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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    My mistake...

    Most people post op that are losing slow do not have their calories high enough and kill their metabolism. I would suggest people increase their calories without adding in simple carbs like potatoes. Glad you got the scale moving, good luck.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

    I would definitely find another surgeon. First the goal after surgery isn't yo-yo weight loss. You want to get down to a comfortable weight and maintain it. Secondly, depending on how your body reacts to RNY it might not be easy to gain weight. She is a Dr, she knows this. RNY is a longer surgery that makes them more money and it is more likely you need more follow up. Find someone else or at least get a 2nd opinion.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you count carbs?

    Exercise is just walking. I do weights and yoga every now and then I eat keto. More fat than protein, very few carbs. Usually I just have steak or a pork chop. And I have a big salad in thevery afternoon. I keep it very simple and very clean. I also drink coffee with heavy cream or half and half most of the day.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

    All practices are different. I picked mine because I liked how they approached things better than other groups. Most doctors are hesitant to touch perfectly fine intestines because of all the issues. The doctors on Fat Doctor UK, talk about how they hate to do it all the time. As the show went on they switched to more sleeves than anything else.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

    At 220 there is no way in hell I would have RNY. I can't believe a Dr even recommended that. Unless you are under 5 feet tall. I knew with the sleeve I would have more control over my weight loss. With RNY, you never know. It depends on how much they bypass and people have natural variations in the length of their intestines. Too many variables.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    14 days post op 6 wks Pregnant

    This has happened to one or 2 people in the past couple years Try the search feature
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

    Honestly at the 2 year mark the surgeries are basically the same. Curing your diabetes is really up to you and how you eat long term. I know someone 4 plus years post op RNY that is sinking back into diabetes. Dr wants to put them back on meds and it is totally based on their lifestyle. They basically eat as bad if not worse than they did pre-op, fast food sweets (dumping is usually only short term for people if it happens at all). I'm an AA female. I had the sleeve. My diabetes was under control with pills only before surgery. I was off my meds in 6 weeks. After 6 to 9 months how much weight you lose is all on you, not your surgery. My Dr said I was young, relatively healthy and active. The sleeve would work for me. I have lost 180 pounds more weight than people who had RNY at the same time I had the sleeve and we're in the same weight range. I have exceeded the expected weight loss for both the sleeve and RNY. How much you lose is based on you and your lifestyle choices, not the surgery. They reserve RNY for the elderly and disabled. They only do DS on people that are massive 500 lb range. You have to live with the choice not your doctor so consider your options carefully. Oh yeah, I started with boarder line high blood pressure. The wanted to start me know meds. My blood pressure is at the bottom of normal now.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I losing too quickly?

    Dr Matthew Weiner talks about how some people are super responders to surgery, you sound like one. Around 4 months I felt I was dropping too fast, like I really just could not keep up with it so I increased my protein and calories. I still kept losing pretty fast but I felt a lot better. You can't really lose too fast. Your body is in control kind of not you. When your body tires of losing it will slow down or stop. As long as you feel good, keep going.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    Liquids go right through your sleeve. You are supposed to be able to drink or you will dehydrate and die. Be happy you are healing and drinking more.
  10. OutsideMatchInside


    Is this post trolling or serious, I can't even tell.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Digestion issues-2 years post op

    I am almost 2 years and I don't have these issues. Did these chicken wings have breading? I eat in unbreaded wings all the time, from Wing Stop. I don't eat bread or bread like items. I don'the eat carbs. You can go to any GI not just your surgery Dr. By the way, I eat the chicken wings from wing stop because they are fried and go down easy. Other than. That I don't eat chicken. It is too dry and a pain in the ass to digest. I stick to beef and pork cuts with fat.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    I have lost 180 pounds. No one asks if I had surgery. Last summer I was walking 5 to 10 miles a day my friends are on fitbit with me, they saw that. I eat literally all day. I eat every 2 hours but I don't eat carbs. People see that too. Steaks, pork chops and other proteins. I will sit and pick all the croutons out a salad, people see that. If you actually living an active lifestyle and eating healthy no one questions what you are doing. In spite of what people think, the weight doesn't just drop off in a month. I lost 10 to 12 pounds most months, a steady decline but nothing insane. Most women lose at that pace after WLS. 98% of the population thinks diet, exercise and will power is enough to lose weight, if they see you actually practicing these they don't even consider surgery. WLS is still a pretty rare thing and an outside idea to most people. 90% of the people saying tell, are always men. Spend one week as a woman dealing with other women and get back to me on people being supportive. Also I don't know why new people think we don't eat a lot of food. Most WLS patients that are successful eat often. People are not seeing that you are eating 4 ounces at a time. They are seeing that you eat every 2 to 3 hours which is insane to most people. Also the amount of time you only eat very little is like 3 months max. Get real. Besides forums, IRL, I avoid giving people any weight loss or fitness advice. This isn't my life. I don't want to be the weight loss go to person. First of all most people aren't serious and it is a waste of time. All you have to do is say I eat Keto or I don't eat carbs and they lose interest. I have lost weight before low carbing and so have other people. Most people don't want to give up carbs to lose weight. They just want to eat whatever in moderation. I give back to the universe by posting on forums. Although honestly it is pretty pointless because the pre-ops and people less than 6 months from surgery think they know everything.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    Only the fat people notice. No one else does I promise.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    I don't see it as being secretive. When people ask me why I have one child, I tell them because that is what I wanted. I don't elaborate and say I have an IUD and I know how to keep my knees together. My body is no one else's business.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    I'm almost 2 years post op and no one but the people I told know. My child doesn't even know. At this point my life is so normal, there is no point in telling. It is an easy secret to keep as long as you don't tell people. The more people you tell the more likely you are to be exposed.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Doc goal vs My goal

    I honestly liked my figure the best at 220. I was super curvy with a small waist and I could wear plus and regular sizes. However, knowing that people gain weight as they age and still being a relatively young person, I have decided to lose as low as possible. So I have some bounce room to still stay under 200. So even though physically I am not interested in being smaller. I am shooting for the top of normal BMI so I have some wigglexperience room in the future.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    For the 45+ crowd

    A lot of people lose and look younger. I'm not 45 plus, I am 40 ish and look 28. I regularly am approached by men age 26 or 28 who assume I'm their age. If you don't want to look old, don't go the bare minimum on protein of 60, shoot for 100 plus. Get you calories up ASAP. Take your vitamins and drink lots of fluids (I run off coffee, not water). Also I notice the ladies that Keto like me, eating high fat low carb seem to age a lot better.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    What am I thinking?!

    I'm a 36G. I don't have an issue with most tops, I usually buy mediums. My arms measure 14.5 but they look like yours. I want a lift but not a reduction, large breasts are pretty normal in my family, mine don't bother me and I would like to keep them. Thanks for responding
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    VSG Prep

    If you like it, look around for a discount code before you buy it you can usually get it for $29 a year
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    What to tell people?

    Tell people you are low carbing. Not a lie and they don't have to know you had surgery to help with portion control. People are really not as curious as people think. Most people think diet and exercise work. Not telling people isn't lying or hiding under a rock. First of they are asking a rude question to begin with. Losing weight and health really are private things, just because we live in a society where people tell all their business on social media does not mean that is how people are forced to conduct their lives. Privacy is invaluable. When you tell people your business you are inviting them to comment on it. OP has already told enough people that I seriously doubt this secret stays a secret anyway. With that number of people knowing, someone is going to blab it.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    VSG Prep

    Food scale with the "tare" option An app you like to track with. I use Lose it. People like My Fitness Pal. I use lose it because it is more accurate, allows better customizations and is cheaper for premium.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What am I thinking?!

    @GirthyGirl Your arms are pretty similar to mine. Mine compress pretty nicely in tight sleeves so they don't look so large. My issue currently is my arms are preventing me from wearing smaller sizes. I can wear a size 8 dress but not if it has sleeves in some cases, same with fitted tops. What is your dress/top size currently? Do you mind sharing your weight/bmi?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Best Weight Chart

    I wanted to add at my last DEXA scan my body fat was 34%. My goal is to get it 28% or lower. That should get me in a good BMI range. https://www.inbodyusa.com/blogs/inbodyblog/how-to-set-a-body-composition-goal-thats-right-for-you I am really big on DEXA scans as I feel like for a lot of us with excess skin it is the only accurate measure of body fat. You also get a lean mass so you can peg your protein goals to your lean mass to maintain it. I have already passed my stretch size goal which was a 12. Now that I am smaller if I ever want to have plastics and have a good result I really feel like losing 20 more pounds is the key to that. We will see if I can accomplish it. My body seems very comfortable at the weight it is at.
  24. 3 to 4 pounds a week is insanely fast!!! Do people think they are going to lose 10 pounds a week for months?!?!?
  25. There are so many low carb sugar free substitutes there is really no reason to have sugar unless you just want to. You have to live in your body not her. It is really easy to dodge sugar if you want to. I don't eat sugar to the point I don't eat fruit but that is my choice.

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