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About her1981

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 11/03/1981

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  1. Moving along.... I guess this last 50-60 pounds is not going to come off as "easily" as the first 150+. But I have to laugh because I can not complain, at all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Djmohr


      Yes, you are right. Isn't it strange how that works? I think the last 30 is the worst and you have to work your butt off to get it but it can be done. It just depends on how badly you want it because you will have to work hard to get there. Be diligent on your food plan and keep moving your body. I honestly did not think I would ever lose all of my weight but I did and even a few pounds more. Best of luck to you! Chin up, focus on and move on forward!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Hey, stop that. What matters is that they will come off. You'll get there. All of you!

    4. Valentina


      No complaining allowed!!! :) It's taken me 5years, but my weight is still going down----SLOWLY, but...

      I am content...

      Great job, Girlfriend.

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