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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by her1981

  1. Ugh! I don't know why my sleeve hates eggs!!! Every time I eat them, I feel like I need to puke. Which sucks because I really like(d) eggs. :-(

    1. Chianti


      Give it some time, you might be able to stomach eggs later on...it happened to me :-)

    2. her1981


      @Chianti I figured by now my stomach would not be so temperamental. Guess I was wrong.

    3. menaegle


      I can no longer it tuna fish. I really like(d) Tuna and have a bunch but every time I eat it I get sick. I am praying with time I will be able to eat Tuna again.


  2. her1981

    Out The 400 Club

    Congrats to you. I was the exact same way. Getting under 400 was big for me. Once I got under 300, I was in total disbelief. Celebrate each and every milestone!
  3. her1981

    down 57 lbs 4 weeks out

    That's amazing! Congrats!
  4. her1981

    I hate it when people say...

    I lost XXX pounds and I didn't even have to have surgery to do it!! Every time I see/hear it, I can't roll my eyes hard enough! Why does it matter?? Surgery is not the easy way out! You still have to watch what you eat! I am living proof. I just want to say, "so, good for you and stfu"! ugh! OK, rant over.
  5. Just when I thought I had it all figured out.........

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Well like @OKCPirate said, you have recognized it, so you can take action. Find someone to talk to and find an OA meeting if you can. There should be plenty in the Chicago area.

    2. her1981


      Definitely won't be going to OA again, lol! I need one on one therapy.

    3. VSGAnn2014


      Good (and fast) response, @her19891 . BTW, you're such a smart cookie.


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  6. I'm starting to obsess over food again. I need a hobby.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. deadmanwalking


      hell I could probably write one! a really good one too! 60 shades of oldbriannomore hahaha!

    3. her1981


      Definitely. We actually read one together, once. It was super raunchy, lol. It was a VERY good week.

    4. KristenLe
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  7. her1981

    Low carb

    Even with the sleeve I've had to stay low carb to lose. I can't tell you how frustrating it is. At a year out if I eat carbs (even a few) I gain like 5 pounds in one day. Yes it's Water weight, but then it takes me 2 weeks to re-lose it. Talk about maddening! I was low carb before surgery, but my stomach was a bottomless pit, so I couldn't lose enough. For lunch, I had/have a salad pretty much everyday. I pre-cook chicken breasts on Sunday and then eat them everyday with a combo of veggies and a lite dressing. It's not exciting, but it gets the job done.
  8. Struggling to fight the food cravings this weekend! Jesus be a fence (and some self control)!

    1. jane13


      carrots and lite bleu cheese for me :)

    2. her1981


      Carrots have saved me from myself many times!

    3. Daisee68


      Well you did better than I did then! I gave in to the cravings I am afraid! Still WAY less than I would have in the past, but still..... Start a new job tomorrow and the anxiety is getting to me. So kudos to you my dear for sticking it out with the carrots!! You got this!

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  9. her1981

    I hate it when people say...

    @@B1essed1 I would agree that the losing process is easier, but the willpower, mental, emotional, social stuff is not. Even still, I have no regrets.
  10. The awkwardness for me comes when people ask how much I've lost. They start trying to figure out how much I started as most people don't guess that I was over 400... And I don't really want them to know, so of course I make up some other number. Or when people ask me how I'm losing all this weight. I don't disclose all my personal business so, it's tough for me. Also in my noisy stomach after meals. It waits till I'm in meetings at work to make THE MOST noise!
  11. her1981

    I hate it when people say...

    @@Daisee68 hijack anytime! I am just so annoyed lately by all things related to weight loss.(except bariatricpal, lol), I've had to hide various weight loss groups on fb cuz I just couldn't take the foolery anymore. I think the bonus here is that I can choose what I want to look at.
  12. That feeling when you're no longer self-conscious, walk with your head high, love how you look (in clothes, lol), and no one can tell you ANYTHING. I still got plenty work to do, but I'm definitely feeling myself. Happy Tuesday!

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Keep that head high! You have done great.

  13. My first "real" stall. Same weight for about 6 weeks. Not totally discouraged, but it's annoying. Dr says stop eating the same thing everyday, so I'm going to try mixing it up. Here goes!

    1. Valentina


      I feel your frustration. I blame any grey hair I have on stalls. Let me know if your new plan works. Good luck, Friend! :)

    2. Djmohr


      Changing things up for me always seemed to break my stalls and I had many before reaching goal. It still will be frustrating.....but be patient, you will get there.

    3. Chianti


      I had that same problem, I changed up the foods I ate, added more high protein shakes and smoothies and tried my best to walk over 10k steps 5 days a week and my stall broke. Went from 240 lbs. on 7/12/16 to 235.6 as of today!!! You can do it, stay encouraged and if you need someone to chat with, I'm here!

  14. her1981

    Let the rant begin...

    Is that a new dress or an old dress that you’re fitting back into? (why does it matter?) How much weight have you lost?! And then she starts guessing!!! (NOYB) How much more are you trying to lose cuz you look really good now? (Still NOYB) You look so much younger since you've lost weight. (gee, thanks) I bet your feet don't hurt as much. (how would you know they hurt in the first place? RUDE!) What are you eating to lose weight? (this didn't bother me) I noticed at our luncheon last week that you only ate the tops off the pizza. (food police?) All this was asked/said to me at work this morning. I don't even talk to these people that much. Geez!!!! I have to rant at least once a week, LOL! Just tell me I look good and keep it moving. Happy Monday!
  15. Everyone's an expert. I'm staying in my lane.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Uh-oh, but smart decision.

    2. Valentina


      Just make sure you're in the "fast lane". :) You GO, girl!!!!

    3. kmorri


      Yes indeed!! and they all know more than the last expert. haha

  16. @scampbell33 Premier Protein now has a banana flavored shake. It's great! http://shop.premierprotein.com/Premier-Protein-Bananas-and-Cream-Shake/p/PREM-715023&c=PremierProtein@shakes
  17. her1981


    Regarding carbs and fat, I think you have to monitor your body's response. I found that after surgery I couldn't and still can't tolerate carbs and lose weight, thanks to insulin resistance and metabolic impairment.... even with a 500 calorie per day intake. So while the nutritionist made certain recommendations for me (80 grams of carbs per day), in the end, I had to craft my own plan (30 grams or less). Do I eat crackers? Yes, sometimes. Do I lose weight if I eat them? NEVER! Only you can truly determine what's going to work for you.
  18. her1981

    Liquid diet with BED

    Ditto @@Inner Surfer Girl . The broth saved me because I just wanted flavor. Maybe ask your nutritionist for a pre-op diet you can actually eat on. It's not much food, but it's enough to keep you sane. I used it because I found myself struggling on liquid only.
  19. her1981

    I'll try to be brief....I just need to vent

    Thanks all for the encouragement. I'll continue to encourage her as well.
  20. A couple weeks ago, my sister in law was at my house going through my old clothes to see what she could fit and was saying how great I looked. I told her how great the sleeve has been for my health and really my overall happiness. She goes on to say, well idk about getting the sleeve because I don't want all that loose skin.... I'm thinking ok, you'd prefer to walk around with all the fat-filled skin???? And for the record, other than my arms, I look pretty good. Then she goes on to talk about all the stuff she doesn't wanna give up. Keep in mind, she's about 5'3 and 380 pounds. I'm pretty sure she has sleep apnea. She falls asleep at the drop of a dime and is tired from doing virtually nothing. You can hear her breathing when she's just sitting or standing still. She's bottom heavy and her legs are like tree trunks. The don't appear to bend. Anyway, she got into a car accident and couldn't fit in the machine for the mri. She called me talking about how mortified she was, and asked me to help her lose weight. So we talked about eating right and what she can do to get started, but she has not made a single effort to improve her eating habits - talking about how "expensive" it is to eat healthy. I went to see her yesterday and she had just eaten an entire bag of chips and then ate a Chipotle bowl and then fell asleep within 10 minutes of eating it. I just sat there in awe.... So after she was asleep for about 30 minutes, I just left. I shutter to think that was me a year ago. I wonder if I was ever "that bad". I probably was. It was so hard to watch. I'm glad I made the choice to get sleeved.
  21. Still 280.....I'm not giving up though!
  22. Moving along.... I guess this last 50-60 pounds is not going to come off as "easily" as the first 150+. But I have to laugh because I can not complain, at all!

    1. Djmohr


      Yes, you are right. Isn't it strange how that works? I think the last 30 is the worst and you have to work your butt off to get it but it can be done. It just depends on how badly you want it because you will have to work hard to get there. Be diligent on your food plan and keep moving your body. I honestly did not think I would ever lose all of my weight but I did and even a few pounds more. Best of luck to you! Chin up, focus on and move on forward!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Hey, stop that. What matters is that they will come off. You'll get there. All of you!

    3. Valentina


      No complaining allowed!!! :) It's taken me 5years, but my weight is still going down----SLOWLY, but...

      I am content...

      Great job, Girlfriend.

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  23. her1981

    People and their big mouths

    No worries, she'll be eating her words at the next family function.
  24. Since surgery, I lose my train of thought quite often. I am terribly forgetful now, but I used to NEVER forget anything. I struggle trying to recall things like my social security and phone number every now and then. I sometimes struggle to do simple math in my head. I also struggle to focus on small tasks. It's getting embarrassing. I'm wondering if it's the lack of calories. Anyone else have this problem? FYI, I'm 4 months post op.

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