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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Crying on the bathroom floor

    I got a PM from OP complaining that I made her feel like <whatever curse word she used>. All because I told her the 3 week stall was normal and her Dr should have explained her surgery to her better. THIS IS WHY VETS DO NOT BOTHER POSTING HERE ANYMORE.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Fast Food Questions

    I take single bites of things and throw them away all the time. I don't see it as wasting money since being fat cost me a lot more money. food is not a durable good. There is no wasting it. If I eat the whole thing, or eat half of it and throw the other half away the end result is the same the food is gone/used up. The only difference is it is not turning into fat in my body. I weigh all my food. I have a scale at home and a scale I keep in my purse. I don't think I could have been successful without weighing and tracking all my food. If not weighing is working for you, keep up the good work! Everyone is different.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Crying on the bathroom floor

    @@White Sale You and like everyone else who ever had surgery. Chill out, stop weighing yourself. Did your Dr even talk to you about surgery? My Dr told me the whole point of the first month is to heal, not lose weight and if I didn't lose any weight the first month it didn't matter. Your body is using all of its energy to try and heal from losing most of an organ, it doesn't care about your weight loss. My Dr sat and thoroughly explained this to me. 18 months later I am down 177 pounds. Chill, goodness.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Posting about fast food and unhealthy junk

    @@xoxococojay On one hand I think it is important for people to know that they can have a "normal" life long term post-op. I eat out. I don't eat crap but I eat out. Like for example there is a sandwich place near my office. I order the Italian beef, they put it in a cup with Au Jus and cheese for me. So yeah I'm eating out but there are zero carbs there. My issue with that post is that person is not even going to try and lead a healthy life at all. They are right back on the trash peasant food wagon as soon as they get a chance. Then 6 to 9 months from now they will be posting how RNY failed them, and they regret surgery, never lost weight and can't get back on track. Well it is pretty much impossible to get back on track when you never started on track. I don't like those posts, but it reminds me of how much I have accomplished by changing my attitude towards food and also how easy it is to slide back into old habits if you don't change your attitude about food. So let those posts keep coming. You can find knowledge and victory in other peoples failures. I have an associate that had RNY (I feel like RNY people are the least compliant post op, they think malabsorption is going to save them forever), she lost a lot of weight the first year. Then she stopped losing. She NEVER changed her attitude about food. Kept going out to eat all the time with her family, she just ate less. She never cooked. Never learned nutrition. She started out super morbidly obese, but she is still obese now, her BMI is such she would still qualify for surgery right now today and she over 4 years post-op. Her failure at using her tool properly and learning was my guide on what not to do. So let people make fools of themselves and learn from their mistakes. You can't save everyone, just worry about yourself.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Fast Food Questions

    I have a low carb burger from Hardees, like I dunno, quarterly in an emergency situation. I get the nuggets at Chick-Fil-A grilled or fried depending on my mood pretty often, weekly, bi weekly. I don't eat fries, they have no nutritional value, they are a slider and a trigger food for me. I could eat a whole pile of fries at this point if I felt like it, my restriction won't stop me. The thing about your post is. You haven't changed your attitude about food at all. So long term once you are healed you are going to eat all these foods just like you did before and you won't lose weight, and the weight you lost when your RNY did all the work you will gain back. When you can't eat at all or chew right after surgery, you are going to want all the bad things. That is head hunger. You need to really work with your pouch thing, to learn good eating habits that stick. So that when you do get fast food, it just an occasional thing. If you really work with your tool, and learn to eat healthy, fast food won't even appeal to you anymore. And I am saying this to you as a single person that used to eat out all the time and eat a lot of fast food pre-op. I don't even really think about it now. Also Wendy's chil is crap. Just make your own. I make low carb chili at home and it barely takes 10 minutes of active cooking. I don't use beans because I don't need the carbs from beans. I just brown ground beef, add chili seasoning (packet or your own mix) and a can of diced tomatoes. Low carb Chilli. Let it simmer. @@izzy13 Long term it isn't a waste. I can eat a whole bunless buger. The low carb burger at hardees is wrapped in lettuce. I didn't have one until the post 1 year mark. At the 6 month mark I could out eat 4 ChickFilA nuggets, at the 1 year mark and beyond I can eat 8. I really hate when people say you can only have X amount of bites of something. It is a completely ridiculous and useless measurement that has no basis in science and provides zero frame of reference for people.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Syntrax nectars

    I LOVE Oh Yeah One Bars. I try to limit my purchase/use of them because they are so delicious. They are nothing like Quest bars. Lemon is my favorite, and they have one that tastes like almond joy.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Grazing and how to end it?!

    @@sasharbinx I eat every 2 to 3 hours. It isn't grazing because all my portions are measure and accounted for. You posted your calories and not your Protein. If you are eating 900 calories a day but your protein is over 90 grams, there is nothing wrong with that. Eating in the 1000 calorie range is not going to stop you from losing fast, but if you are getting most of those calories from carbs, that will stop you from losing fast. Also at this point for you, all the nerves are not reconnected to your stomach. It is hard I think to understand this post-op, but when they do reconnect you know the difference. My Dr explained it to me so I understood it. And you can't eat anything that is dense right now. When you get to the point you can eat solid forms of protein, you won't want to or be able to graze. If I have a steak or a pork chop, it legit takes a solid 2 hours or more for me to want to eat again, that fullness/tension from eating dense protein lasts a long time. Focus on getting your protein in, and don't worry about the calories. The sooner you get off starvation level calories, the better.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Can Sleeve Stretch

    @@Jamieson Not really. Does it give over time, sure. Does it heal, yes. Every single person that I had ever read a post by that said sleeve had stretched was eating sliders, carbs and Proteins that had almost no density. Sleeves don't stretch enough to make a real difference. People don't use the sleeve the way it is supposed to be used.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    For the ladies:

    @@UnkemptCaptain As you lose weight and dump hormones, expect your periods to get worse before they get better. I had regular periods my whole life. Then I had 2-3 periods a month for 9 months. Now they are better.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    The need to eat until stuffed

    @@nnagle323 If I eat 4 ounces of steak or a pork chop I am full for a while and I can't eat anything else even if I want to. My suggestion is to eat DENSE Protein, really dense. Like Steak. I eat every 2 hours sometimes 3, so I can meet my protein goals of 100-120 grams of protein a day. I don't think eat every 2 or 3 hours is out of the ordinary. I have lots of days sometimes it goes in phases of weeks where I am really hungry. I think it has to do with hormonal and metabolic changes but I really don't know for sure. I know a lot of other sleevers go through the same thing.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    MyFitnessPal doesn't like how much I eat

    @@WitchySar I never close my days in my app and all the macros and everything are calculated properly. I don't get what closing the day is supposed to do.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Thoughts about Halo Top High Protein Ice Cream?

    It does freezer burn fast! I also think the fact it is in the freezer for a month or more doesn't help. I totally agree about it not being like normal ice cream being a major plus. You can't just snack on it easily, It isn't creamy in the container. It does get creamy when you have it out a little while. It just isn't tempting for me. When the weather warms I will go back to keeping it in stock. I feel like it is great snack for people with self control. Even if you don't have self control, a whole container is very few calories compared to normal ice cream. One of these entire containers is fewer calories than one serving (1/4) of a pint of Ben and Jerry's.
  13. I still haven't had pork rinds post op. I used to eat themore as a low carb eafter, I used them for breading for fried chicken. If you want crunch. I like the Quest chips, they melt in your mouth. Pork rinds are a good snack if you are a choice I think. I just don't think at 5 weeks they are.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 2 years out

    It depends on the food. The moisture and fat count for a lot. 4 to 6 ounces of dense Protein. I eat my protein alone nothing else usually. 3 cups to unlimited salad greens. They are a slider I can have as much as I want. Most things that are steak or pork chops doof not trigger restriction for me, I'm finding new sliders every week at this point. I know for long term success, just meat is going to be my main food source.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    MyFitnessPal doesn't like how much I eat

    They aren't going to change it for the minority of users, they don't care. Their premium prices are high enough they should care. I use LoseIt premium to track. I never end my days, I don't see the point. I know when I'm done eating. I did end a day with less than 1200 calories to see what would happen and it just popped up a picture saying at least 1200 is best. I normally eat more than 1200 calories a day anyway, so this would not be a normal issue for me. Honestly I think a lot of Bariatric patients need the reminder to strive to hit 1200 calories so this the reminder is a good goal. Does MFP let you customize more with premI'm? Every time I have used it so much if the food entries are wrong, I have trashed it. The food in LoseIt even the user entries are far more accurate.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Thoughts about Halo Top High Protein Ice Cream?

    @@jenn1 These are the nutrition facts from the site. If you subtract the Fiber and the sugar alcohol, it has 4 net carbs and 6 grams of Protein. I have it with http://www.eatmeguiltfree.com/collections/brownies/products/blondie-brownie If you compare it to regular ice cream, well there is no comparison as far as carbs and sugars go. I had this off and on since 6 months and I still managed to lose like 100lbs pounds having a little once or twice a week. I haven't had any in a while, because it is freezing, but as long as ice cream isn't a trigger for someone I don't see an issue. Also how fresh the halo top is, seems to have an effect on the taste. Some cartons taste better than others, you want to buy it some place with a high churn rate. @@Kaylamh Whole Foods has it, all the other places that have it around here are local places that you wouldn't have.
  17. @@WitchySar Are you taking a PPI?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Color analysis input (aka failing at girl-fu)

    @@theantichick As far as makeup, go to Sephora and get ColorIQ matched. It takes all the guess work out of getting the right foundation. If you have the right foundation, everything else falls in place. If you are over 40, your foundation should cost over $40, if it doesn't you are just borrowing trouble. The more expensive foundation costs more but you use less so it lasts longer so you save long term. My suggestions are Dior, Armani, YSL, or Lancome, depending on what your color matches are. They don't have Armani in the Sephora stores, so when you are color matched, just go to Nordstrom and get a sample of your color. DO NOT BUY A FOUNDATION UNTIL YOU HAVE APPLIED IT YOURSELF AND WORN IT ALL DAY FIRST. Get all the samples, try a different one each day, then buy the one you like the best and can apply the easiest, that is going to vary with everyone. I like to use liquid foundation and set it with a powder. If you aren't that great with makeup, then just a powder foundation with a big brush is the most forgiving. If you start filling your brows in, the trick to make them look good is to brush them again after you fill them. MAC is only good for lipsticks and eyes. Their foundations are crap. They are okay if you are young and starting out, but they aren't good for mature/maturing skin. When it comes to foundation, be a snob, everything else, you can slum it. I think the whole color concept for clothes is silly, but I'm also a skin tone that I can wear pretty much any color in the rainbow and it works for me. I also don't subscribe to dressing your age. That is an outdated concept. I'm 40ish, I look 30ish, so I dress 30ish. I wear what I want. I work in corporate America, in upper management. I wear nice suits, but I pop them with a lot of color, so I might wear a dark suit, a bight colored shell and bright pumps to match. I express my personality in my clothes. I don't want to look older, I don't need to look older to command respect in the workplace. I was in middle management in corporate America in my early 20s and I commanded respect, because I earned it based on my skills not my looks. Dress how you want. No one who is in their 40s acts like it anymore anyway. This is 2017.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Thoughts about Halo Top High Protein Ice Cream?

    I like the strawberry and the lemon. The thing is, if you go like 6 months on Protein shakes and dense protein. They will taste pretty delicious. They don't taste like regular ice cream and that is fine, they are not regular ice cream. I like that they don't taste like regular ice cream, it is a reminder and keeps me mindful of my eating. Like I said I usually just have 1/2 a serving, just a little taste is enough.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Thoughts about Halo Top High Protein Ice Cream?

    I love it. It has better macros than most yogurts. I have about 1/2 a serving size 35 grams weighed on the scale, with my Protein brownies.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Minimiser Ring?..

    No. I wouldn't let a Dr that performs them do my surgery either. If they know how to properly make a sleeve it is not necessary.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    WLS is the easy way out

    18 months into it, I feel like WLS makes weight loss easy. This is the easiest I have ever lost weight, and the fastest. That doesn't mean it has been easy, but it has been far easier than anything in the paat. I don't talk about my surgery, so I don't have to hear dumb comments and I did this mainly because I don't care about other people's opinions on my choices.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Which part of your journey was the hardest?

    pre-op diet.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Question for the 100+lb losers

    @@Toni Ha your dr will tell you when you can start exercise but generally it is 6 weeks post op
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Orange Juice

    Get some Syntrax nectar in orange. A big key to long term success is find substitutions that satisfy craving get but are on plan.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
