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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I'm having a weird week where nothing appeals to me and I just don't want to eat. I haven't struggled to get my protein in this bad since right after surgery.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I'm not sick. Just stressed out and maybe love sick. Just dramatic. Also I feel like I eat the same things all the time and I am bored.

    2. Babbs


      I have weeks like that all the time. Then I have weeks where I want to eat everything in site.

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      Yeah I had been eating "a lot" and now I am just like meh. I'm sure it will pass.


    4. Show next comments  285 more
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Does your hair ever come back to normal?

    @@GOM123 My hair is coming back thicker than ever because I am overall healthier. Don't let hair hold you back from surgery.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Not eating and drinking simultaneously, this is a hurtle!

    @@LittleLizzieLilliput If you just got out the hospital, everything you are having is liquids, so you can "eat" and drink all you want. You need all the fluids you can get. When you start eating dense Protein, you won't have room for liquids, and the first time you do it and get overly full you will never take a chance on it again. It isn't as hard as you think.
  4. OutsideMatchInside


    @@shrusara Never. LOL Never liked them before surgery and the low carb ones are nasty af. However, zoodles are great, but I didn't have room for extra stuff until like 6 months.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Anal Sex Concern

    @@Who'sThere If I was going to give you any advice, I would say just wait untl 3 months, probably 6 months post-op. It takes a while to learn your new body and how it works and it takes a while for your bowels to regulate. All the sex is more fun when you lose weight, so enjoy that, lol.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Positive WLS NSV

    @@B-52 Thanks for sharing, I always respect your posts and comments.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV shout outs

    My normal shower wrap was ????? this morning (I'll find it) so I just wrapped a towel around myself. Then I realized I really just wrapped a towel around myself and everything was covered. Just a regular towel, not a bath sheet. I am completely thrilled and amazed.
  8. I am posting this here hoping that I can help someone else. I am self employed and live in Illinois. I purchased a plan on the healthcare exchange, BCBSIL PPO. When I selected a plan I purposely selected one that covered bariatric surgery. Timeline Informational Attendance 4/28 Appt with Surgeon 5/18 Appt with NUT and psychiatrist 6/8 Submitted to Insurance 6/10 Approved by insurance 6/22 Surgery Date 7/15 Surgery is covered 100% after meeting deductible, which was easy to meet doing the pre-op testing!
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    When could you eat fish post-op?

    @@Nerdgrl I had fish at 3 weeks but the fish you listed I wouldn't consider soft. You want something white and flaky. Salmon is dense, I rarely if ever eat it. Tuna is dense and can be hard to digest also. The same with crab. You could have lobster, it melts in your mouth.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    How to be sucessful

    Any app that lets you easily track your food, I use lose it. A scale to weigh all your food.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    No longer answering these questions:

    Why not PM one of them if the question is that important? And may your question not be regarded as "dumb ass stupid" or something... There are plenty of people on here I talk to outside of this forum on facebook/text etc, so I could ask them but I would rather it be a topic of discussion, than just ask people one on one. Especially since the vets I know, I pretty much already know their opinion and my question would help other people. Thanks for popping up with your winning personality as usual! It wouldn't be a thread without you.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Approval: Healthcare Exchange Plan - BCBSIL

    The process with them is really fast. The drs make you jump through more hoops to qualify than they will.
  13. There is this guy but his work is lack luster to me http://www.thedoctorstv.com/videos/woman-who-lost-180-pounds-undergoes-skin-removal-surgery I live in Illinois and I plan on traveling for plastics, either florida or out of the country. I want to recover at a recover house where I can have people take care of me, and those are in Florida and outside the US.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Friend found out

    I mean my best friend knows. Last year when I had surgery it kind of made me rank friends. She isn't really your best friend if she can't know about this, think about it.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't comment with slick remarks

    OMG what did I miss? LOL another low BMI anorexic flipping out and flouncing.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr says I won't lose another 100lbs

    Well it probably won't happen in the next 6 months. It is going to take me 18 to 20 months to lose 185-200 pounds. Not 12 months. Once you get that initial large amount off it slows quite a bit. I basically lose 5lbs a month if I am lucky now but I am down 150 in 15 months so that really isn't anything to complain about. Sleevers can take 18 to 24 months to lose all their weight.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    No longer answering these questions:

    Umm a lot of us never asked the kinds of questions people ask. I didn't, I did my research and actually picked a decent Dr. So I can't relate to people asking dumb ass questions or people that don't understand science or basic math. I skip a lot of questions because I am annoyed with them and I don't want to be snarky. Besides there are plenty of people here that are still pre-op or barely 3 months giving out advice like pros so YOLO. pizza, tacos, steak, and all the liquor people want, don't let that expensive major surgery hold you back from the life you deserve. This is the rants area people can complain all they want. I'm riding out the next 3 months until I can post in the Vets forum the best way I can. I have a question I want to ask but I only want input from Vets so I'm waiting. It is a long hard wait...
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    @ I was on a date last week and I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs and he watched every single time. We had a blast that night, lol
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Approval: Healthcare Exchange Plan - BCBSIL

    @@mobella No idea about HMO. I didn't get a referral, I just went to see the Surgeon. The place my Dr was going to send me to wasn't even a place I could go with BCBS. They were clueless about the whole thing so I just took control. I didn't want to waste a bunch of time.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Who's your biggest support?

    Myself really. I find it is easier and more reliable to self motivate and encourage than to depend on other people.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Spicy foods!

    It depends on how spicy and how much. It is just easier to take an antacid before eating and eat what you want. At 9 months, I didn't have to worry about it anymore.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Question for the Sleeve Veteran's - GERD?

    @@NJ Mom Never had it before surgery. The first time I had heartburn I thought I was going to die, lol. I was taking my PPI and antacids not very seriously, once I took them regularly It wasn't an issue. I stopped having any issues around 9 months and I don't take any meds for it now at 15 months. No GERD. Over eating was really the only thing that ever really triggered it for me. I would go out, not have a weigh to measure my food, accidentally over eat, and then be really miserable the rest of the day.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Air travel post-op?

    @@KaiserKid Go for it! I think you should be fine as long as by like the 20-25th you are meeting Protein goals and fluids. I would ask for skycap assistance in the airport because walking through the airport will make you tried at that point and you don't wan to risk missing your plane because you have to take a fatigue break! Just make sure you have a plan for Protein shakes etc, check that there is a place near by you can buy them, or ship some to the hotel before you get there. Call the Hotel and ask them how you need to address it, to be sure. They will hold them for you at the front desk.
  24. @@Omieliz I think your Dr is right about the 50-70% being a better goal, at least at first. Just because once people have been morbidly obese for so long they have more muscle mass, so they are going weigh more. I weigh more than I did in college, but I am smaller than I was in college, because I have a lot of muscle mass. I am smaller than I was in HS, but I weight a good 20-30 pounds more, but I am physically smaller. I have exceed my 60% excess weight loss in a year (the amount for a sleever, bypass is 70%, band is 50%), that amount was 143 pounds. Now I am working towards my goal of 85-88%. I am at 72% right now, which is 156 pounds. When you look the pounds beyond just percentages, it makes more sense. If I lost 143 pounds and never lost another pound, no one would consider me a failure. I'm at 72% which is 156 pounds lost, no one would consider that a failure. Yeah I guess 215 pounds lost would be awesome to lose all of my excess weight, but the 86% I want to lose puts me are 185 pounds lost. No one is going to consider 185 pounds loss a failure either. So honestly once you get past a certain amount in excess, getting to 100% is just gravy. All of my health issues are solved. Other issues I didn't even know I had are solved. I don't even want to hit 100%, but I might just accidentally slowly over time just because of how I eat and live. If you really make a lifestyle change, you can easily lose all the weight you want.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    @@GSleeve822 I never crossed my legs really, even when I wasn't large. Now all I do is cross and un-cross my legs to the point I am annoying myself. I love it, It is comfortable and when I do it with a dress on I feel super sexy.

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