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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by _Kate_

  1. Glue and strips. No issues with them and you can hardly see the scars now! Kate
  2. _Kate_


    Oh congratualtions, very exciting time ahead for you. I will save you a seat on the losers bench!! Kate
  3. _Kate_

    I want a salad?

    Initially (and this is my personal thought) salad isn't the best thing to eat early on only because your stomach is still recovering, will be tiny with the swelling and you need Protein before salad. I eat salad now after 17 months and really enjoy it but there are times that I can't eat much, maybe a couple of bites after I get the protein in. Go by what your team says, as I am sure there will be lots of differing thoughts here. Please be aware that tomatoes have small seeds in and can get 'caught' in a healing stomach. When you do have it, enjoy! The crunch is lovely Kate
  4. What didn't work: Tons of fluids, MoM, Senna, Smooth Move Tea, Benefibre.... then What did: Dulcolax and DulcoEase stood softeners and some vasaline up my bottom to help with the erm 'journey'. Its the most awful feeling when you are constipated and are very impacted. I was at work once a few weeks after surgery, went to the loo and had to strip off I was sweating so much. 45 minutes later I was back at my desk. I swear to God it was worse than childbirth lol. I have just had skin surgery and prepped for this problem, as I believe general anaesthesia can result in constipation too. Didn't have an issue this time. Hope you find something that works for you soon! Kate
  5. Call your team asap and ask. Please don't take risks and not tell them. They might open you up and then decided not to do the surgery (it has happened before) and you don't want that do you. Please don't go by people on the boards saying things like 1) I didnt have to do anything until 12 hrs before surgery 2) You will be fine, I cheated and was fine, so you will be too. You have to follow what your surgeon wants you to, not theirs. I really hope the surgery goes ahead, once you have discussed with your surgeon. Please let us know how things go !! Kate
  6. Have you tried Syntrax Necture? I get it from Amazon and when I have days when I don't feel like eating (which isnt often now), I make sure I get my Protein in with this. I have tried a few flavours but only really like the grape. I make a huge glass of it and use a full scoop which makes it 24g of protein. I also have protein latte, which I have every morning, winter and summer and thats lovely too. Once you start on the next stage it will be so much easier. Don't rush though, listen to your body. Hope you feel better soon Kate
  7. _Kate_


    Fridge Pickers Wear Bigger Knickers --- LOVE this lol Kate
  8. _Kate_


    Since surgery I haven't had sugar and never craved it. I used to love it on Cornflakes and in tea and coffee. Sugar, in my opinion is the worst thing you can put into your body. It's addictive, screws your health up and has no nutritional value at all. For me, it's like carbs. The more I have the more I want. Kate
  9. _Kate_

    Pets and exercise?

    @@Patticake74 ... It did thank you
  10. _Kate_

    Pets and exercise?

    I have a black lab called Jasper and we spend a couple of hours a day walking across Salisbury Plain in England. It's hilly and vast so we both get plenty of exercise in. I have just had skin surgery and haven't walked outside for two weeks. I miss it !!!! Kate
  11. Call your GP and see what they have to say. I really hope you feel better soon Kate
  12. _Kate_


    What kind of things have you been eating more than three bites of? This is very difficult to answer as what is one bite to one person is three bites to another (size wise). However I can be full after a few bites myself depending what I am eating (say steak) and what I have eaten in my previous meals of the day. chicken and fish, I can manage four ounces and a little veg. Some days I eat a lot (well what I consider a lot), some days I will have a couple of spoons of something then I don't want to eat anymore as I feel I am sated. I am envious when I see people here say they are maintaining on 2000 calories a day and just having that over three meals and no Snacks. I just cannot do that. Kate
  13. _Kate_


    For me, especally for the first year, it was high Protein and very low carbs (under 20) daily. Now I do carb cycling. I try to eat 5 times a day, 3 meals and 2 Snacks, eat very clean and im mindful of what and how I am eating. On some days, I dream about eating the contents of the whole fridge, pantry and cupboards hahaha Are you eating enough, drinking enough fluids, keeping to the 'rules' of not drinking with meals. Have bad habits come back without you really noticing? Do you log everything you eat? Do you exercise every day? Are you being honest with yourself as to what you are eating/drinking? Kate
  14. _Kate_

    Hi, I am sooooo NEW!

    @@Chrisanna Welcome to a very exciting time of your life. Read as much as you can, question as much as you want and best wishes for the process to be quick and easy. Keep reading and posting Kate
  15. Congratulations to you and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Let us know how you get on when you can Kate
  16. _Kate_

    1 Day Post Op -- Hard Time

    Go straight to your bariatric team or if you cant then go to the ER, where I hope they will be able to help you. I really hope you feel better soon. *hugs* Kate
  17. I loved the fact you could drink before and after a Protein drink, especially in the beginning when I was advised to get fluids in first before worrying about protein. Kate
  18. _Kate_

    Advancing your diet- on your own

    I followed my surgeons plan however a few times I went back to the stage before, as I felt I wasn't ready to progress. I went very slowly trying new foods for a couple of days to see how I coped with it, before trying anything else. In my own opinion I think waiting an extra few days isnt going to do you any harm, whereas eating before you are physically able to, might do. Is it really worth the risk? Best wishes with your decision. Kate
  19. ....and I will be in hospital having my skin surgery. I am having quite a bit done and will be in theatre for over 6 hours. Bags are packed, Dog has gone to stay with friends for a couple of weeks, house is clean from top to bottom. Hubster has a list of things to do during the week 1) Tell me I look great even when I don't lol 2) Repeat number 1. I am dreading it. Wish me luck!!
  20. _Kate_

    Less than 12 hours...

    Everything went really well. I have been home a few days after spending a week in hospital as I had a few procedures done. I hope to write a blog about this soon! Im very swollen but happy with what I see already !! Thank you all for the good wishes Kate
  21. Wow, you look amazing. Keep up the good work! Kate
  22. _Kate_

    All sleeved! Thank you everyone!

    Really glad to hear it all went well for you, congratulations and speedy recovery Kate
  23. Thats the problem with compairing yourself to others because the fact is, we all loose at different rates and if you are one of the slower losers, then it can be really disappointing. Keep to the plan, dont weigh yourself too often and remember that slow and steady is just as good as drpping the weigh quickly ( I personally think the slow and steady way is better !) Whats your water/protein/carb daily intake? Do you log everything on an app like myfitnesspal? I know its difficult and hope you get some good advice here. Re-think your plan as you said 'almost perfectly'. There may be things which you are doing which need to stop. Keep in touch with your team and keep in touch here and let us know how you are getting on. Best Wishes! Kate
  24. Do you have any psych support to help you through this? Everytime theres an advert on get up and do something around the house. Drink lots of Water if you can at this stage. Write a positive statement/afformation each morning and pin it to a board or on the front of your frindge. Repeat it when you feel weak and think you might act on your cravings. Now is the time to take control of your mind and when you do that, everything else just falls into place. Be strong, you CAN do this!! Kate
  25. _Kate_


    It could be dehydration but you need to check with your team. I hope you feel better soon and congrats on the surgery! Kate

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