I'm so with you. In my world, I'm still fat, but I'm like an "acceptable" fat now. I told myself if I just get down to 250 I could be happy. That's 185 less than my starting weight. OF COURSE I could be happy there. I'm just amazed that people start at even less than that have such poor health and quality of life. Again, that's why I can't compare myself. It's too easy to become discouraged.

    3. ProudGrammy


      152 lbs gone - you better feel awesome and proud!!!!nice pics. keep up the great job, while your weight continues to go down!! good luck - congrats - kathy

    4. pr_pitbullgrl


      exactly! you should feel awesome at any weight is what they tell us and really we should. and you even more so for the accomplishments you've attained thus far! :)

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