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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Why do so many people like "my 600 pound life" ?

    The ones we see on the show... If you watch skin tight he is doing plastics and all kinds of other surgeries. Surgeons specialize for a reason. I don't like his personality and I don't like his methods. My dislike of him isn't really for debate. Some people like him, he helps people. He could take some lessons from the guys on Fat Doctor though.
  2. Oh Yeah One and FitCrunch are delicious. Oh Yeah are fine for a bariatric person in WLS phase. Fitcrunch are more for people in or near maintenance who need to get/keep their daily calories up.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What is most important to weight loss?

    Diet is the most important. Exercise is good for fitness, and overall health but not necessary for weight loss. If you want to lose weight fast, a restrictive diet with little exercise besides walking is going to get you the fastest weight loss. If you keep your Protein to 1 gram per 1 pound of lean muscle mass per day, you will lose very little muscle (everyone will lose some muscle dropping weight, you don't need as much muscle to carry the lower weight). Weighing all your food, all your condiments etc. Anything with calories, weigh it so you eat an accurate amount. Track all your food. Even on the bad days, especially on the bad days. Protein, fat, carbs. If you track your food, eat your protein first, and cut out all carbs except trace carbs from dairy, and green veggies, it is almost impossible to consume more than 25 carbs a day.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeve to Bypass Revision

    If a surgeon did my sleeve and I didn't lose weight. I would not let that same surgeon do the revision. They screwed up the first time. I wouldn't trust them a 2nd time.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Natural Hair and Bariatric Surgery

    Biotin doesn't work for everyone. Biotin is also prone to breaking your skin out. You have to almost Water board yourself to get enough water in to prevent skin break outs. I don't think many people immediately post-op can get a gallon of water in a say. Zinc, sulfer and Iron are better supplements than biotin. Still if your hair is shedding from a medical/hormonal reason, nothing will stop it, these things will just help it grow back faster.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    What are your fat and protein grams like per day? Are you tracking and using a scale? If you aren't using a scale but you are measuring, try switching to a scale, it is far more accurate.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating is Awkward

    It is hard advice to take because losing weight makes your hormones rage, and men will pay you a lot of attention. They can smell it almost, lol. Still I have never been this small in my adult life. It really took a while for me to get used to. You are younger and haven't been heavy as long so it might be easier for you to adjust to. I have been in normal sizes for months, but it has only been in the past couple months that I have really been able to accept that I am smaller normal sized woman and not a deflated fat person. When I was dating last year, every time a guy broke it off or things didn't work out I assumed it was because of my loose skin or how my body looks. Even though not one man has ever said anything negative about my body, I get told I am beautiful constantly. It was just my issue. You need a thick skin for dating. So until you are sure you have a clear grasp on the new you, just do you.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    How much you lose after 6 months is basically entirely on the types of food you are eating. The first 6 month it is easy to lose because you are healing still and are at max restriction. If I ate the way that most sleevers and most of the people that post on the forums eat, I am pretty sure I would have never weighed less than 250. The only reason I have been steadily losing for the past 1.5 years is because I eat Keto. I eat DENSE Protein, and it basically leaves no room for anything else and I am satisfied. I have fats in my coffee, and how I prepare my food, and that is about it. No carbs, I am under 20 carbs a day most days unless I have a Protein Bar or something. I have been to the gym maybe 3 times since surgery, Well maybe 10. I walk my dog every day, and I randomly do yoga, and that is it. It is a lot easier to control what you eat than workout, and exercise isn't necessary to lose weight, proper nutrition is. I eat 1300-1500 calories, once a week I eat about 1800-1900 and I am still losing. Low calories for a long period of time destroys your metabolism and holds you back from losing. I got to 1000 calories as fast and possible, and lost most of my weight eating in the 1200 calorie range. I eat more calories now, because of some lifestyle changes. I would just suggest anyone eat under 1100 calories for any length of time. You will end up stuck on low calories for the rest of your life. If you are unsure about how many calories you should be eating. Have your resting metabolic rate tested so you know where your metabolism is, instead of guessing. Also how may carbs do you consider low carb?
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating is Awkward

    My suggestion is don't date until after you are at goal and have been. There for 6 months to a year. You need to get used to your new self. Learn from my mistakes.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    Yoga poses are so much easier.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Myths about exercise and weight loss?

    I posted about this a while ago. Exercise is kind of useless for weight loss. It is counter productive. So many people get caught up in exercise and not wanting to do it, they never lose weight. Exercise however is important for overall good health. I have just walked for most of my weight loss. I recently started working out to sculpt my body a little and work out days I gain 5 lbs in Water weight because of muscle recovery. However I'm getting smaller. *sigh* https://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2016/11/28/why-do-i-gain-weight-when-i-exercise/
  12. I had some GERD issues month 3 to 9 and it was just from introducing new foods and learning my tolerances. If I am going to eat something really spicy, like for real spicy not American spicy, I pop an antacid before I eat. I rarely eat spicy food though. Months 3 to 9 you learn a lot about your sleeve, then at 1 year it kind of doesn't matter anymore. ???
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    Yes. better at 3 months, better at 6 months, really different at 12 months, the further you are out, the more "normal" you feel
  14. The other thing that no one talks about is most people can avoid GERD by not over eating. My first year most of my GERD happened after eating out when I didn't weigh and portion my food like I do at home. Then when you count in all the people that have a lot a regain post-op. I need more details in a study.
  15. Lose more weight. That is the only way to do it. As you keep losing it comes from all kinds of places. You can't spot reduce fat and anyone that tells you that you can is a liar. All you can do is build muscle under fat with target exercises and that is going to make you bigger.
  16. Honestly it is not worth risking a natural remedy. In the big scheme of things you only take a PPI for a very short time. I took some maybe every other day for like 3 to 4 months. I'm 19 months out and I haven't taken any in over a year. GERD when you let it get out of control is painful and mimics hunger. Most of the people post-op that are claiming to be starving are suffering from GERD and by not taking a PPI they are just self sabotaging. If you are really concerned about taking a PPI, then have RNY or no surgery at all. Having your body chopped up isn't exactly a natural solution to obesity.
  17. Well what size you wear depends on a lot of things besides your weight. Like how much muscle mass you retain and how you are built. I wear an 8 or a 10 right now. Few people my height and weight wear a size 8,. I am kind of in between sizes 8s are a little tight, 10s are too big. I could easily end up a 4 if I lose the rest of my weight. I had a lot to lose so it is going to take me 2 years to lose my weight but I knew that going in. Comparing yourself to someone else is a recipe for failure, just don't do it.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Nauseous from chewable vitamins

    Find a different vitamin. All you need is a good high quality one, it doesn't have to be a chewable.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Natural Hair and Bariatric Surgery

    I have been natural almost all my life. My hair shed terrible. I took all my Vitamins, even expensive hair vitamins, and my Protein was always over 90 grams a day. My hair grew back even thicker. The texture is the same. I'm 19 months post op.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Gain After Sleeve

    The best part about my sleeve is that I don't have to fad diet anymore. Why not just eat dense protein? Steak grilled chicken, lamb chops, pork chops, etc. You will be more satisfied for longer. All these resets programs focus on liquids. That might work for people with RNY, I don't know but it seems really counter productive for a sleever. Simple dense protein, just dense protein. The weight will come off. Liquids go right through my sleeve and offer zero satisfaction and don't remind me of the most important part of my sleeve, besides the Gherlin removal, the restriction. And once you are smaller 15 pounds is a lot of weight, it is at least one dress size, maybe 2. There is advantage in weighing yourself daily so if you are up say 5 pounds, you can stop it before it gets to be too much.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Just looking for a word of encouragement

    You don't have to take chewables just because you had WLS. I found them really gross to the point I didn't want to take Vitamins at all even thought I normally took a Multivitamin anyway. If I could swallow my other medicine post op, there was no reason not to take normal Multivitamins. I take these https://www.nowfoods.com/supplements/eve-womens-multiple-vitamin-softgels The soft gels are very easy to digest.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Just looking for a word of encouragement

    What is the point of eating wheat toast?
  23. It doesn't matter which surgery you choose. There is no guarantee you will dump so choosing bypass won't save you from sweets. Find sugar free sweet replacements. I have sweets all the time but I don't eat sugar. My sweets are Protein bars, protein brownies, cream cheese withe stevia that ends up tasting like cheesecake. You have to think of long term solutions to the things you like. This is a life long thing, not a diet to squeeze into a bridesmaid dress. There is nothing wrong with replacements. Most of them are expensive and scarce so that will naturally keep you from over indulging.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Plastic Surgery?

    I didn't start as high as you but I suggest you keep losing. You really want to be as low as possible. Even though I am flabby and loose there is still fat attached to this skin. True loose skin is just empty skin. You will get the best results the lower your weight because they can only remove so much without sending you into shock. I know excess skin is terrible to deal with. I live with it every day. Still each day I am under 200 pounds I see more and more rebounding and improvements. Originally I wanted to go for surgery asap but now I think I might bottom out on weight and wait at 6 months h from then. I hate the idea of living with this skin that much longer but I am actually seeing the logic in it. Also I still don't quite have my BMI lowith enough for plastics anyway. I know it sucks but try to get at least to 30 BMI before surgery.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Increasing Calories to change set point

    I will take the advice of a MD over a nutritionist. Does anyone who is posting here even understand the education level or the lack there of that a nutritionist holds? The key not to wreck your metabolism is to increase you calories as you progress stages. My metabolism which I actually have checked scientifically and I'm not guessing, is normal to high even after losing 178 lbs. I kept my Protein high, I think in the past 19 months I had maybe 3 days of protein below 90, most of the time it has been 110 to 120. This allowed me to maintain a lot of muscle mass while burning fat for energy. If you are concerned about your metabolism. Have your resting metabolic rate tested. Then you will have a start point on if your metabolism is functioning normally or if it is inpared. There is no reason to go adjusting your calories unless you know what you are dealing with to start with. If your metabolism is normal, then you need to look at the types of calories you are consuming and not just to total number. 1500 calories of crackers isn't the same as 1500 calories of grilled chicken.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
