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Everything posted by Apples2
Awwww, Julie, I am about ready to erase my message to Jessica. You sound much more motherly and loving towards her than I do. Nice pep talk. Oh well, I guess my post will maybe help her organize. Yours will make her feel loved! Yeah Phyll! Freedom from the dreaded taxes hanging over you like a storm cloud! Enjoy your freedom. Mornin' all...Hope your shoulder flare calms down, Julie. Up early. Had a great night sleep. Would be really happy to see some sun. Having some sunlight really does make a difference in how a person feels. I do not mind a few days but this is beginning to affect my mood. Guess I should just go ahead and warn DH ahead of time! Not too much going on around here today. Those men of mine are finishing up the deck for the lake. They will wait for a nice sunny day to take it outside for a sandblasting and then will paint it. It's pretty cool. Going to send DH to town this morning for a visit with one of his landladys. She is going through a few rounds of chemo. Made her a variety of food that she can just throw into her freezer and not have to fuss. Did small individual dishes. Tough to cook for someone getting treatments because their taste is "off". I was very happy that she emailed me a list of what she would like and can tolerate. NO chicken. Tastes nasty to her. Anyway, spend most of the day in the kitchen yesterday cooking and baking and had a nice time doing it. Made these big/soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting. I have not been making things like that cuz DH is trying to get rid of his vacation beer belly. Well, pretty sure he finish off at least 8-9 of those cookies that are about the size of a saucer. Woops. Bought a new bike this weekend and cannot wait to get out and use it. Love to take my dog on the leash. Gonna have to be careful though. He is so big. That's about it for my somewhat borning life. Anyone else have any boring news?
You will get through this, Jessica. Just try to calm yourself. First of all, just keep a note pad with you to jot things down that come to mind that you need to do. Don't become overwhelmed by this list. Just see it as your aid during the move. It helps to just have one list instead of many. Just check duties off this list as you you go along. Next, delegate. Yep, ask anyone you can to give you a hand. DH, DS, MIL, FIL, friends. You cannot take on the world all by yourself. Nothing wrong with asking for help. And, not the end of the world if you do not have everything ready to go with one trip. What if it took you longer than that one weekend to move? Would it be the end of the world? The move is going to happen whether you smile through it all or cry through it all. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well today. Take care and hope you are better very soon.:scared2:
happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday, dear joyce happy birthday to you!!!!!!
Hoping for good results from your scan, Arlene. Do not envy you for having to drink the yuck!:scared2:
Call your doctor A.S.A.P. Never should avoid a pain that is giving you such discomfort. You doc might just tell you not to worry about it, but so important to let him know what is going on. As far as the weightloss...12lbs in one month is a quite a bit to lose in a one month period of time. We all went through these times when the weightloss just seemed to come to a halt for a bit. Just continue to eat as your doctor has recommened. Make good/healthy food choices. Get an adequate amount of fluids daily. Move and get in your exercise (if you are already cleared by your doc to do so). Let us know what you find out after talking to your doctor. Good luck!
Welcome back..not a good thing to be getting stuck on everything except soft foods. I am thinking that your last fill was probably a bit much. And, not a good habit to get into to just each soft foods and ignore such problems. (I guess you coming for help means you are not ignoring...reaching out). If I were you, I would give my doc's office a call and let them know your symptoms. You might just need a slight unfill. Let us know how things go for you.
Vertigo really sucks, doesn't it? Affects everything you try to do. I still don't dare to drive today due to it. Thanks for the info, Deb. Gonna give it a try
Yup...seems to be most things on this thread are contagious. Dead batteries, vertigo, a true dislike for protein drinks, sh_tty days at work, knee replacements, dust bunnies, crappy attitudes, kid toubles, P.B.ing, etc., etc., etc.,:wub:
Yep, Phyll...get those taxes done and out from hanging over your head. There's a real "freeing" feeling when things like that get done.
I would actually find it challenging to respond to her email AT ALL. Especially if she has never made the attempt to come to your home for dinner after being invited a number of times. Plain and simple...very rude. DH and I may be different than most but we only offer our opinion with the DS's and their relationships when asked. Otherwise we feel that something said would just come back and haunt us. Plus, never want to place the seed of doubt. Have always told my boys that when they make their choice with a mate, I will accept. Laura...I, too, get tight when I have vertigo. And, that under the influence look you talk about? DH always tells me that I look like I got hit with a sack of nickels. Puffy face and bags bigger than some of the Coach purses I have seen.
And, Laura...happy to hear some positives with your dad. I am sure it is a daily struggle for all of you but sounds like the chemo is doing it's job. I think of his situation often (and how tough this is on you and your family)
OK Laura...asking a medical opinion here. Will sign any waivers, disclaimers, etc. Should have gone to doc for vertigo but just the same old crap that doesn't help and if a virus, I know to just ride it out. My question...do decongestents help or would they just make things more dry? My nose never runs so don't know if decongestents would just dry things up more.
Hey, Busy Girl...been missin' ya!:wub:
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read positive posts such as yours. I made a promise to myself when I started this journey. It was to accept the body I ended up with and appreciate it. And, I do. I spent 13 yrs of my life obese and looked back at the fact that I never recognized and appreciated my slim figure prior to that. If ppl could go into this with a reasonable picture in their minds of what the end result will be, we would all be happier in the end. Did I expect perfection? Nope. I just wanted to have the chance to make up for lost time and live in a healthy body again. So happy for you and congrats on finding peace with your perception of what you expect when you look in the mirror.
Great...I guess at this stage of the game it's up to DD and fiance if they take the leap or not. They took a good look at their situation and THEY made the decision to marry and I am sure at this point they have somewhat of a clue what they are getting into. If not, they will have to work at their differences. DD grew up watching loving parents with a good marraige and most likely picked up the skills to work on what she needs to. I guess if it were me I would just email MIL back and say it's in the kid's and God's hands right now. If they truly love each other, they can overcome anything. Comes a time when you gotta let their lives become their own. They've made their decision and all you can do is wish them well and hope for the best. Just my opinion. My house sounds like yours, Great. Haven't done much since we got home because of feeling funky but really need to hit it and get some things done. Have a good start on it today. Want to change the closets over to spring but such a huge project and it will need to wait for another day. Did start and put it on hold. Jodi....don't envy you on the protein drinks. I could have never done it. I, too, could only smell the protein in them and could not choke them down. Hoping your time goes by quickly and you can start the next stage soon.
Janet....I also deleted my post from last night. Sorry for you troubles. Hope things can calm down soon. You guys talking about your moves...deep down I have the "Happy Wanderer" in me but have been tied to one place for 30 yrs. I moved quite a few times during my college years and the years b/4 getting married. We lived on a farm site for the first 8 yrs of marraige and moved to our present farm site 22 yrs ago. I guess the grass if always greener. We actually would never have the option to move until we retire or my DS decides to move here. I look at your move, Great, and think "How exciting". But, I do understand with all your moves and just feeling settled into your home for just three years, how that would affect you. You are leaving family and friends and church family. I guess when you don't have the option, you wish for it at times. Being farmers, we are tied to our land till the day we die. But, it's what makes DH so happy and never would push for anything else. Our plan has always been to have DS somewhat take over (DH will never fully retire...we know this) and buy a big A$$ motorhome and leave the winter months behind us and live at our summer place the other months. DH could handle still helping out with the farm as our summer place is only 45 minutes away. As all of you have most likely picked up in my posts, I am not exactly happy with being married to this farm. But, I am happy watching DH be so happy with what he is doing. I guess no different than you, Great, moving because this is what DH needs to do. Another grey and gloomy day. Weatherman is promising some sun by tomorrow and I am going to hold him to it. We are having some near flooding issues. We dug a wildlife pond just North of our yard when we moved here. It is about 1/4 mile long and 1/8 mile wide. All the ditches around our place are full and pond is now beyond it's boundries and backing up into the yard. Got a call from DS at 12:45 this a.m. needing a submersible pump. His quit in his basement and his basement flooded. He came out and got it and DH is in town now helping him remove his carpet from basement and cleaning up the water and assessing the damage. Poor kid. He takes such pride in his home (bought it 2 yrs ago) and this will set him back some $$$. I do know that his insurance will cover for pump not working but do not know what his deductible is. Had a crappy feeling day yesterday but much better today. Had a bad case of vertigo and was close to losing stomach contents most of the day. It's always been this way for me. Others get a head cold virus and my sinus' block up and cause vertigo. Just the way I am built. Today I am appreciating the fact that it is better. Still not great but do not feel like hurling every time I move my head. Have a number of projects I am working on today. (Too numerous to mention). Gotta get so many things done b/4 lake time comes and I completely blow off duties in the house. Hope you all have a great day. Hope everyone's work day is pleasant. Hope Phyll gets that damned earring done so we can finally see the final product. LOL. Now I'd better hit the shower and at least get dressed and finish the projects I started this morning. Later.
Great..good going on the 3lbs. And, forgot to congrats Janet on making it back to her comfy weight. Cheri too on her loss.
Thanks for sharing photos of Mimi, Julie. I feel like she is part of our family since we here about her most days. She's pretty sweet-looking.
Good luck tomorrow, Arlene. Just squeeze tight on the way!
Sounds like from what you have shared in the past that your daughter has a handle on the planning and what she want for her wedding. It will all fall into place and you will enjoy a lovely wedding. Take a deep breath. Did you find shoes? Smart girl in unpacking the kitchen last and eating out!:thumbup:
OK...so I vote Laura and Jessica to having the funkiest Monday so far. Julie's didn't start out much better. Anyone else???????????????
LauraK...thanks for the info...I'm at fault. I'm always to careful not to disturb the roots and basically put them in the ground as they come out of the plastic container. Hmmm....I learned something today. That doesn't happen every day! Appreciate the advice. So nice to have resident experts on this thread. R.N.s, N.P.s, Master Gardeners, travel experts, instructors, etc.
LauraK...been thinking of you lately while I have been planning my flower gardens for the season. The last two years, my flowers were root bound. Have never had the trouble b/4 and it was so disappointing. I have always been known to have somewhat of a green thumb but have been left to feel a little inadequate the last couple of years. Being the Master Gardener that you are, do you have any ideas of why they would have been root bound? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks:tt1:
Sounds like an interesting career, Joyce. And, yes, let's all make this a great week!