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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. @@Nowheregirl Do they have you on a PPI? That churning etc you feel is probably acid.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm struggling with muscle loss.

    @@JodiT140 People think that it is crap because their claims defy all known science. If they could actually do what they are claiming it would be all over the scientific comminity. They are taking advantage of the fact most people suck at math and science.
  3. Trolls have a real party on here. It is getting so ridic
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Exercise exercise

    I walked. People who exercise in general lose slower and it is harder to manage balance your calories. Nothing is going to save you from sagging skin if your skin is stretched out. If you have excess stretched skin you can't build enough muscle to fill it.
  5. I didn't tell people because I don't care about their opinions. Telling people invites them to comment and I don't care. No one lives my life but me. Healthy fat people are a ticking time bomb. They are healthy until they aren't anymore and then they tank fast.
  6. Why do you even care about the opinions of strangers on the internet. Grow up. Also there are a ton of anorexic and people with other eating disorders with low ish BMIs cloaking themselves on these forums. Some people see through that BS.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever be able to eat normally?

    I don't have RNY but when you are eating solids they move through your system slower. liquids go right through you. So you are really stalling your digestive system is working. At 6 weeks I was eating solid foods. At 9 months I was eating pretty normal, as far as being about to eat around regular people and not raise red flags.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    So, two fat guys walk into a Taco Bell...

    @@BigJohn58 there are a lot of answers/reasons. But not eating dense protein first is the root cause.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    Call them, they have probably already approved you. They did mine in 4 days
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Young and hungry

    @@wcs17 When I was on my pre-op liquid diet I got up late every day and went to bed early. I also watch 600lb life and Fat Doctor UK all day. You are going to be starving until day 3 or 4 then you body gets used to it. The last day of just Clear liquids was pure hell.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm calling BS

    Actually I could see having sex or trying to just to take the edge off. I don't think it would go well, but I can see trying...
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    What will you have for Christmas dinner?

    Probably lobster and shrimp, maybe some steak.
  13. I am resorting to just drinking hot water to stay warm. Can't drink coffee all day and night and expect to sleep. *Sigh*

    1. Sai


      ah hehe about calorie free caffeine free heat... As long as it keeps you warm! :D

    2. Djmohr


      I am so tired......I could use some coffee. Unfortunately I have picked up a nasty cold and it is not allowing me to sleep because it is hard to breath.

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      @Djmohr I hope you feel better soon

    4. Show next comments  246 more
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    BCBS of illinois!

    @@Yvette804 It is going to vary by plan. The plan I had last year, I had met my deductible through pre-op testing so my surgery didn't cost me anything.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    One week post-op and I'm so hungry

    @@DillThePill Are you taking a PPI everyday? Head hunger from not chewing is really real. Physical hunger, not so much unless you are having acid issues. Acid mimics hunger.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    What You Wish Someone Told You Before Surgery

    I'm almost 1.5 years out. I wish I knew most of the things I was worried about were temporary. I can drink Water fast now, I can eat "normal" when around other people if I so choose to. I basically have a normal life except I eat healthy and I am not a slave to my appetite. You can take normal Vitamins, no reason to take nasty chewables. I really hated them to the point I didn't wan to take vitamins. I wish I had went back to my normal vitamins sooner. Losing weight, a lot of weight is a different set of problems from being morbidly obese. Being thin or thinner isn't a magic solution to life. The hormonal issues for me have been pure torture. I won't go into them but they are the biggest long term side effect and no one tells you about them or properly prepares you for them (talking about medical professionals) and even worse, there is no help, you just have to let it work itself out. Pure hell.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    So, two fat guys walk into a Taco Bell...

    I have a friend that had RNY, and failed/is failing at it. Her failure has helped me be successful. From the very beginning she never learned nutrition and just ate the same only less. Never really got into cooking her own meals, ate out all the time. It was the perfect blueprint for me on what not to do. It is also one of the reasons I always laugh when people talk about RNY as the gold standard. It allows people to lose more longer without making real changes. Thats it. I've lost more weight in less time and more total than anyone I know with RNY. Malabsorption let's them be lazy (some not all) and they never make real lasting habits. Of all the people I know that have had WLS. I am the only one to make it to regular sizes and I am not even 2 years out. I expect to lose all my excess weight by the 2 year mark. Anyway other people's failures can be your road map to success. Learn from others the bad example is sometimes the best example.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Not hungry and trouble eating

    @@Dashofpixiedust8 Contact your doctor
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Need Advice from all you fellow sleevers

    I take regular Vitamins. Sleevers don't have malabsorption so as soon as your stomach heals enough you can start taking regular vitamins. I did at 6 months, I could have sooner. I hate chewables. I can eat carbs or anything I want. I don't. food only gets stuck when I eat something to dry, or over eat. It is easy to prevent. Never had the band, don't know what getting stuck with the band is like. You are asking a lot of question about carbs. If you really love carbs like that, no surgery is going to help you. You can eat around your sleeve and you don't have any success with it. Almost everyone that posts here that is successful is low carb, and were very low carb in the losing stage. If you plan on eating carbs, even in small amounts, having surgery is going to be a waste for you. You don't have malabsorption with the sleeve like with the RNY, so you are going to absorb all the calories and other bad things that come with carbs. If you can't change your attitude about food, every WLS is going to be a horrible tool for you. Surgery is a method to help you support healrthy food changes. Surgery alone won't lose your weight, you have to make an effort. Band to sleeve people lose slower and have to work harder, so eating carbs after a conversion is going to be even more of a disaster for you.
  20. If you have a sleeve not a pouch, don't do that liquid pouch reset, it is useless. Eat 3-4 ounces of dense Protein only for a few days, so you can feel and utilize your restriction. RNY people need the pouch reset because their pouches stretch. Sleeves don't stretch, people eat sliders and claim to have lost restriction when in reality it is entirely based on their diet.
  21. @@AvaFern As a type A person that is single, has to rely on myself for everything and an overachiever. I totally relate to everything you are saying. I also employ other people so if I fail, they can't pay their bills so that is a burden that I carry. I can't just close up shop even if I want to, people depend on me. I haven't been to law school (that was my old dream), but many of my friends have so I know what you are talking about with law school. I'm not going to tell you not to freak out, because I would be doing exactly what you are doing. I understand how you feel. The one thing I will add, and this will have to be something you work out on your own is, I had to learn to detach myself from my professional goals as a measure of my worth in life. Simply because even though I am very capable and very intelligent, there are a lot of things in life that are beyond my control. I could say a lot more but you have already received a lot of advice.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Not hungry and trouble eating

    So don't eat, drink Protein shakes. Or drink broth with protein in it. If you are really having pain with eating, contact your Dr. I am almost a 1.5 years and I have days I don't want to eat, sometimes several days I don't want to eat. I don't have an appetite really so if I am not in the mood it is hard to force myself. Plus I live alone so there is no one to make me eat. If I bore myself to death with Protein Shakes, suddenly I get an appetite again.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What's your top 3 "safest" carbs?

    Green veggies Water That trace carb in coffee. Carbs are a bottomless pit. Once you fall down the hole you just keep falling. Its best to just say away from the well entrance.
  24. I like Oh Yeah One bars. I think Protein bars are fake trash food though. I have them in my purse strictly for emergencies. They are overly processed and basically fake food. Eat them with caution. Also early on they provided restriction. Now they are just basically sliders. No restriction, no satiety.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Stalls-Please share your experiences

    @@PB42 More shakes or another meal. I mean if you eat 4 times a day 200 calories at a time, that is 800 calories. or 5 times a day 160 calories. 800 calories isn't that hard to do, you have to set it as a goal.

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