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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. @@Didjit Once you have them for a week or 2 pre-op and a month or 2 post-op, you will hate them. Even starvation won't get me near a premier shake. You are kinda over thinking it. They are a temporary solution to a short term product and using them a lot will make you hate them with a passion.
  2. @@ChunkyChicTrying I really disagree with all these you are on a diet and you have to watch what you eat for the rest of your life, people posting in your thread. I feel like that the kind of attitude that sets people up for failure. If you feel like you are on a diet forever, you will be willing to cheat and worse. I completely changed my attitude towards food. I don't eat my feelings. I don't reward myself with food (lipstick is a far better reward). If I am stressed I go for a walk or do jumping jacks. I eat in a way that I find enjoyable and do not at all feel deprived (keto) and it is a way of life not a diet. I can eat anywhere, and make easy choices. If for some reason I eat off plan it is a one time thing and that is it. My suggestion is to find a way to eat that you like, that doesn't feel like punishment and fits into your lifestyle. Which might require some real soul searching.
  3. To be safe I would start my pre-op based on the highest BMI not the lowest just to be safe.
  4. @@Didjit The kind of stuff I eat and drink even with yummy names, tastes nothing like how they have named it. I can tell the difference. A Protein product tastes like a protein product even the delicious ones. I have protein brownies all the time but they don't taste like brownies, they taste like protein. This is a way of life, not a diet. Adjusting how you mind thinks about food is a lot bigger than what things are called. I loved steak before surgery and I love it afterward. The difference is I eat 4 ounces at a time instead of eating 8 to 12 because I am no longer a glutton and I eat proper portions. I think a bigger issue with protein supplements are people that over use them. My program suggested eating as much real food as soon as possible to remove protein supplements. I suggest people have real food in proper portions instead of protein supplements mainly because they are more satisfactory and provide more satiety. I also say this as a savory, not a sweets person. I have never been into sweets. Not before surgery and not after either.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-Election Worries: Thanksgiving Recipes!

    I am going to be trying recipes from here http://thenourishedcaveman.com/keto-thanksgiving-roundup/ and making some choices. Luckily the people I spend Thanksgiving with are low-carbers too.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op necessities?

    Kitchen scale
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Hate sugar free stuff. What do I do?

    Get unflavored protein and add it to broth etc.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    2 month weigh loss stall!

    25g or less total sugar/carbs to keep losing fast
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    f**king freezing

    @@higher It comes and goes, and you are right it depends on where you are and who you are around etc. Yeah I can totally relate to the front butt. I have a decent butt, except it is over shadowed by my stomach. So annoying. I can mask it pretty well with shapewear. After the current jeans I have are too big, which it seems like is going to happen in the next week or 2. I am not buying anymore jeans. Dresses and skirts only going forward. I'm almost to onederland, so the fur is happening very soon!
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Bra line back lift and medial thigh lift

    @@My4Brownies The speed at which you lose weight does not matter about loose skin.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Who knows about your surgery?

    @@jessgnc 4 friends that all live out of state, in 4 different states. That is it. I work for myself so no co-workers to tell. My family doesn't need to know. I knew that this was the best decision because I didn't want to be that person that had WLS for the rest of my life. At a year post-op, I don't feel like a WLS patient. I feel pretty normal and I can eat pretty normal (proper portions not over eating), I would hate to be stuck with a label for the rest of my life for something that is extremely temporary.
  12. @@JupiterinVirgo What you explained in your goals is pretty similar to me. I thought anything around or under 200 was a huge success. I really just hoped for 250 and thought if I got there, I could live there. I never really dreamed I could get this low. I picked 180 because that is what I weighed in HS and I felt it was realistic. Now that I am 204 at 15.5 months out. I am really thinking about adjusting my goal from 180 to 165, maybe 175. I am already getting pretty small without being under 200. My goal was to lose as much as possible before plastic surgery. I have a decent amount of skin to be removed so I feel like my end weight is going to be a lot lower than what I can imagine right now.
  13. @@Travelher Well you just had surgery, so I guess that is why this is an issue. I go on dates and eat out all the time and no one notices how I eat at a year out. So just give it time.
  14. OutsideMatchInside


    @@mrich612 My book said 6 weeks. I didn't have room for salad until after 6 months
  15. @@RJrocks On that TLC show Skin Tight, they have people that have lost weight slowly without surgery taking years 3-5 years and they still have loose skin. The speed that you lose doesn't matter. People just associate loose skin with fast surgery weight loss because most people will never lose a large amount of weight and keep it off without surgery. I have lost over 160 pounds in 15 months. I have loose skin. It sucks I won't even lie, but the loose skin is still way better than carrying all that extra weight around. I feel and look great. No one sees the skin really but me. I am going to have it removed in a year or 2 so I can deal till then.
  16. I wear a medium now! Still not below 200 yet, but still shrinking.

    1. Sai
    2. KeepCalm


      YAY! That's awesome :)

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      Thanks for the support guys. @High functioning fat man I was so excited to wear a large and a medium was beyond my wildest dreams but here I am. I have purchased multiple mediums from multiple stores so I know its real.

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking after eating

    I didn't drink close to meals early o n just because being overly full hurts. Now I drink whenever I want. I don't eat sliders and my food is portioned. I also don't have hunger issues. Everything at the beginning isn't forever
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating Out

    At a year when I eat out you can't tell I had surgery. I usually order things I know I can eat all or most of, like seafood. salad is a slider so I can eat a whole salad before a meal. So when I don't eat all my food people assume that I'm full from the salad. Everyone is different but you learn to adapt. People know I don't eat carbs, so that cuts out so many foods, how I eat doesn't make them curious.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV shout outs

    I forgot this one about last night. Went to a small crowded restaurant. In the past I would had to turn to the side, try and squeeze around people and chairs and still touch people a small knock things over. I was able walk around easily not touch anyone, anything and no turning. I felt so small and pretty.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV shout outs

    Spent the night at a guys house. He offered me a shirt and one of his regular shirts was a night shirt on me. That would have never been possible before.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Clothing changes?

    Also another reason to buy on demand as you need it instead of buying ahead is your body might be different. I was always busty when I was smaller, but I was also a teen then. As a grown woman, I am really busty with a small waist and hips. My shape is totally different that it was when I was overweight. I went from an apple to extreme hourglass. So the kinds of clothes I have to buy are totally different. Like before I would have never purchased high waist jeans but that is all I wear now. All my tops have to be fitted because my breasts and big and if my tops aren't fitted they look like tents draping off my breasts. And I wear tons of dresses and skirts because they last the longest and are the most forgiving. Leggings and any tight pants are the first things to show weight loss and look sloppy.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Temptations everywhere ...

    Go to the Burger King website and read the nutritional information. You won't want any of that stuff. I read the nutritional information and get so grossed out I am not interested. If other people want to poison themselves with peasant food that is their business, I'll keep eating like royalty.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Need answers..

    @@itzbrittaanyx3 I wouldn't sit at the table with them. To me that is just torturing yourself when you are at a stage you can't even chew food. Now that I can eat, I have no issues with being around people that are eating other things. I eat what I want or what I like and ignore what they are doing.
  24. @@Synee I went from a 28/30 to a 14 in a year and at 15 months, I'm a 12.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Halo Top ice cream

    @ I have been buying Halo Top for months. A pint lasts me, 6-8 weeks. I never finish one, I end up tossing them. I weigh my portion and I have 1/2 a portion about a time, so about 35-40 calories a pop. I don't like ice cream so its not an issue to me. If I ever went nuts and ate a whole container, the whole thing is 240 calories, I struggle to get enough calories every day anyway so it wouldn't matter to me. The macros and ingredients make sense to me, and I like it. I haven't had any in about 3 months because I kept wasting it but I think its a great option. And the macros are better than most of the yogurts that people eat on here. Also with all the people that are eating pulled pork in BBQ sauce and other things. And lets not forget the trash macros of PB2. And @@Clementine Sky is right. The consistency, taste and a lot of other things about it make is basically impossible to just graze on or munch on or over eat. It takes a little work, it isn't like normal ice cream even though it tastes like normal ice cream. If I liked ice cream or had an issue with ice cream I would probably skip it. But I like having it now and then with my Protein brownies just to soften them up and for a change of pace because IMO, the fastest way to get off track of boredom with your food.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
