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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Just a vent about loss so far

    Change something and you will lose. Increase calories. Cut carbs
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    When your friends who aren't even fat are giving you clothes they can't fit anymore!
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What month did you lose the most?

    3/4/5/6 You lose the most when you can get to a decent level of calories and you can move.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight gain...getting depressed :(

    @@creatingthenewme Try broth with unflavored Protein powder.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Food Comfort

    Drink something hot and calorie free like tea. It will warm you from the inside out and keep you from eating. Losing our pets is hard. I'm sorry for your loss.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    mental breakdown

    @@PhillyAj When I was on the liquid diet, I didn't watch normal TV at all. I watch 600 lb life and Fat Doctor UK nonstop the whole 10 days and I went to bed at 9pm each night.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Wasting food

    Exactly. I grew up having to clean my plate. It is a terrible habit for kids. It was okay when eating at home with my WWII grandparents, they served normal servings. It is terrible when you are eating at restaurants where one entree is a days worth of calories, not even including the sides.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Wasting food

    I don't care about wasting food. Not wanting to waste food is part of what got me fat. I hate leftovers. I don't eat them. I cook everything I eat fresh (luxury of working from home). Someone on here that I now have on ignore tried to give me crap about not taking home leftovers from resturants. Like I never did before surgery and I am not going to start now. Sometimes I will take the boxes just because servers seem so upset if you don't eat all your food but I toss them in the dumpster before I even walk in my Apt. It takes time but you just have to get over it. You wasting food isn't going to feed someone else. They didn't have access to that food anyway, it was yours, and you aren't wasting it, you are just not eating it. Cleaning your plate in America doesn't feed some starving kid, they are still starving. You being obese however shortens your life. If you are eating in excess of what your body needs you are wasting food and storing it as fat, which is what most of us did pre-op. Food is fuel, so eating more than you need is still a waste. Just because you are over served you are not obligated to eat it. Come up with something in your head that makes it okay for you. For me I am just YOLO. Leftovers are gross I won't touch them.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    My first rant

    @@Aggiemae I would report her to the state. She has to renew her license like everyone else.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    1/2 of a turkey burger no good

    Turkey burgers are way too dry to eat that soon post op. You can eat ground meats but they need to be moist, very moist.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    THREE THINGS / Just Sleeved

    Rest even if you have a ton of energy. Walk Laying on your stomach helps with the pain, using a binder of shapwear to hold your stomach tight so you can turn over helps.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Menstrual cramps

    Or working out if you can.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Lose weight in face?

    Most of my weight was in my middle, so what I have left is in my middle. It is frustrating but it is what it is.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Lose weight in face?

    I didn't think you were. I am just saying it seemed to be a less stubborn fat. I have lost fat equally all over but it seems like when you lose it above your ribs it makes a huge impact very fast.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    6.5 pounds in 4 days!

    50 carbs is almost 500 calories on its own. Who wrote this pre-op diet?
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Lose weight in face?

    I'm not pear shaped either. It just seems like the excess weight I had at top wasn't as stubborn as the rest of the weight. That weight came off really fast and it made a big impact because I didn't have all that neck fat that some people have. Like I could always wear normal chokers and stuff.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Extreme fullness

    @@olivejuice I had Jello on my tray in the hospital, also on my tray was coffee/tea, broth, and a Protein shake. I had to make a decent dent into something to be released from the hospital. I had a Protein Shake, broth and a couple cubes of jello. I wouldn't bother with jello because it has no nutritional value. You should be using all your stomach space for protein right now. liquid Proteins count as your Water.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    I don't get it.

    Basically. I wanted to lose weight so bad, I have basically dedicated my entire life for the past 18 months to it. I think for me, the scare I had with my heart was enough to really push me to take it seriously. I don't think that everyone has that kind of traumatic experience to push them to health. I'm glad I had my surgery when I did and I was able to get insurance to pay for it. I really feel that since surgery has become fast and easy for surgeons and is a huge money maker, that so many people that don't really qualify for surgery are having surgery. Eventually this is going to skew the results long term in a big way as a lot of people are going to be failures (yes I am using failure, because it applies), and make surgery not seem like the great cure that it really is. All these new people that never hit goal or get anywhere close to it and start regaining before 12 months are going to ruin the stats and make it harder for the people that come after that. Luckily a lot of them are going to Mexico so hopefully they won't count in the stats. I'm not even going to start on all the anorexics that are going to Mexico and posting here, that is another tragedy that needs it's own thread.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Lose weight in face?

    Different people lose weight in different places. I lose my weight top down. The top part of my body shows the loss the most. My face slimmed down pretty fast, but I never had a really fat face or neck. If you want to lose weight in your face, just keep losing. The weight has to come from some place and it will come from everywhere as you keep losing.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    5 or 6 bites is not a scientific measurement. Do you weigh your food? How many grams or ounces is 5 or 6 bites?
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleever

    @@doubledinfla Congrats!
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Time your eating

    Food scale is the most important tool after the sleeve itself imo.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Time your eating

    If you have your food portioned out, you are not grazing. Especially when you are fresh from surgery. Grazing is just mindlessly eating non stop. It might take some people 30 minutes to eat 2 ounces when they are on soft foods. People need their nutrition, as long as they are eating their proper allotted portion there is nothing wrong with it taking longer. I never really ate slowly. I hate cold food, so I never really slowed down. I eat my allotted portion and that is it. I did make sure to chew thoroughly. The most important thing is to always weigh/measure your food and do not over eat.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleever

    I was going to wait until next month when we are 18 months post-op but I thought it might be good to do a check in before the end of the year and also because this is our first holiday season fully healed and I know there is a lot of food temptation at this time of year. How is everyone doing? I have exceeded my own personal expectations, and it seems like I am actually going to make my goal well before 2 years, which I am going to revise pretty soon for a stretch goal of 165 I think. After going so long not eating lots of stuff, I find it very easy to pass things up. Holiday candy doesn't appeal to me. Alcohol doesn't interest me. Even when I get a drink I usually only have one sip and I am bored.
  25. @@Anna Nim Are you and adult or a child? Seriously. You have to decide and make your own decisions. Your Dad I am sure loves you, but is manipulating you because of his own fears. I'm almost 17 months out with no complications. I had issues with GERD only the first 6-9 months and most of that was my own fault for over eating when I was out and couldn't weigh my food. I have no issues with GERD now and take nothing for it.

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