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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Dub last won the day on October 2 2016

Dub had the most liked content!

About Dub

  • Rank
    Bariatric Legend

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  1. Fools multiply when wise folks remain silent.......

    1. ProudGrammy


      you talking to me dude?? LOL - hope things are going well!! come over more often!! kathy

    2. Christinamo7
    3. BayougirlMrsS


      he deserted us for the OH.... but i still luv ya dub

  2. Dub

    NSV 2017 Edition!

    Way to go !!!!!! Nice !!!
  3. Dub

    Another Goal Completed....

    OUTFREAKINGSTANDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Dub

    NSV - Bloodwork

    Great improvement. My 12 month bloodwork came back in very similar fashion. Sure is a relief to get a glowing report card.
  5. Dub


    GNC unflavored works well.....in everything I've tried it with. Heck, it even did okay in Crystal Light, lol.
  6. Good for you. I know they have a way of coding every single aspect of planned events. Good that the ball bounced in your favor. Good luck moving forward.
  7. Dub

    Pics please!

    Thank you. It's just the shirt. It takes 30 pounds off when I wear it. I was also gifted a mate to it in black.....I'm gonna go stretch it on and see if it'll have the same properties, lol. You are doing great. Don't let stalls drive you bonkers. We ALL have them and can bust through them when we get our focus back.
  8. Dub

    Pics please!

    14 months out.
  9. Dub

    Almond Milk

    Almond Milk........lol.............I'll buy into it once there are tits on an almond.......
  10. Dub

    3 month exercises

    You are doing well. Be consistent with the exercise and be mindful of the calorie intake and all will be well. Measure, track, evaluate, adjust activity accordingly. In short, weigh daily and take appropriate action.
  11. All I have to say is........ you try to take my jalapeno Cheetos and you'll get yer arse beat......oldschool beating, too.
  12. So.....you've lost 264 lbs and are 2 years out from wls and started a thread titled "I wanna know about carbs.....Seriously!" Odd. I thought you were the "Doctor"...who fields all questions......dispenses wisdom left and right. At this point I'd have thought you could teach classes on carbs.
  13. Tumbleweeds blowing across the empty streets..........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dub


      @Elode that is what this place reminds me of.

    3. Elode


      Oh. Things are changing I've been informed. I've been gone for months and I see the maturity level is incredible sad. That's just too bad. I missed out on everything! I'm not sad about it though :) I'm a happy girl!!! Hope you're doing swell!

    4. MrsSugarbabe


      Thank you for staying, @Dub!! I'm glad you're back, @Elode!!

      Yes, it is different now, but I believe this site is what you make of it. We've been here long enough to know to take good and leave the bad behind. At least that's my thought. :)

  14. There are many things that are liquids yet not allowed on the diet. Milk, for instance, has too much sugar for most plans. My surgeon was fairly liberal on many things later on after surgery but very strict on the 14 day liquid diet. I was advised to have 3-4 Protein shakes (there were three approved brands) mixed only with Water. In addition to that I could have any non calorie drink (water, crystal light and the like). It was not much fun, but it passed quickly and the weight loss was fun to see. The plan did not allow for any type of meals but if it did I believe that making sure they were low carb would help keep the cravings and hunger to a minimum.
  15. Howdy..............14 months post op here. Also becoming a salad lover........largely in part because my program's NUT says we shouldn't eat salad. Flawed reasoning, I know......but it's how I roll. Went to a spot yessaday.....known for their salad bar. Ordered their New Orleans blackened fish and shrimp......and salad bar. Spinach, bacon, red onions, soybeans, blue cheese dressing and other non-carb stuff added. It was mighty tasty and more than half made it home in a to-go box. I laugh at some of the bs my NUT preached. I was able to get a pile of Protein and Fiber from yessaday's outing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
