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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    Come now. I just saw you chewing out and name calling someone for asking about the AA sleevers thread. I've noted your help. I'm asking you, respectfully to leave my thread alone. Thanks Sent from my iPhone What name did I call them? I said they lack critical thinking. If special snowflake is name calling... And yeah I have an issue with people attacking minorities spaces online. I'm not going to apologize for it. No one attacks all the PCOS or Christian forums but someone always want to come for the AA thread. Even though you have to hunt for that thread to even find it, so they are going in it and attacking on purpose. So yeah I have issues with that and I will defend that thread and it's purpose. People barely even use it anymore so I don't even get the gripes about it. Like I said you have to look for it to even see it.
  2. I wish people would learn more about nutrition instead of focusing on calories. The type of calories you are consuming matter more than the calories. Almost everyone who can barely eat anything without gaining is having over 50 grams of carbs. And it is basically impossible to consume 50 grams of carbs with green veggies which means you are eating trash to get to those 50 to 90 carbs. 1200 calories is the bare minimum I can eat or I stall. I have to eat at least 1500 calories if I barely move or I stall. It is hard to even hit that many calories on Protein and green veggies. If it wasn't for the cream in my coffee I would never make it. You guys are tanking your metabolism forever with these calories. You are going to be stuck on starvation calories forever.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

    Some of us care more about strangers than, they do about themselves. If they don't care about their life and health why should we. People think that this is a game or just another diet. Cheating immediately post op can kill you. I had a friend that had RNY 12 and advanced her food and ended up on a feeding tube. People on here don't believe that fat meat is greasy. Let them learn the hard way. I'm over it.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    I have over 3000 posts most of them helping people. I'm helping you too if you pay attention.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    Umm a discussion has opposing opinions, if not it is just an echo chamber.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    No one is attacking you. Calm down. You advanced your diet knowing you shouldn't have them bragged about it online. What did you think was going to happen? And my issue with people doing this is, it encourages other new people to do the same because someone online did it and didn't get sick. It is just Russian Roulette with your health and safety. And it creates a bad environment.
  7. OutsideMatchInside


    As you get further out the eating and drinking is up to you honestly. Most of the time drinking is going to make you too full. I take a few sips now and then when eating. I do portion all my food so there is no chance of over eating. It isn't a forever thing, but you will find you don't want or need to do it in the long term. I suggest taking the PPI and the antacids for the first 6 to 9 months until your body adjusts. I didn't take them consistently and it is something I regret.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    I'm curious to understand the logic. App user, makes sense. *sigh*
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone who does not count calories? Ever?

    If you log you food in an app you don't have to count anything it does it all for you. As WLS patients it seems like a lot of us have too few calories and that causes stalls and it ruins your metabolism. I don't count calories but I log all my food in an app and the calories are right there. I worry more about hitting my 100 grams of Protein min. At the end of the day I look at the calories to make sure I got enough in.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Meat sensitivity-is that normal?

    Pork is the easiest for me to eat. Chicken is the hardest, it gets stuck a lot.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    4 days post op and I've advanced my diet

    I really don't get the point in posting stuff like this online. You are an adult. What is the point of confessing to strangers?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    If you are choosing surgeries based off which one is reversible, surgery probably isn't a good option for you.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    You asked what I was thinking? I'm both black and white. I don't identify with any one race. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App So am I! Yeah not to sure why there's a special forum and I'm not to sure why people get offended when the question is asked Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Because people never pop in the other forums asking why they have forums but some special snowflake with no critical thinking skills or tact always pops up in here asking the same dumb question.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    Every few months someone comes in here complaining. Read before you whine. Completely ignoring there are entire sub forums for Christians and all kinds of other groups. If you don't like this thread stay out. No one is asking you to post here.
  15. @@Lisa_85 Are you ever going to post what you eat and if you track so people can try and help you?
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Menstrual cycle

    3-5 pounds
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Interesting NYT article on WLS

    Bill, you have lost 121 pounds and you aren't even 6 months. I expect you will lose a lot more. When I started this, if I am going to be honest, even though I set a goal of 180, I really never thought I would get below 250. I accept that I would be a smaller plus sized woman forever. Well now that I am easily under 200, and far before the 2 year mark, I am aiming for 165. I think a guy your height and build 275 would be a nice weight. Great response, although I would just say that you might surprise yourself about being thin. And I say this from a personal perspective. I, also, said/thought I would never be thin. I was always fat with the exception of a few years where I wrestled/played football as a kid. When I started out, I was 333 at 5'8" and just the thought of being around 200 seemed impossible. I am 9+ months out from surgery and about 11 months out from starting the weight loss process. I am now 148lbs and thin by any objective measure. I'm not saying you will be thin, that you even desire to be thin, or that you should aspire to be thin. Just saying that this surgery is really amazing thing that may surprise you in a lot of ways. I'm not special. I got thin just by following my plan and doing what I was supposed to. Thank you. I am open minded. I started out with a goal of 325 after doing the math, based on the information provided by the people at my program - math based on fat, Water, and muscle mass. I revised that down to 300 after I got started. If I go lower than 300 without losing muscle, I am fine with that. But, I will be very surprised.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Why do so many people like "my 600 pound life" ?

    Totally agree about Fat Doctor. Dr Now has little empathy. I hate his bedside manner.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Hungry Every Few Hours

    It happens sometimes. I think it is just metabolism changes. I usually eat every 2.5 to 3 hours when I am awake anyway, but every once in a while I have days where I am ravenous hungry or at least mentally I am. I just go with it. I only eat meat and veggies. Even if I go nuts the calories are still minimal. One thing I started doing was having a huge bowl of baby spinach in the afternoon. I will have a whole grocery store salad bag with either salt and pepper or Walden farms dressing as an afternoon snack. It helps on hungry days because I get to do a lot of chewing. And hungry is "hungry", some days I just want to eat more, but I'm not really physically hungry.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Why do so many people like "my 600 pound life" ?

    I think he is a bad Dr for a lot of reasons but mainly because he does every surgery under the sun and a good surgeon doesn't do that. He drives me nuts
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Interesting NYT article on WLS

    I was very surprised to read they were swinging by White Castle and eating turkey sandwiches (I assume with the bread) so quickly after surgery. Could be indicative of them not losing as much as they hoped? Not judging them, just curious how close they followed their plans. The article sort of implied you could never get thin from having this surgery, and as a lot of people on this site can attest to, this is not necessarily true.They are both eating the same as before just in child sized amount which spells FAILURE. That girl is going to regain almost all her weight in the next 3 to 5 years. Neither of them made real lifestyle changes. The comments about people losing everything in the first year then afterward being the same struggle as non surgery stuck out also. They make it seem like if you don't lose it in a year it's impossible. I was surprised to see the dr even saying that. Which tells me they are relying on surgery and surgery effects and not on lifestyle changes. Even though I find it annoying. They are typical patients. I'm rare in the fact that I lost 130 at the one year mark and another 45 afterward, and I am still losing at a decent pace at 18 months. I attribute it to lifestyle changes, mainly my way of eating and doing the mental work. Still it is nice to see more science about being fat instead of just a lack of willpower. Also the reason we on here think that people do get thin and make it to normal weights is because those people that are successful and want to share stand out. They stick around, they offer advice. They stand out because they are rare. Most people never hit goal or close and leave the weight loss community until they regain all or almost all of their weight. So forums gives us a skewed view of success. If we really think about. There are less than 50 people that post here on a regular basis that are at a normal BMI.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Interesting NYT article on WLS

    I love this article. I'm also feeling pretty smug about the lackluster results they got with the "gold standard" gastric bypass. The girl realizing that she was screwing up at life because of her own choices and not being able to use being fat as a crutch stood out to me. They both seemed to have not the best food choices or diet. Edited to add. I have a similar feeling about foods. I have wrote about it here before. There is a complete disconnect between my head and my stomach. I can think and crave whatever food I want, my stomach doesn't react. I only get physically hungry if I have not eaten in 16 to 24 hours. I never get physical hunger. I crave things but one bite is usually enough for me if that. I very rarely crave anything off plan. My sleeve is golden and is working perfectly for me.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What is in your grocery cart?

    Coffee Heavy whipping cream Pork chops Baby spinach Gross fed ground beef
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Insurance coverage for skin removal

    If your insurance covers it. You have to have documented rashes, skin issues. If they pay they just pay to remove the skin, so you have a nasty scar and are disfigured. If you want it doneasy and have it look good, you need to pay the difference for plastics.
  25. How are you getting in enough calories for orange fitness? It looks like you are barely breaking 800 calories a day.

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