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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Bullet Proof Coffee

    I drink bulletproof coffee some of the time, I used to drink it all the time when I was trying to lose prior to the sleeve. I really like Dave Asprey. I really don't drink it often anymore because all the things I was trying to cure with bulletproof coffee, I cured just losing weight/having the sleeve. Like one of the big benefits of bulletproof coffee and how it works and benefits you is that it is pure fat and energy. WLS patients needs Protein, so you can't go pure fat. Adding Protein powder to bulletproof coffee defeats the purpose of bulletproof coffee, which is to provide you energy while extending your fast. The whole point of drinking bulletproof coffee in the morning it to extend your overnight fast until the afternoon. Helping people with 16/8 or better fasting. Having coffee with just fat has no effect on blood sugar or most metabolic functions. When you add protein powder to it and make it a Protein Drink you are erasing those benefits Early post-op I think Bulletproof coffee is too many calories and too much fat. I think it would do a real number on someone newly sleeved. MCT Oil goes right through you until you build up a tolerance with a normal GI tract. I wouldn't add that fictitious crap GENEPRO to anything. I usually just kick my day off with coffee with heavy whipping cream. I only use bulletproof coffee now, if I am fat fasting to break a long stall. If I dont get out the 190s pretty soon, I will be doing another fat fast for a few days.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Quenching thirst/drinking fast

    @@lacylou The more you heal and the further out you are, the more you can drink. I am 18 months and I can basically chug Water at almost pre-op levels. The time you have to sip and sip slowly is very short. The first 3 months. Then it gets better each month. Don't worry about it, is annoying at first. I was really unhappy thinking I would never be able to chug water again. I can't drink 16 ounces in one breath like I used to it takes 2 now, but I am guessing by the 2 year mark, I will be able to do it in one.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    BioTe after Gastric sleeve

    Looks like pellet based snake oil.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    @@larry971 You are a man, it isn't the same thing at all. No offense. I'm glad to see you have overcame adversity and kept your weight loss up.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    @@doxaholic Well weight has nothing to do with being healthy. I have dated guys that are normal weights but they don't eat healthy and they aren't active. I date a guy that is really active, slightly over weight (he is tall so he is just a big guy) and he has excellent taste in food (I love a foodie). I never dated over weight guys when I was overweight but I am more willing to date someone slightly overweight now, if they are active. When you get to men over 40, things get a little weird. You find a lot that are naturally thin, but don't take care of themselves at all. So how they look has nothing to do with their lifestyle. Luckily I'm self centered so I really rarely think about other people unless they are somehow attached to me. I don't care about random fat people. The fat people I know personally are happy being fat and aren't serious about losing weight. The only thing that annoys me about fat people is them asking me about losing weight but they have no intentions of following through so they are just wasting my time. I'm not interested in being around anyone with a fat mentality. It is like being a recovering heroin addict and hanging out in a drug den.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    Just like I said on the first page. No one that responded to this thread has been out here dating in the past 2 years. With the internet people have infinite choices when it comes to dating. It is competitive and brutal. All this kumbaya pat on the back crap from people that have been married since the 80s or 90s is useless. It is a completely different world.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Secret Surgery

    I kept my surgery secret and even 175 pounds later, no one questions it. As long as you aren't eating pizza and bon bons and sitting on your butt all day, people don't question how you are losing weight. 95% of the population believes that diet and exercise work, so if you are doing both people will think that is how you are losing weight. You don't have to tell school or work anything. Tell you then you ill and taking time off. Get a note from your PCP to cover your time off. HIPPA exists for a reason, no one is entitled to know about your health care choices.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    So depressed. Really need help

    @@mollydeez I started seeing a therapist, because I was having issues adjusting to how people treat me post-op. I really suggest seeing someone that you can talk to. Also make sure you are taking your Vitamins. I slacked off on taking my vitamins and it caused me to really nose dive in a big way. Don't do it.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you need to be obsessed to be successful?

    I really like this question. The first 3 months I was obsessed. I slacked off months 3 to 6, then months 6-12 I was semi-obsessed. Now I am 1/2 through year 2 and it isn't obsession it is just normal life. I like to weigh all my food, at first that seemed obsessive, now it just seems normal. I read all the labels on everything. I dodge bad food and trigger foods like the plague. I needed the time to focus on myself and adjust to a new lifestyle and habits. Now that it is a lifestyle, I am more back to my normal habits. I don't think like a fat person anymore, I think like a thin person, without having to force myself to think like a thin person. I do think people that really dedicate themselves to the process and learning will have better long term success. If you treat WLS just like another diet, you will squander the benefits of it.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@deeveg I know that Jamie eats carbs because she runs marathons. I am sure she will answer with her macros My macros are like 60% fat, 50% Protein 10% carbs. I rarely go over 25 net carbs, so my carbs are usually really lower than 10%, more like 7%. That works for me, it might now work for everyone. It works for me because it includes things I hate. Like I would rather starve than eat Beans, or rice or Pasta. I don't like any of them. People who like things like that will have a hard time eating Keto I think. I like meat and dairy, so Keto, low carbing is perfect for me.
  11. @@HomerThompson Ask your surgeon at your 2 week visit. Your surgeon is going to know better for you, than people on the internet. Or I would call my surgeon's office for direction on Monday.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Soup recommendations?

    @@TellyUSA I looked, does not exist. They are all high carb or highish carb and low in Protein. Your best option is to buy stock or broth and add unflavored Protein powder. Alternatively you can buy a lowish carb soup (good luck finding one) and add protein powder to it. Almost all commercial Soups are going to use a flour thickener or something else. The carbs are high and the protein is low. Most soups you buy are really trash foods, but that is another topic.
  13. @@ShelterDog64 Mainly because you aren't supposed to eat to the point of being full, or rely on restriction for judging how much you can eat. That is why practices don't focus on it. When I first started posting here, some vets that don't post here anymore made it very clear that eating until your nose ran (there is a vein that causes this to happen) meant you were over eating and this was something to avoid. I see too many people seeking to be full early on, when being full is the last thing you want to do. I'm 18 months and being full is still uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. Every time I do it, I regret it. It happens by accident some of the time due to moisture content, but it is miserable.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Uneven weight loss

    My weight has some off the places that it was easiest to lose first. Legs, upper torso, above shoulders. My stomach where the bulk of my weight is, has "lost the slowest". That isn't really true, it just has the most to lose. Now that I am almost done, almost all the weight I am losing comes off my lower stomach. Hang in there, it get better. Just keep losing.
  15. OutsideMatchInside


    I don't think you get your true capacity until about the one year mark. I could eat more at 3 months, then 6 months, and then at 12 months. My capacity from 12 to 18 hasn't changed.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    CAN you eat vs SHOULD you eat

    A lot of people think the sleeve or even the bypass will prevent them from eating certain things. The thing is even with surgery. food addictions will make people eat things they shouldn't ignoring pain and discomfort. Nothing but not wanting to is going to stop people from eating things. I purposely chose the sleeve over the band and the bypass because it offered the most normal life post op. I knew I would be able to eat basically anything if I didn't have complications. That was the appeal of the sleeve. After months of eating healthy and getting results from it. I never want to go back to eating how I did before. Not even a little bit. The benefits of losing weight and being small far out weigh the taste of any food. Yet, I don't feel deprived at all because the sleeve helped me change my attitude about food. I hope that more people can make the life changing mental changes with food that are really the key to success. Surgery, the physical part is such a small fleeting thing.
  17. I didn't say that to come off as rude. It is just a common topic. My nurse in the hospital was 6 months post op from the sleeve. He gave me more tips and tricks about eating and postoperative than was in my binder. When I first started posting here there was a lot of discussion about full feelings and how to tell. Since that time a lot of vets have left and there are fewer people to answer those questions. Like this thread in the past would have had a lot more vets posting it. It is just frustrating that a lot of knowledge is being lost, or not shared here anymore.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    I can't speak for you or anyone else but for me the differnce is, I look very small and normal in clothes. When I was big, I was big and people knew exactly what they were getting. Now I feel like I am false advertising even though I am not trying to. No guy I have been with has commented or cared but it is my comfort issue. I'm really struggling with it. Most people that post on here are married and older or in a LTR, so there aren't many people that can relate to dating with loose skin. So don't expect many useful responses.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Wedding dinner advice...

    Don't eat. Sip Water. Drink a Protein shake in the car between. The wedding and the reception. Tell people you have an upset stomach. Don't over think it
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Tummy Tuck and Inner Thigh Lift

    A lot of people have that vehicle scar fade very well.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Pizza that is the ?

    Yeah that's the thing about thin crust. It breaks down like crackers. I could probably eat 1/2 a thin crust pizza easy. Toppings off no restriction and thin crust doesn't either. So the only pizza I eat is the pizza I make. When I go out for pizza with friends I get a chicken caesar salad. Chicken is dense Protein and more satisfying.
  22. Well no one unless they are stuffing themselves is going to feel restriction with liquids or mushies. The thing is you don't want to learn to rely on restriction for setting your portions because as you heal restriction will change. You just want to count your Protein an measure (hopefully weigh) your portions and just eat and track your proper portion amount. This topic keeps coming up all the time and I really wonder what kind of education if any programs are really offering about immediate post-op eating.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Visit to the barber

    Once you get to a certain point people stop commenting. The first 100 pounds people commented. The last 70 people haven't said much anymore. Except it seems like the last 30 made a huge difference and my friends have commented more. My face is really defined now and my waist is gone really.
  24. I don't cheat. I have removed that from my food vocabulary, it is just counterproductive to a healthy life. I do have whatever I want if I am getting to point I feel like I am obsessing about it. Usually one or 2 small bites and I am over it. I find it helpful. If I do happen to go over my carbs and eat 50 grams of carbs or more, I feel sluggish and gross, so I just don't do it. Not worth it.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    In need of some relatively long-term stories!

    There are tons of stories here, use search. Honestly your Dad knows and loves you. He isn't going to care about some random strangers on the internet and their story. If you want to have surgery, then have it and tell him afterward. Like you said you are an adult and independent.

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