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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I'm not really sure that is a pretty unique situation and honestly most people here don't strive to maintain ketosis or even know what it means. You could ask some of the keto groups on Facebook or try /r/keto on reddit. Also I would try a 3 day fat fast, Google it. Or an egg fast and see if that jump starts things.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Changes and Shape

    @cdeisroth I thought it was vanity sizing too but I had some items from college to try on and these items were 20 years old. I weighed a lot more at the time when it tried them on, a good 30 to 40 pounds more than I weighed when I wore them in college. I told one of the guys at work I weighed 190 and he was totally shocked. If you use a size calculate someone my height and weight should be a 14 or 16.
  3. I have a pretty face but I am not about the short hair life. I have curly hair and now I feel like I am more of straight hair person so now I wear long straight hair wigs. Which is a huge departure from my naturally curly hair. My face shape is different and straight hair looks better.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Changes and Shape

    Several doctors have told me that being morbidly obese changes your body. Your body has to adapt to carry the additional weight. Your bones are denser (mine are about 3x as dense as the average woman my age), and you have more muscle mass. I weigh more than I did in HS but I am about 2 sizes smaller. Most women in the 190 weight range at 5 foot 6 inches are not wearing a size 8 dress, but I am. Loose skin has something to do with that but the information from my DEXA scans let's me know that my body is different tham most.
  5. @Heather I WLS knocks some people out of menopause and others into it.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Thigh lift in Mexico? Other countries?

    A thigh lift is a complicated surgery usually with lackluster results. You are not going to find many doctors that do it, fewer before and after and even less likely to be low cost. If my thighs looked like her before I would be happy. https://www.realself.com/review/miami-fl-medial-thigh-lift-43-years-dr-mel-ortega?offset=6# You should be able to poke around Real Self and find someone you want to contact.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I hungry?

    Net carbs 25 grams or less, you can subtract the fiber. It sounds like you are suffering from Gerd in addition to making bad food choices. Available proton pump inhibitors include: omeprazole (Prilosec, Prilosec OTC) aspirin and omeprazole (Yosprala) lansoprazole (Prevacid, Prevacid IV, Prevacid 24-Hour) dexlansoprazole (Dexilent, Dexilent Solutab) rabeprazole (Aciphex, Aciphex Sprinkle) pantoprazole (Protonix)
  8. OutsideMatchInside


    If you can swallow pills you can take pills. Those chewable vitamins are digusting
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    protein powers/shakes

    At 3 months out you don't eat real food?
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    stomach cramps after drinking

    It isn't common or normal, this is a 7 year old thread for lap band patients. If you are cramping when drinking call your Dr.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I hungry?

    The more carbs you eat the hungrier you are going to be. Meat keeps you full. Think of you sleeve as a muscle, if you don't exercise is won't work as well. So if you don't eat meat, you won't be able to eat meat. 900-1000 Calories are fine if you are under 25 grams of carbs a day, and exceeding your protein goals It also sounds like you could use a PPI if you aren't already taking one.
  12. OutsideMatchInside


    Nope. I have eaten 3 strawberries in the past 20 months. I think the number might actually be 2. If you are hungry drink water.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Is my sleeve too big

    You answered your own question. You added mayo and mustard, liquids, to make it mushier and easier to eat. If you add liquids to things making them sliders you will be able to eat large amounts of everything. You are working around your sleeve. That aside, being able to eat 2 mushy eggs doesn't mean your sleeve is too big. If anything it means you are healing well.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Hanging skin

    If the skin is really stretched nothing is going to help it. Especially not push ups . Those "loose" skin in those pictures aren't even loose skin. I could show you real arm loose skin, it isn't filled to the brim with fat like those picture, it is actually loose empty skin. Trying to fill the skin with muscle, if you have a large amount of loose skin is impossible/pointeless. My thighs are literally 1/2 the size they used to be, about 40% of my thighs are just loose skin. I can't make enough muscle to fill that skin in, if I did, I would be massive in size. How much loose skin you have if you have any is going to depend on how large you were, for how long and how much weight you lose. When I just lost around 100-120 pounds I didn't have much loose skin, but when I lost the last 50 or so, it started appearing. I am sure when I lose another 20 it will be worse.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking alcohol

    I gave up alcohol before surgery. I had the occasional mimosa with brunch because I am civilized. I had communion at 2 weeks, not thinking. It burned really bad. And communion wine is watered down. I imagine real alcohol would burn like hell. It is your birthday do whatever you want, you are an adult, but you have been warned, it might really hurt. I'm not even going to bother with empty calories and all of that, because it doesn't even matter.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    WLS Poster Child

    @loveley_tai I didn't tell people besides my close friends because I didn't want to be stuck with the WLS label forever. 1.5 years later I know I made the right choice. After the one year mark I felt pretty regular and not like a weight loss surgery patient at all. I used to work with a lady that had RNY. 5 years later, at work, people would still comment about her surgery, gossip about what she ate and comment she was still, well a large lady. 3.5 years from now I don't want to be stuck with the WLS patient label, especially when I will be doing all the work at that point. Your sleeve stops doing the work for you at 6 months. The rest of it after that is your will power, and ability to make life changes and learn good lessons from the first 6 months. Since most people think diet and exercise work, if people see you changing your eating habits and working hard, they will assume that is why you are losing weight. And if you read around here from all the cry baby posts, people are not dropping 50 pounds a month like some episode of Supernatural. You lose 8-12 pounds a month on a good month, the only thing is it just keeps happening with no back tracking. You don't lose weight fast enough that people are alarmed and most of the time by the time people have noticed your loss, you are down 50 pounds. It is an easy "secret" to keep. This is a hard enough journey without having other people put their pressure and opinions on you. Keep it to yourself. You can always change your mind later, but you can never untell once you tell.
  17. I never had a time that I didn't have a period. I was losing rapidly and I was having 2 periods a month for about 9 months. I always had regular periods until VSG, then I started having one every 2 weeks. Have you had any recent blood work? Do you think you have started menopause early? Are you sure you are eating enough calories to support your work outs? When I saw my gyno about it, she said there was nothing she could give me, my body had to work it out, and giving me something could make it worse not better. Have your blood tested, and go from there.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    How is you hunger level?

    1.5 years out. I am only physically hungry if I go 16 plus hours without eating. I do 16/8 fasting, and sometimes I get busy and might go 18 or 20 hours without eating. I didn't have head hunger at all the first year once I could eat food that I could chew. Head hunger has crept back in lately, but that is mainly because of life issues.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    VSG and BMI 31-34

    Since the update the site is not functioning at an optimal level.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anybody lost 200 or more Pounds?

    Not yet, I'm almost there. I'm not actually sure if I want to lose that low, since I have so much muscle I am physically pretty small at this point 15 to 20 more pounds, would make me really small. I can't think of any Vets that have lost 200 or more right now of I would tag them.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    VSG and BMI 31-34

    Use search, there are tons of threads.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeved 3/14... belly button leaking

    Call your Dr. Random people on the internet are not qualified to give you medical advice.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Tuna in puree stage?

    Tuna can be hard to digest. A soft white fish like cod, baked would be better.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Can't lose weight!

    They are made in factories with chemicals. They are not natural foods. If you want to say they are good sources of protein, fine, but they are frankenfoods. There is nothing natural about them.

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