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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dub

  1. Through a weird series of events I was given a pleasant surprise midway through my pre-op plan. I found that I could self fund through the local center of excellence for less than what I'd have paid using my insurance. It may have been a bit more than Mexico.....but I was able to sleep in my own bed the night after surgery and all my follow up appointments have been a 5 minute drive. I can reach out to them with ease if ever the need should arise. Ask around about self funding options. You may be amazed at the rates. By doing so, I actually saved money and all the red tape was dropped. I was literally sleeved 3 weeks later.
  2. Dub

    No where else to vent

    I'm very sorry. Hang in there. You WILL prevail and come out of this and one day look back and be grateful for the changes. 2017 will be a much better year. Count on it.
  3. From a laptop, desktop or any other method of viewing the full site. The mobile app just lets you look into a smaller window of the site.
  4. Don't be scared to redefine the term "love". food is simply fuel.....not worthy of love. People, fun acts, pets, good health......strong relationships.......these are subjects worthy of love.
  5. Dub

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    No, not for a second.
  6. Oh, I do. Quite often.
  7. Outstanding !!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Dub

    eating too much

    So.....stop. Just stop. Quit sabotaging your ability to gain results. It's not too late to get realigned with the suggested methods your bariatric group instructed you on. You use the term, "I can't ". I'm calling BS on this. You can, you simply choose not to. You've had weight loss surgery.....altered your body in order to set yourself up for losing weight. It's not to late to make the mental adjustments needed to support this. People the world over are flooding their gyms and diet centers this month in hopes of fulfilling their New Year's resolutions to lose weight. Be a joiner, lol. Follow along.....or better yet....lead the way. You've had a head start on them.....now leave them in the dust. Or don't. Your choice. Keep doing as you've always done and be content with not getting the most from your surgery. Or follow the rules and thrive with the benefits that will be forthcoming.
  9. Dub

    No where else to vent

    A man that would abandon his family days before Christmas.......is no man. That was one of the most cowardly acts imaginable. Stay strong and stay on track. I suspect in the days and months ahead you will find a sense of relief that you no longer have to carry such a loser along in your life. You will be free to redefine yourself and reach for your goals and dreams. You will find someone way more worthy of your time than the coward who snuck away. Be true to your kids and remain true to yourself. It will work out in your favor at some point in the future. You are young and taking steps to assure your health and fitness.......a lifetime of fun and happiness is ahead. I toast you now with my coffee mug....here's to good riddance and a stellar future !!!!!
  10. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/297668-i-want-to-see-before-after-pics-contd/ There ya go ^^^^^^
  11. I had an abdominal hernia repaired the same time my sleeve surgery was done. I was fully expecting to wake up in serious pain. It never showed up...the pain. It was a big nonevent. I woke up.....groggy......sore a bit getting out of bed the first couple of times to walk....but nowhere near the pain I'd experienced on prior hernia surgeries. Nothing to it. I went home the next day and had the liquid pain med for a day or two and then was doing fine without it. For the record....the only pain I ever felt was directly from the hernia repair....never the sleeve part of the procedure. I'd do it all over again without hesitation.
  12. Gonna put this little PSA here for your benefit.....while it can provide near immediate support and restoration of function.....duct tape should not ever...ever, be used as a bandage/wrap for a sore titty. Removing that stuff was like a redneck waxing. Long story....but ouch. Damn.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Djmohr


      Ok, it wasn't as bad as i was picturing.

      Isn't it weird how taping up an area really helps with pain control? I have had them tape up my shoulder and my back via PT and it really does offer some support. Now I have learned that using compression garments will do the same thing.

    3. highfunctioningfatman



      He is a wild man but I don't think that he is kitten on catnip crazy. More like adolescent cat with a roll of toilet paper.

    4. LittleBill


      You know, it might have helped if you sprayed it real good with WD40 before ripping it off. One redneck fix often helps with the other. WD40 and duct tape cancel each other out, you know. ;-)


    5. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Dub

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

    So many great points raised in this thread. Makes me wonder what type of inept instruction was given by some folk's bariatric teams. My group made if very clear that my safety was the paramount concern at the various stages. I'm grateful for it. All it took for me as to watch the surgery videos shown by the surgeon during the pre-op stages........that was enough to scare me into submission, lol.
  14. Same here. Lots of frequent walking. Each step felt like I was moving closer to a new life.
  15. All of the Chike flavors were to my liking.
  16. Dub


    Good stuff, indeed. I had some the week before Christmas when eating at a tasty Asian spot with my father & sister. Great flavors. Wasabi makes it. I think I had my first somewhere around week 10.
  17. Dub

    Sleeve Over Lap Band?

    Both of the surgeons I consulted prior to having my sleeve surgery said they chose to no longer perform lap band surgery. Therefore, it wasn't much of an option for me as both of these surgeons had been highly recommended by my other physicians and I was going with one or the other. 14 months later I will say that I have been very, very pleased with my sleeve at each step of the way. I'm very confident that I chose the correct surgery for me.
  18. Interesting. I've never seen those before. Maybe worth looking for.
  19. Dub


    14 months out.....can drink it, but choose not to. I just lost the desire for diet Dew, diet Coke and the like. Gladly, I've avoided beer, too. I can say that simply drinking Water and coffee has me feeling much better. I stay hydrated and am not consuming all the crazy ingredients found in the diet sodas I was sucking down before.
  20. Tremendous respect, here !!!
  21. Man....talk about getting back into the fight....heck yes. That's gonna get you into seriously good shape. I don't have a clue how long to wait, but I'd be very careful and make sure I was fully healed. I'd run this by your surgeon for sure.
  22. It may be a bit rich for pureed stage...not sure. I chose to skip the puree stage and just stick with the Protein shakes made with Water. They were agreeable to me and the rate of loss was addicting...I didn't want to screw around with anything that would change that. Sorry....just goofing around. There is a family recipe....my sister has it and isn't giving it up. I just found one on the internet and messed around with a couple different versions. I add 10-12 shakes of Tobasco sauce to it. Blue Plate or Duke's are the only brands of mayo I use. The screenshot didn't get all the recipe....there should be a 4oz jar of diced pimentos (drained) added as well.
  23. I am having my surgery in May and I had realized that this is the last holidays I will be able to eat like this. So I ate alot of sweet potatoes my favorite and still because of paying more attention to Protein I actually lost a lb. New Years was different because of my love of egg nog and nutmeg. I knew the eggnog would hurt me but I have kinda been making my funeral arrangements one food item at a time. I am so glad the holidays are over for now but I will be interested in seeing how much my eating will change after surgery, this should be interesting! Sent from my 0PM92 using the BariatricPal App Nothing stopping you from changing your eating now. The goal is to lose weight.....start now....no need to wait around for the surgery to do so. The surgery is not magic. You will still be able to eat sweet potatoes and drink egg nog and have a bunch of other junk food post op if you choose to do so. It's never to early to put good practices into place.
  24. Dub

    It might be a fine line...

    I'm 14 months past surgery and still can't stand that full feeling.
  25. Somewhere around the 8th week everything fell into place for me. The sleeve has been awesome ever since.

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