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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Uncontrollable Bowels

    Stop eating things that make you dump. Ice cream bars shouldn't even be on the menu for you. You don't have uncontrollable bowels, you are dumping by eating off plan. Which is surgery working as intended. Dumping is supposed to discourage you from eating trash foods. Wait until you are healed and have lost your weight to eat sugary sweets, and then only do it in moderation.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Getting Water In

    In the beginning I took a sip ever minute or so. Now I just guzzle 8 to 16 ounces randomly.
  3. I couldn't leave the hospital if I couldn't "eat". I had to be able to finish most of a Protein shake and make a dent in the other stuff on my tray. You need to drink. Not drinking and not using your sleeve will just allow it to swell more and it will be harder to drink with each passing day. If you don't get fluids in you will dehydrate and you will be in the hospital.
  4. OutsideMatchInside


    Every day now. I started weighing myself everyday so I could see a pattern and detach my feelings from the scale. I suggest not weighing at all the first month, then weighing weekly. Then once you are closer to goal or one year, weigh every day.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    1st actual meal 23 days POSt Op

    Probably not. I have a marketing degree but I wouldn't waste my skills on Red Lobster. Maybe Bonefish Grill... I thought their slogan was "Come see what's fresh today". Their new slogan of "Trash peasant food" doesn't sound very good for their business.
  6. OutsideMatchInside


    Ask your Dr. I had Syntrax Cappuccino until 6 weeks then I started drinking cold brew coffee. I love coffee and I drink a lot every day. Early on the acid in coffee is an issue so try something low acid like cold brew or french.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone else feel DISCOURAGE

    You will never look like you lost weight if you the same clothes. So many people complain about looking/feeling fat, but they are in fat clothes, of course that is how they feel. New you, new clothes.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Getting sleeved with a baby

    You basically have no energy for the first 6 weeks and you won't be able to lift your baby for 2 weeks to a month because of hernia risk. Good luck. I would never get sleeved with a baby that you to care for.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    1st actual meal 23 days POSt Op

    If i was going to eat something after not eating for a long time it wouldn't be trash peasant food like Red Lobster. Lol if you are going to eat seafood, eat real seafood.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Airport Security Curiosity

    She told me anything bunched up that they can't get a good read on sets it off. I was almost crying so she felt compelled to explain it to me. It was also hot then and I was about 50 pounds heavier and I was using powder between skin folds. That didn't help either.
  11. OutsideMatchInside


    99% of the people I am around don't know if had surgery and think I eat nornally. Almost everyone low carbs at some point in their life. I low carb, no one thinks it is wired. I go out to restaurants and I can finish a whole entree or make it look like I did. The amount of time you can't eat "normally" is so short it isn't even worth dwelling on. 6 to 9 months out of a lifetime. Comments like your friend is exactly why I didn't tell people. Still the people that I did tell, they never make comments like that. My best friend and I are foodies and now all we do is make sure we get the highest quality and best food possible when I visit. She never pities that I can eat less, but she really loves me. People need to rethink some of the people they have in their lives and decide if they really care about them or not.
  12. I take the Vitamins I took before surgery. NOW foods. They are huge though but I don't have trouble swallowing pills. I think chewable are disgusting, I'm not a toddler. I'll never take them.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Airport Security Curiosity

    It is the skin that lights it up. That is what the TSA lady told me the last time I was humiliated in the airport. And yeah I had to get new ID pictures. I looking nothing like my old picture. It was getting really bed when I was going places.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Going out shopping

    Surgery Wed, home thursday, went to get my nails done and some other stuff on that Friday.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Gain/C25k Meltdown

    No one really post-op from the sleeve should do liquids to get back on track. Liquids offer zero restriction or satisfaction. If you need a reset just dense Protein is best and it will remind you of your restriction. Whenever you start working out from an absense, you are going to gain because your muscles that you haven't been using are swelling and breaking up and rebuilding. If you aren't over eating and tracking your food. There is no reason to freak about your weight.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Social hardships? Ages 20-24ish

    You might realize that going out just to eat is boring af. When I go out with my friends that just want to eat I am so bored. I want to go rock climbing! LOL which no fat girls want to do.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Orientation to surgery

    8 weeks.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    @@larry971 All of my friends feel like I should just be happy to be pretty, in good healthy and not look my age. So they don't understand my issues. So I just stopped talking to them about it.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    @@Dashofpixiedust8 I still want to lose another 20-35 pounds. Putting me right at or close to 200 pounds lost. Most of the people that post here or have WLS in general now have around 100 lbs or so to lose. And I agree, losing 100 pounds is no easy feat but it nothing like having to lose the big numbers. Most people will never have to lose the big numbers. Being super morbidly obese puts you in a class by yourself. I never even knew I was super morbidly obese until I started this jorney, I just thought I was normal fat, lol. So when someone here who was 250 tries to lecture me that I should wear my loose skin as a badge of honor, I want to punch them in the face. The amount of lose skin someone who started 100 pounds lower than I did is going to be nothing like that skin I have so they really shouldn't comment unless they are in my shoes. I too, took a break from dating and sex before surgery, concentrating on my business and some other achievements. The hormone flood after surgery kind of forced me into the dating world, even though I wasn't ready. It is much harder now, dating strangers online than dating in the past. In the past I date people I met through work or college, and they knew me. I felt like in the past most men that wanted to date me, wanted to date me because of my personality and other character attributes and now they just want to date me because I am "beautiful". I don't feel beautiful, at least with my clothes off, so it makes me feel like a fraud. Like I said before, most people that have WLS are older and married or now they are young and haven't been obese that long. There aren't many people in my boat and I feel very alone in my journey. I just working on accepting that I am alone and being okay with it.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Why are there passwords?

    All those user created groups are being closed/deleted. Thus there is this forum.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Pizza & Beer for work...must avoid!

    All pizza places have salads. I was cleared for salads at 6 weeks. chicken wings that aren't breaded would be a good choice but they can be dry and get stuck so be careful. Eat the toppings off the pizza. Honestly you have lots of options, you just have to think like a sleever.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Shrimp gate

    I avoid most of those posts. I had basically zero issues post-op. My biggest issue has been raging hormones which no one else seems to post about. I can't relate to people with pain or nausea issues, so I just skip those posts. My whole recovery has been so easy and for the most part I feel so normal, I forget I even had surgery some days.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Post Op MARIJUANA Users?

    Girl just use search, this thread will turn to hell in 5 4 3 2 1
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Body image and sex

    Sounds like somebody treated you really bad. and believe me I understand about image. It works the other way too. Women don't talk to me because of my size. I actually lost a job because they didn't want a fat man working there. Women can be just as cruel as men. But I don't care how many cruel ones there are because there's a lot of nice good ones out there. And looking in the mirror and seeing your imperfections isn't anything that anyone can change but you. And it's never that easy. Sent from Larry's S7 Actually I haven't had bad experiences at least not about my looks. My issues are internal. Most men think I am beautiful, actually strikingly beautiful, which is really another problem all together that I am dealing with. Like I said before, no man I have dated in the past year as said anything at all about my body, they are usually very stuck on how beautiful my face is. The issue is my own person comfort level with my skin. Suddenly being uncomfortable in your own body is a very weird feeling. I never had this issue morbidly obese. I would walk around naked around men all the time, sex with the lights on, everything. I was very comfortable with my body. I wasn't one of those fat people that hated myself. I have lost over 170 pounds, not many people have lost that much weight. That puts me in a class with very few people. People that have lost in the 100 pound range don't have the same issues as people who have lost nearly twice as much. One of the things I am working on with my therapist is learning to accept that I am in a class alone and other people just aren't going to understand what I am going through because they aren't there and never will be. Even when I talk to my therapist I feel like I am talking to a brick wall, people just don't get it, and she doesn't either. I'm pretty much on an island by myself, which is difficult. I almost weight less currently than the weight I have lost, most people don't lose a full grown adult male in weight, and of the people that do lose that much, a lot of them have so much to lose, they are still morbidly obese after losing this much. So anyway I got a 2nd job for skin removal, because I can't see living like this much longer, beyond vanity it is terribly uncomfortable.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Bullet Proof Coffee

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App I keep seeing people say coconut oil, but real Bulletproof coffee uses MCT Oil, not coconut oil. They are not the same thing. Bulletproof coffee requires MCT oil and unsalted grassfed butter, both are needed because both provide different things. I left a bunch of my Keto and low carb Facebook groups because I was sick of people spreading misinformation about Keto, bulletproof and just nutrition in general. @@woo woo Keep using your premier shake.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
