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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Hiatal hernia 4 years post op -help

    I don't think you need a revision, you need the hernia repaired. I would get a 2nd opinion. Sleevers don't have pouches, and a properly formed sleeve does not stretch. You said nothing about how and what you eat. A Bypass won't help you lose weight if you eat around it.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Was your 2nd month slow weight loss?

    2nd month was less than the first, that is pretty normal.
  3. If you can't keep food down, call your Dr right now! Most of the powders in GNC are crap. Try https://www.unjury.com/products/unjury-protein/chicken-soup-flavor.html
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Losing weight with no exercise

    When most people think of exercise they think of being in the gym. I hate being indoors. I hate gyms. I walked 2 to 10 miles a day outside almost all of last year, averaging 5 miles a day. I think if more people considered other forms of activity besides the gym they would be better off. Exercise and activity are great for mental health and physical well being but exercise is not necessary for weight loss. Exercise can be counter productive because it stimulates the appetite and in some people strenuous exercise triggers stress and stress hormones. I used to kill myself in the gym and barely ever lost any weight. Just walking the weight melted off.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Non crushed pills

    I have never had a crushed pill. I took whole pills within 24 hours after surgery.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Not Tracking your food is a big mistake!

    I never see people that track their food come back years later talking about regain. All the people that come back looking for help because they have regained, don't track or stopped tracking. Yes, some people can be successful not tracking, but even you just admitted that you track your food. You track it by eating the same things. I can eat a pound of pork chops a day, not track my food and know my protein, carbs and calories. I dont have to track that because it is simple, but I track it anyway. You have almost the same surgery date as me, we aren't even 2 years out, we are not long term sleevers. I have never seen a long term 5 year plus Vet that tracks, regain. Which is why I track.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    How many calories post op

    @mylighthouse Get your net Carbs to 25 or under and watch the weight melt off
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    How many calories post op

    The faster you can get to 1000 calories the better. 800-1000 is good at 3 months, at least to get enough protein in.
  9. There is no way that at the 10 weeks you can eat enough to support an hour of cardio 6 times a week. If you took a week off the gym or just switched to weights only you would probably start losing. You need your calories in 1000 to 1200 a day at least for that. Like someone else said you need 100 grams or more of proteinew a day. You didn't mention what your carb intake is at all...
  10. Try it for a week and see if it helps.
  11. I never had any GERD issues so I didn't take a PPI either. Then around 6 months I did. I took a PPI from month 6 to month 9 and it resolved itself. What you are describing is kind of what I felt around that time. It wasn't all the time , but too often.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Phentermine after surgery

    You shouldn't have physical hunger after surgery so pills shouldn't be needed. Any doctor that is advising you use them post-op, I would be very cautious of.
  13. Are you taking a PPI? Are you weighting and measuring your portions and not over eating?
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Losing weight with no exercise

    I lost weight with just walking. I didn't go to the gym. Did the odd yoga class. I have regular DEXA scans and I lost very little muscle, like 3 pounds, which the Dr told me was normal just because you don't need as much muscle to carry less weight around. I kept my protein over 100 grams a day though, if you are living off 60 grams of protein and not working out, you are going to lose muscle. If you just want to drop weight fast, you drop weight faster not exercising. There are a lot of studies on the lack of effectiveness of exercise for weight loss. Google and do your own research.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    "Fat Clothes"

    You might surprise yourself and never get to wear them. I dropped weight and skipped sizes. A lot of the stuff I wanted to wear was too big by the time I tried it.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    "Fat Clothes"

    I trash or donate my clothes as soon as I drop a size. No going back. I also pretty much only wear fitted clothes. Stretchy clothes are for fat people (because they help you become and stay fat).
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Lean cusines

    They are all trash.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    PS for high BMI patients?

    Most PS won't operate when you have a BMI over 32. It is too high risk. You are going to get better results with a lower weight. You are going to have to contact Dr's and ask for consultations. A Dr will decide how much is excess skin and if surgery is safe.
  19. I'm really sorry. I didn't see this was in they guys room and I can't delete my post. Sorry guys. I don't mean to invade your space.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 8 months out-questions and pic

    Yes and crab. Crab used to have me stuffed now not so much. That is just normal healing. It isn't a big deal but this is why portion control and tracking are important because as time goes on your portion sizes will naturally increase as your capacity does if you don't set the portion before you start eating. I don't really eat shrimp often because shrimp has a small amount of carbs and is not filling.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Firefighter considering VSG surgery

    You are not limited on the amount of fluids you can consume. You can drink a gallon of water a day post-op if you want to. You can't gulp water down, you have to take sips all the time. The more you drink, the more you can drink, think of it as exercise for your sleeve. You won't be able to drink 16 ounces of water in a minute, but you can in an hour. The longer you can take off work, the better for you. As far as not being able to eat for 6-8 hours, as long as you eat the other times you should be fine. Post-op you won't be hungry anyway. So going without eating won't be an issues. What might be an issue is 6-8 with no fluids, early on if you are having issues getting your fluids in. Also everyone is different, in how they heal and how their sleeve reacts. In your position I would be more concerned about being able to consume enough calories to support your physical activity level. You might have to supplement with a lot of protein shakes for longer than most people and your calorie needs are going to be higher than the average sleever.
  22. It does seem like most people settle for not being obese and their Drs encourage that. Even though physically I am about as small as I want to be clothing and size wise. I want to get down as low as possible. I don't think I have to lose to 25 though, if I lose to about 27/28 I can get to 25 with skin surgery. The only reason I want to go as low as possible, hopefully to a 24 or 25 BMI is because I am still young and with aging I am going to end up regaining some. I would rather have enough bounce room I never end op obese again. I also think near the end it is so hard to get that last weight off people just give up instead of continuing to feel like they are failing. Many people also have a lot of their identity wrapped up in being fat, and they don't want to give it up.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Not Tracking your food is a big mistake!

    I am surprised at how much I can eat at this point also. I can only imagine what it will be like a year or 2 from now. Tracking helps me stay on track (ha!). I can still be more than full and satisfied with 4 ounces of meat, but if I didn't portion and track 4 ounces, I could easily eat 6 or 7. When we get beyond meat, I can eat almost normal sized portions of things. My sleeve isn't stretched at all but 8 ounces of the wrong food, or even good food can be too many calories. Your restriction won't save you forever, only good habits will.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    BCBS Illinois

    Fast and easy. It is going to vary by your plan though. There are tons of different plans and what the cover is different.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Not Tracking your food is a big mistake!

    I love that everyone in this thread that doesn't track is fresh from surgery. Good luck with that long term. Food tracking is the absolute key in my opinion. I think tracking and a scale are just as important as the actual sleeve. The first 6 months post op, you can get away with a lot because the sleeve is doing all your work, after that it is basically all you, so you need the support of tracking unless you want to regain. Saying that what you eat isn't able to be tracked is a cop out. You can track anything. I use the LoseIt App and I make recipes and split the recipes into servings and it is accurate. I add things that are not in the app using USDA calories and nutrition information. You can track anything if you want to. I also try to avoid eating things that are a pain to track, like chicken wings. I have friends that have not had WLS and by tracking because I track they have lost weight and been very successful. And they are using eating plans they used before without success. Tracking is easy mode once you get it setup. I also eat a lot of the same things so that makes it easy to track them. The benefits to tracking as I see them. 1) You learn nutrition better than you know it now 2) You can see that one [insert item here] isn't the end of the world, and you can adjust the rest of your eating to accommodate it so your macros for the day work. 3) Seeing the calories and macros for some items really makes you question their value, making it easier to avoid them 4) Security. If you track everything you eat and you stall, you know it isn't your food. If you gain 2 pounds overnight, you know it isn't you food.

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