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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Failed stress test

    Failing a stress test is exactly why I had surgery. It was just too much for someone of my young age and it was only because I was fat. The bad news is, to get a cardiac clearance I had to have another procedure. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/SymptomsDiagnosisofHeartAttack/Cardiac-Catheterization_UCM_451486_Article.jsp#.WEYjS_krKUk This one, and it sucked. It terrified me. I passed that, my heart is fine. I was cleared for surgery and I am sure losing all the weight, had helped heal my heart. I knew right then I was just killing myself slowly and I decided no matter what I was going to have surgery and lose the weight.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    I guess I really did have a fat head! NSV

    I have been constantly amazed at how much fat I had all over my body. My head has shrunk so much and I didn't even think I had that fat of a head. I didn't have much of a double chin etc. Always had a jaw line, but my actual head is so much smaller. Keep losing you will be amazed where it all comes from.
  3. @@Honeybee17 Carbs are not necessary to live. Most man made carbs were just invented to provide cheap calories to laborers and peasants. https://www.amazon.com/Art-Science-Low-Carbohydrate-Living/dp/0983490708/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 https://www.amazon.com/Art-Science-Low-Carbohydrate-Performance/dp/0983490716/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Numerous studies support this. Not to mention, most of human history.
  4. OutsideMatchInside


    The Slim Fast shakes are low quality Protein with too much sugar for the amount of protein. Premier shakes would be better. Syntrax nectar. Something from a Supplement/health food store. Slim Fast is kind of like weight watchers imo, not really about helping people lose weight but keeping them as customers.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    How do you define a stall?

    If I go 2-3 weeks bouncing around in a 2-3 pound range, that is a stall for me. Then I will drop like 5 lbs in 2 days, lol.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Women only please

    After having completely normal regular periods my entire life, post-op my periods are ever 2-3 weeks with long periods of random spotting etc. It is totally normal. All that fat is flooding your body with hormones.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    The flu. Post op

    Well there is a "21 day flu" going around so I am not sure you can attribute it just to surgery.
  8. I thought losing weight would be hard, but that was easy. It is the life after that is the hard part.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Well my issue isn't maintenance, I am still losing. Food isn't really a concern of mine, I am comfortable with how I eat and I can easily eat like this forever.

      It is adjusting to my new body and how people treat me. I have been really struggling lately and the more I lose the worse it gets.

    2. Babbs


      Well, that too!

      Believe it or not, you'll get used to it and so will they. Having been in maintenance now for over a year, sometimes I miss the days of people commenting on my weight loss. I don't get it much anymore because people are just used to it now.

    3. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      I agree completely!

    4. Show next comments  258 more
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Who do they say no Gum?

    Gum is going to add to that acid in your stomach. Walk or do jumping jacks instead.
  10. @@ARNOLDSMB I told a friend that blabbed my choice to people. So I just ended up telling them that I changed my mind because of a different health issue. So you can try reversing it. I don't live near anyone that knows me so it was easy to keep my surgery to myself. I don't know if people who are around people every day can pull that off.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Net Carbs or Total Carbs

    Net, net is what the use in Europe. No reason to count fiber.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Going nuts

    I can't express how much I hate nutritionists.
  13. @@mandrey In the beginning I didn't have anything that didn't have Protein in it. I drank Protein shakes at "meal" premier shakes, and I had Syntrax nectar as my Water between meals. So I was drinking protein all day, and getting my protein in. If your shakes are too thick and it is taking you too long to drink them, get something that is the consistency of water like Syntrax Nectar. Also adding unflavored protein to lukewarm broth. Warm fluids were easier for me to drink, and I could drink more of them, so unflavored protein and broth is a great way to get more protein in also.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Going nuts

    I would just eat more protein and I added some calories by baking my fish with Ghee early on.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Olive oil?

    Yes, and butter. Avocado oil and coconut oil too.
  16. BMI of 41 is morbidly obese so that should qualify you without any illnesses.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    When do you stop feeling like a wls Patient

    Hmm, this is a complicated and good question. I have been low carbing off and on for like 15 years. I eat Keto now. It is kind of second nature to me. Most WLS don't eat keto, so this isn't really a WLS patient diet. Since I ate like this before, it doesn't feel like a diet and it doesn't feel related to WLS it just feels like I am finally successful at it. It is easy for me and doesn't feel like a diet, it is just a way of life. I took Vitamins before surgery and I take the same vitamins I took before just with the addition of B-12. So that doesn't seem different to me. I think at one year I felt pretty normal. I say one year because I had enough capacity and the ability to eat wide enough variety of things that I can eat out with people and eat normally. I can eat a normal dinner salad because salad greens are a slider basically for me, so I can eat a whole salad and the sorry little 2 to 3 ounces of meat they give you, no issue. I can eat a normal fish portion. I can do decent damage to a 6 oz steak etc. I can chug Water, not at pre-op levels but I can drink 16 ounces of water in about 3 minutes if I am standing. Before surgery I could drink 16 ounces of water without taking a breath. I really didn't want to feel like I was on a diet or a weirdo for the rest of my life and I don't feel like that. Most of my friends low carb, keto, or paleo. It is pretty common so my friends understand that I don't eat xyz because they don't either. Even if they aren't currently, they have in the past. Having a wide variety of college educated urban friends, almost everyone is doing some kind of special eating, no one cares. I think it is important to feel normal, because it helps with acceptance. If I felt like I was on a diet and had to watch everything I ate all the time, I would probably relapse. That doesn't mean I eat junk food or fast food. My attitude towards food and what I eat is completely different. My guilty pleasures are grilled nuggets from ChickFilA or an Oh Yeah One bar. Those are my off plan eats. I try to just eat clean food I cook at home, so anything processed or out is an off plan meal to me, even if it still probably eating cleaner than most people. This is normal to me.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Being cold is getting old!

    If I live through this winter, I might have to move south. I am so cold all the time, and it isn't even cold yet Not for real.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    How long were you in the hospital

    26-28 hours something like that, just over 24 hours.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    100 pounds gone in 7 months

    @@Ruth1ess A lot of people talk about the 12 months like that is law. I have a lot more to lose than you but I lost 140 pounds at 12 months and at 16.5 months I have lost another 34. People can keep losing after the 12 month mark if they have adopted a healthy lifestyle. You look great and congrats on the loss!
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I always hungry?

    @@Rosie212104 I would have Quest or Oh yeah One bars. more Protein, better quality.
  22. The world is full of hating basic broads. I wear 3.5 to 4 inch heels every day, every where. They are like sneakers to me, my feet never hurt. So I wore some to Walmart today and the bell ringer said "those aren't shopping shoes" and I replied "they are for me". I am so sick of how women talk to me and treat me since I lost weight.

    1. OzRoo


      Wow! Good for you, great response!

      I remember being in London some years ago, in one of the department stores, and one behind the counter chick, turned to another chick and said: "Oh, she is from the Colonies" ..... I replied: "At least the Colonies are doing Much Better than the mother country!", and walked off ...

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      The colonies? it is the 1700s?!?!!?

    3. OzRoo


      Must have been, according to that lassie, who by the way looked West Indian .... Go figure ....

      She lost a good sale, by the way. I was going to buy Chanel perfume, but after her comments, I went elsewhere!

  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Long term regret? Doubting myself

    @@Didjit I'm not a guy but most of the things that are issues or concerns post-op are only for a short time. The lack of capacity and the limited drinking at once, is short term. Once you are healed at 6 months, you have more capacity. At a year you can eat normal healthy portions. I was worried before surgery that I would always feel like I was strange of different from other people, but I fit in better with the world now, than I ever did before. I eat like a health conscious person, and that never stands out. I think your partner is just scared for you. Working in the hospital, they are only going to see the bad cases. All the successful healthy people never see the ER. I certainly have never been to the ER since surgery. Your partner doesn't have to carry this excess weight, you have to. If you want the surgery, have the surgery.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I always hungry?

    @@Rosie212104 What do you eat each day? How many calories? Protein? Carbs? If you are eating carbs they are going to make you crave carbs. I don't eat carbs, I don't crave sweets. I am almost 17 months post op and I am rarely ever hungry. I have to remind myself to eat most of the time. Are you physically hungry or head hunger?
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Eat whatever you want?

    @@redheadjo I have a friend that is around 4 years out from RNY. She eats any and everything and drinks whatever. RNY seems to have more leeway long term for people having larger capacity and that is just I think because the pouch can stretch. This is just my opinion from people I know that had RNY. Sleeve patients seem to be less likely to have the capacity that RNY patients have. What your friend is doing, some people can get away with it, because some people after RNY seems to maintain malabsorption longer than others. However in the case of my friend, they never met goal weight, never got close to being 200lbs after starting near 400 and they have regained. They never learned proper eating habits and nutrition and now it seems impossible for them to learn, or at least not as easy as it is right after surgery. My suggestion for you is to learn to eat healthy and find a way of eating that is comfortable for you, and doesn't feel like a diet. I have a way of eating that just feels like a way of life to me, not a constant diet. Like Babbs, I eat 90/10 yeah I am not in maintenance yet, but i have lost the bulk of my weight and I find having the occasional thing of plan helps me more than hurts me.

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