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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Tummy Tuck and Inner Thigh Lift

    Did he do any lipo? I'm surprised at some of the childish and negative comments that people posted in here. @@Spiceyfrog went out of her way to share some person and honest photos and a lot of the things that people posted in here are inappropriate. I admire Spiceyfrog for not tell you all to go to hell.
  2. I am taking Prilosec as per my surgeon. I am hungry - I think. I truly cannot tell right now. That's why I'm sticking to a schedule and measuring meals to the book. I'm having my first follow-op appointment next week, so I'll ask my doctor about it. Not sure how cut nerves would effect the hormone production of undisturbed/remaining stomach cells. I re-read what you wrote and it doesn't seem like you are complaining about being hungry all the time like a person with acid issues but you are complaining about always feeling the same and not feeling hungry or full? Am I understanding you correctly? If so that is pretty normal, that is why cut nerves matter. You don't have a lot of sensation in that area, and your body is also freaking out trying to repair itself because you just had major surgery. Cut nerves means you don't really have much feeling there. So you can't tell if you are full or not. Full is not something you want to shoot for especially early on because it hurts. A lot of people know they are full or close to it by hiccups, or their nose running, not a feeling in their stomach, at least early on. So it is better to just eat your measured/weighed portions and track your protein goal. If you are feeling churning in your stomach all the time, that means you have too much acid production and you might need to increase your PPI.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Can you stall before you start?

    @@rbaertsch I know 178 is a high weight at 5 feet tall, I have friends your height and they are all 100-120. Still with a starting weight that low, you are not going to have the one month loses or any of the other loses you see people other people have. They are losing so much because they have a lot to lose. You have already lost a lot, so you are just going to have to be patient. Work your program and the weight will come off. Stressing about it won't help you.
  4. @@White Sale You shouldn't be hungry at all, mainly because your nerves aren't even reconnected. Are you taking a PPI and antacid?
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Pizza that is the ?

    Yes. Once you are healed you can eat almost anything you want. The question really will be will you even want to.
  6. I got a 2nd job to help pay for my skin surgery in addition to my business. Now that I am sitting in an office all day and not working from home. I understand how some of you struggle with food post-op.

    1. Djmohr


      Hopefully it will get easier to resist. I don't work outside my home but when I visit my relatives (FIL) he is constantly pushing cake, pie, cookies, ice cream at me. No matter home many times hubby and I tell him that I don't like that stuff, he pushes anyway. In his defense, he is 87 and a big sweetheart so I try not to let it get to me. Sometimes, when there is pie.....I really struggle because it is my favorite. The other junk makes me sick.

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      I gave in the first week and got a couple things out the vending machines. I didn't even like them, only had a couple bites. I gave in because I knew I wouldn't want them once I had them and trying them was better than obsessing about them. It is a real learning experience. I am also finding that I drink about 2x as much coffee at work than at home, just to stay warm in the office and to stop being bored. I started just drinking hot water instead to cut back on my coffee and hot water works just as well.

    3. Djmohr


      You know, it is funny you mention coffee. I think it is because of the cold weather here but recently I started stopping at Starbucks for my skinny vanilla latte. I had not had one in two years and suddenly I am stopping a couple times a week now. In fact, just came from taking FIL cat to vet and I am sipping one right now. It is a lovely balmy 1 degree outside today. BBRRRRRRR.

    4. Show next comments  228 more
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    Oh well, I'm not going to because I like how the treat me. I'm not into disclosing my surgery. Actually let me take that back, I think they do know I had the sleeve. Now I can't remember if I told them the last time or not. My point is, and has been, that my metabolism is normal, and has been all along after surgery, because I don't eat like a typical weight loss surgery patient. I increased my calories, I eat a high fat diet. I also look easily 10 years younger than my age, when a lot of people age horribly after losing a lot of weight. I knew all that research about WLS changing peoples numbers which is why I had my numbers tested to begin with. People who have WLS for the most have diminished metabolisms. Having surgery gives people a chance to reset it, but instead of doing that, they stay on starvation calories forever and ruin their reset. We have had several conversations on this forum since the Biggest Loser "study" (I say "study" because the number of people involved is so small it isn't really a study imo). While WLS initially helps people with resetting their set point and helping them with weight loss. Most patients don't eat a normal-ish diet and tank their metabolism, so they have to eat near immediate post-op calories for the rest of their life. Which is part of why so many people regain as soon as they start introducing more foods and eating normally. Not to mention all the people that stick to 60g or Protein and lose a lot of lean muscle mass which helps keep your calories higher. I have watched that weight of a nation series so many times. That is part of what made me decide on surgery. I realized finally it wasn't a matter of will power, it was basically impossible for someone my weight to lose weight on their own.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@OKCPirate I'm not sure what you mean about the hormonal part in relation to scientific testing. When I have had my RMR tested it is exactly where it should be for my age height and weight, leaning to higher than normal. Most WLS patients have lower than normal RMR. The Professor and team I use for my DEXA and RMR tests have no idea I had the sleeve. They aren't with my surgery program at all. They are at a local university. They treat me and know of me just like any other person losing weight. I don't eat or plan my food as a WLS patient. I eat keto, like anyone else and have for months, which is why I think I am still losing weight with basically no effort, when most people that had surgery when I did stopped losing weight months ago.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@deeveg keep having you RMR tested quarterly at least
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    At a stand still

    700 calories and intense exercise = never losing anymore. Try increasing your calories. What do you eat EXACTLY? Do you keep a food log? How many grams of Protein do you have a day? Carbs? Why can you only eat 2 ounces at a time at 1.5 years? Do you have a stricture? You had surgery 2 weeks before me and I can eat 4 ounces of dense protein and have been able to for at least 6 months. If you can really only eat 2 ounces at time then eat every 2 hours and make sure you get your calories and protein in. If that means adding a Protein shake to get your calories and protein up then do it. Are you taking Iron pills? Are you taking a Multivitamin? Are you taking B-12? I got really anemic a couple months ago after slacking off on iron pills and I could hardly function. I was dizzy all the time. I take these iron pills https://www.nowfoods.com/supplements/iron-18-mg-veg-capsules They do no cause constipation and they don't make me sick like most iron pills.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    I recommend having your RMR tested and pegging your calories to that instead of guessing. DEXA scans also help with determining calories because it can determine you lean mass. In general though, people should try to get to 1100-1200 calories as soon as possible. First month, the best you can, 600-800 2nd month 800-1000 3rd month and beyond 1100/1200 min plus more calories depending on your activity level and lean mass.. Still it is better to work with some professionals on determining these goals, instead of just guessing. RMR and DEXA scans can be obtained in most places in the US. If you have a local research university nearby it might be more affordable than you think.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    This is why I keep advising people to progress their calories, but it seems like so many people are terrified to do so. They don't realize what it means to be stuck on those low low calories for the rest of their life. It makes maintenance so much harder. It is like dooming yourself to regaining.
  13. @@NWJill You can ship Protein shakes to your hotel before you get there, if you think you will have an issue with finding the right kind of shakes. I used to travel extensively for work, and sometimes I would ship things to myself ahead of time when I went to locations that didn't have what I wanted. Hopefully there is some soft baked white wish around. That would be perfect for you to have at that point, with Protein Shakes. Good luck!
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Five year follow up study Cleveland Clinic

    It is interesting and sad that the 5 year cure rate for diabetes is so low. I think this is in general because the American diet, even most WLS patients post-op diets are so carb heavy, but that is a different conversation maybe.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Stupid question

    Caffinated drinks do count liquids are liquids so does all the moisture in your food. You would have to Water board yourself by drinking gallons of coffee for it to have a negative effect on you. People need to stop spreading this old "science". http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/25/upshot/no-you-do-not-have-to-drink-8-glasses-of-water-a-day.html That article has tons of citations and links to other articles and studies. It is very important to stay hydrated after surgery. You don't want to end up in the hospital from dehydration, but you can get hydration from all kinds of sources, not just plain water. Drinking plain water has plenty of health benefits but it isn't the only road to hydration.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Is there an APP for that?

    I use LoseIt! to track my food
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    July sleevers?

    Looking for any July 2015 sleevers that still post...
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleever

    We are in the 18 month range and I feel like I'm the only one still around from our group
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    Are you taking anything for acid? You shouldn't be hungry at 3 weeks
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Stupid question

    All Liquids. No juices though, please.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    'like' question...

    It is just this app/website. Nothing is linked to facebook.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleevers w/ naturally thin hair

    Extensive wig collection.
  23. Try a different temp. When my sleeve was new room temp or warm liquids went down best.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Good grief! Don't be left in the dust by 2017's food fads!

    Everything on there looks nasty as hell. Except mustard greens I like those mixed with turnip greens, but cooked not raw.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Letting go things I love

    Honestly letting go of the food didn't bother me as much as letting go of my clothes. The food part is honestly pretty short. You have 6 months of healing, 12 months to lose the bulk of your weight and maybe about another 6 months to lose some weight. The weight loss phase where your food choices are limited is pretty small in the big scheme of things. Once you get to goal or close you have things you like in moderation. As long as you are good like 90% of the time. You should think about what you can gain, not what you are losing. I care more about all my shoes and clothes I gave anyway than any one food.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
