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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dub

  1. Thank you so much, your one of my many WLS heroes on this forum because you always give such great advice to others. You have done great yourself! Thank you. That is mighty sweet of you to say so. I feel like I've been a jerk on here lately..........I get frustrated with some stuff too easily of late. It's powerfully encouraging to see progress such as what you've demonstrated.
  2. You just had significant surgery to lose weight. I'd take not being turned on by food right now as a bonus. Make the most of it.
  3. Dub

    Acid reflux

    I'd get reflux and heartburn a couple times every week prior to sleeve surgery. My food choices were horrid. Since my sleeve surgery 11 months ago I've taken actual pills for this (OTC stuff) only twice. Chewable antacids have taken care of the mild flair ups that I've had just a handful of other times. I'm grateful for this and glad that I can still enjoy spicy stuff....maybe even more often now.
  4. Dub

    What is your favorite snack?

    The fact that the Dawgs are currently dominating his Vols may explain his pissy reply. Oh....and your Cavaliers made good use of an ex-Pirate QB today. Well done. My Pirates.......got drilled. Too ugly to watch.....yet I did.
  5. What I've found most freeing about WLS is how it has improved my vision. Yes.....vision. I can now see how much better the future will be.
  6. Dub

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    There. Fixed it for ya...... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha omg that. Was. Awesome. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using the BariatricPal App Low hanging fruit has to be plucked.......I couldn't resist.
  7. Outstanding changes. It never fails to amaze me at how much things can change in such short time frames. It seems we go through life and deal with crisis and obstacles....many of which are sudden in nature. It sure is encouraging to see how positive changes can also occur swiftly, too. Well done, lady.
  8. Dub

    What is your favorite snack?

    Those look great. Hot and spicy guiltless snack. I sometimes hit a regular dill with sriracha sauce. As far as prior comments by the ass who can't take a joke....water off a duck's back. No time for fools.
  9. Dub

    What is your favorite snack?

    My favorite snack ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I think I may have been knocked up some time ago.....
  10. Dub

    Nearly there!

    Great story and huge respect for your actions.
  11. Dub

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    There. Fixed it for ya......
  12. Dub

    Twinkie Twit

    Wow, well beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight down to the bone. I just can't imagine saying that to another human being, and I have a temper. @@Dub, I am with you on the joys of nice neighbors. One of the cool things about Oklahoma, the people really have each other's backs. I think it is because our biggest disasters are tornadoes, which are catastrophic, but very localized. Which means most people are able to help those hit and since we all know it could be us next time, we all pitch in to help out. (I'm going to digress a little and brag about my adopted home state...I have been in a war, a major southern California earthquake, hurricanes in NC...but I have never seen anything like I did following the bombing of the Murah Building in OKC. There were no traffic accidents for three days following the bombing, I noticed people were driving slower and more carefully than usual and it hit, no one wants to pull emergency crews from the bombing. Even the crooks have class, the crime rate dropped to virtually 0 during that time. I have never seen a city of nearly a million people pull together like that). I was in OKC in '98 for 5 weeks with my work. I'd hosted groups of my employees to the Murah building.....what was left of it......every chance I got. It was something I planned every week.....picking them up from Will Rogers Int'l each Monday morning......Every group had the same comments on those Monday's......as I took them down Reno........"Can we go to this or that steakhouse......or Shepler's Western Wear?" as we'd pass. By the end of each week........they all said the same thing, "If we come back....can we go to The Site again". Each and every one of us shed tears every time we went there......usually on Wednesdays. It moved me in ways that I simply can't describe. A level of hate grew in me in ways that I never had known prior. A hatred for our Nation's enemies. I have nothing but respect for you, for taking up arms against those enemies....homegrown and abroad. I've ridden out a couple tornadoes and a few of ENC's hurricanes.............but I'd have traded it all to ride out a war with fellow citizens as righteous and true as yourself. Thank you and much respect. @OKCPirate. On behalf of the Proud Americans on BP.....I extend my thanks and gratitude. I've enjoyed family life and fatherhood due, in huge part to your and your fellow soldier's service. My knees kept me unable to enlist back in college days.........I pray that a semi-geriatric program is worked out at some point.....I have much payback that I'd like to give. You paved the way for my former life. It'd be an honor if I could pave the way in your next chapter. Thank you, Sir.
  13. Dub

    Twinkie Twit

    Damn..........this thread just reminded me how cool my current neighbors are and that I need to do something to show I appreciate them. Both sides are dog owners......and they never complain about my deck music and grill smoke. One of them, rocks her music even louder than I do......and routinely throws a steak on her grill that smells better than what may be on mine. It's like we are backyard version of playing rock, paper, scissors. Good neighbors are great.....bad ones, which I've had before, are aggravating as hell.
  14. I brought several boxes of Gas-X strips with me to the hospital.......never used them. Walking every couple of hours was the key for me that first week. Take a short nap.....then get up and walk around.......repeated. I also was more comfortable sleeping in a recliner, too. Good luck, man. Once you get through the first 6-8 weeks everything sorta falls into place and it gets easy to go from there.
  15. I was like that for 3 weeks post op. Low....low energy. Almost passed out in Best Buy. Went home and checked my blood pressure.........it was low.....very low. Interesting development for a guy who was still taking meds for high blood pressure. A doctor's appointment and med reduction and I felt better very soon. Energy returned. Do you notice an ebb and flow energy wise as it relates to timing of "meals" ?
  16. That it would be best to have the surgery and then go live on a deserted island for the next year, lol.
  17. @@OKCPirate, you, sir.....are always giving spot on advice and keen observations. I appreciate your posts.
  18. Yes. Fairly common, in fact. I think I was +11 lbs the day after surgery.
  19. Dub

    Pork sausage

    Another short bus thread. Gotta love it.
  20. Damn straight! I'm a man and a Spartan. Spartans Will! Go Green! Haha. Go White! Sparty on! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Here's some drama....GO BLUE Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Damn you all!!!! I get THIS notification and it drug me back in! Nooooooo Go Blue. Nooooooo Go Bucks Damnit. I'm a Wildcat, married to a Sparty who has given birth to a Hawkeye. God KNOWS where the other two will end up?!? Just better not be MICHIGAN, NOTRE DAME or THE OHIO STATE I can deal with the rest of them... ( yes, I know ND is not B10, but my pure, unadulterated hatred for anything those hypocrites do made me include them.... Bunch of entitled, upper middle class white folks cheering for a French-named school with and Irish mascot and a team mostly played by Southern Baptists. Hypocrites.) Rant over. Headed back to my BP hiatus. Wait. Need to call @@Dub out on that comment about things, A$$ and privilege? Be well all!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Notre Dame feels are spot on !!!!!! Spot freakin' on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bamsucka !
  21. Yer welcome...............and doing anything with an a$$ is a privilege that I savor. Thank you.............and, YES, my back is tons better.
  22. Idiots gonna idiot. You gotta live for yourself. Let him dictate his ignorance to his next wife.................while you are having much fun with boyfriend # 7.
  23. Great attitude. I am very grateful for the advice given by Lipsticklady and the many other vets who were frank and honest. It helped me form my own gameplan and see things through. I remember the pre-op days very well. It was a time filled with anxiety and aggravation. I was ready for change and tired of being encumbered with the extra pounds. I'm normally a hardheaded type who has to learn things on his own. I approached the sleeve surgery a bit differently though. I was nursing a back injury and needed to get the weight off as quick as possible. I didn't want to "learn on my own" anymore.......I wanted the collective wisdoms of those that had succeeded. I needed to hear it all....the good and the bad. It helped me a great deal. This process can be harsh when the progress slows....and worse when we have periods of backsliding. A swift kick in the rear is exactly what I needed to jump start me. It is encouraging to know that as long as we keep our heads in the game....our sleeves will be there for us....ready to help us burn it off.
  24. Dub

    It's done...although with last-minute changes

    Well done, man. Very well done. 2 oz per hour will get it done. Heal, rest, walk, repeat.

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