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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    2 years 20 lbs in 3 months

    @cockapoomom Are you actually hungry? Is it head hunger or is acid? I have a lot more head hunger in the past few months but my physical hunger isn't there. I just want to eat more. If you have to have eat sweets, get protein bars. They are expensive, and most of them will give you gas so that should help slow your sweets urge and at least you eat getting some protein. You can try protein brownies. eatmeguiltfree.com I think it is easier to work with your weaknesses than against them. So find protein sweet replacements for your sweets cravings. Want to snack get the quest protein chips. Cook steak, chicken, pork cop, cut them into strips that you can eat with your fingers. Just replace your problem items with good items. I'm not sure how you feel at this point, I am not quite out as far as you, but I don't really feel like a WLS patient at all. I'm pretty much a regular person with just a smaller stomach. Once you get further out from surgery I feel like a lot of WLS eating advice is useless. A nutritionist is just going to tell you what you already know. You have to see the patterns in your behavior and figure out a way to work around them. One thing I did to break bad habits at work on my 10 hours shifts was to just fast for the shifts for 2 days. I realized I was just eating because I was bored or my co-workers were eating. So I channeled that into something else.
  2. My Dr specifically told me the reason Sleevers have GERD is our bodies are still producing acid for a full sized stomach. not the size we have now and it takes it months to catch up.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Real Good Pizza Co

    They are insanely expensive considering you can make a flat bread pizza with the low carb flat out bread for probably $2 a pizza if that.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    "You're serving yourself too much!"

    You should weigh/measure out your proper portion and eat that. Putting more food on your plate now is setting you up to over eat later on. Right now you are healing and your restriction prevents you from over eating. That won't be the case in few months. There is a reason a lot of people stop losing at 6 months and start regaining. They never made good habits to start and once they are healed at 6 months, their restriction doesn't save them from over eating or eating the wrong things. It is good to get in the habit of serving yourself proper portion sizes so later when you are places you can't weigh and measure you have a better idea of what the proper size looks like. It only helps you.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    http://a.co/2IDJDhm I use a scale only, measuring with spoons and cups can be very inaccurate. I use a pocket scale when I am not at home. I find a lot of comfort in being strict with my tracking. When I stall or gain a couple pounds, I know it is not because of what I am eating. I weigh everything, the cream for my coffee, the mayo I use, everything. I weigh things that have a weight on the package, because those are not entirely accurate. I track it all in my app, and I watch for trends and patterns.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    My doctor said 6 months to heal. Between 6 and 12 months I gained maybe an additional ounce or 2 capacity but it was at this point that some things that used to trigger Restriction stopped. Like protein bars turned to sliders. I used to get restriction and satisfaction from chicken salad, but it has so much moisture that isn't the case anymore.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    When you are healing it seems to vary every day. At the one year mark you get a real idea of your true capacity
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    @marycordero it is a more radical surgery, with the stomach shape of the sleeve and an intestinal bypass. Duodenal switch. Google it. It used to be reserved for really extreme cases but lately I have seen people that are not very large at all having it done.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    Do people realize that chronically over eating gets acid in your esophagus and long term will lead to complications? Over eating. which is waiting until your body tells you that you are full, is a long term recipe for issues. Salad is a slider, at least it is for me. I can eat endless amounts of baby spinach. So salad is a bad example. I am also fully healed and over a year and a half out from surgery. I know my limits. People still learning need to rely on measuring. Actually you should rely on weighing, which is more accurate than measuring. @janedoe92 How much we can eat varies a lot on the moisture content of the food. Like if you prepare something fresh you will be able to eat more it than something you have reheated in the microwave, because the microwave removes moisture. The density and the fat content matter too. If you surgery date is accurate, you less than 2 months post op and not fully healed, so everything varies right now. Plus I know people with the DS have a sleeve shape, but I'm not sure what the similarities are after than since long term DS people consume a lot more calories than Sleevers because of their malabsoprtion.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    People who are food addicts, don't know what contentment is when it comes to eating. That is why they need to eat measured portions only. People who are fresh from surgery without reconnected nerves (the nerves are severed in surgery) will not know contentment. Long term, capacity and contentment will change. Measured portions only for long term success. Guessing or going on feeling is a recipe for failure.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Signs when you're full

    Your sign should be that you had your measured/weighed portion. You can't really depend on your body to tell you. Once your body signals you, you aren't full you have over ate. There are a lot of threads about this if you use search, but... It varies by person. Some people get a running nose, some hiccups, burping. Early on the nerves are not reconnected (your Dr should talk to you about this but a lot of them aren't that good and don't), so you can't depend on feelings from your stomach. Also like I said before, by the time you get the signal to your brain you have over eaten. You do not want to depend on feeling full long term. It is a recipe for overeating and regain. You need to learn to eat proper measured/weighed portions and being satisfied with those, so long term when you can eat more, you don't. Example I can eat 6 ounces of steak before I get stuffed, but a proper portion is 3-4 ounces (not just for sleevers but for everyone, people are not eating proper portions). 3-4 ounces will satisfy me for hours, and provides enough protein. If I just relied on my feeling of fullness I could over eat a proper portion at every meal. Creating good habits in the very beginning makes it easier to follow them later on. Right after surgery your tool is working the hardest to support your good choices. As time goes on and you heal and have more capacity and less fear of food, you will have less support from your tool, and will have to depend on the good habits that you have built over time.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    My pre-op diet is weird

    Umm that is not going to get you in ketosis or shrink your liver. Are you sure this is a Dr you want operating on you? This is the worse advice I have seen ever. They want you running on pure sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Caffeine effects post op?

    I would like to encourage people to try Cold Brew coffee, Learn to make your own or buy it at Starbucks or the Concentrate at Trader Joe's and other stores. You want a low acid coffee, at least for the first year, You want something smooth with low acidity. French Roasts are good for this and Trader Joe's sells a low acid French Roast if you want to brew coffee. Also learning to drink and love black coffee really goes a long way.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Walmart or Costco vitamins recommended?

    I take these https://www.amazon.com/Foods-Womens-Vitamin-Softgels-180-Count/dp/B003EXC32I?th=1 They cost about 1/2 that price purchased locally at my supplement store
  15. Lamb broth and unflavored protein powder. http://a.co/cBl6P63 I got really sick of sweet protein shakes really fast. I have always been a savory over sweets person.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Liquid Stage idea

    Broth + unflavored protein powder. there are lots of broths, and you can add various spices to spice them up
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    3 days out, remorseful, worried and depressed

    This is the dumbest thing I have read on here in a while, although I will admit I don't read or post as much as I used to. I enjoy eating out all the time. My personal life is pretty fabulous too. Why are you trying to spread distrust and misery Anne?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    1 yr post-op, looking for new meal ideas

    I keep my food really simple. As a single person that is easier for me and I don't get stuck with leftovers. I just eat dense protein. What I do focus on is varying the spices I use with my dense protein to vary the taste.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Trying NOT to fear fat??

    Well this is weird to me, since I lost most of my weight eating Keto, high fat, and basically no carbs. Your body needs good fats, you have no biological need for carbs. If you are a female and you want young healthy looking skin, you need fat in your diet. There is a reason I look 10 to 12 years younger than I am. FAT. So you basically eat just pure protein each day? What are your macros like, on a normal day? She talks a lot about diet here, don't be mislead by the title.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    Over 1.5 years out and I have never had rice since surgery. It has no nutritional benefits to me, at all. Why would anyone even want to eat rice post-op? Just buy rice cauliflower or make your own. Almost no calories and it won't ruin your plan.
  21. Blood Pressure 101 over 64. Considering I started this because my blood pressure was high and they wanted to put me on meds, that number is great.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Thank you ProudGrammy!

    2. higher
    3. Newme17


      Awesome!!! I'm happy for you. Those are great numbers! :)

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What am I doing wrong?

    If you aren't getting the results you want, WEIGH, not measure everything. Measuring is inaccurate. I weigh everything, including condiments. If I eat a piece of meat with a bone, I weigh it with the bone and I weigh the bone afterward and subtract the weight. Use an app. Track everything, every single thing. You are over/underestimating something. At 5 months you should still be losing at a pretty good pace. In fact months 4-6 are usually some of the highest loss months. So you need to evaluate what you are doing wrong. Have you talked to your team? What was your starting BMI?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone noticed health issues arising?

    No but I don't really eat off plan often. I'm almost 2 years out also. Honestly my digestive system and body function exactly the same, the only difference is my stomach is small. No changes to tastes, no food allergies, same alcohol tolerance, etc.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What am I doing wrong?

    Too much exercise, not enough calories to support that level of activity. How many carbs? Do you weigh everything you eat? Do you track in an app? I'd also raise to the protein to over 100. 1 gram for each pound of lean mass is a good goal.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Caffeine effects post op?

    My tastes aren't different and nothing affects me differently, coffee or alcohol. Even though I rarely drink alcohol, I am not a light weight, my tolerance is still very high.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
