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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    One year post DS and seeing slow weight loss

    Yeah, weight loss slows. It won't stop, but it isn't as fast. That is normal. Your body can't lose 10 to 20 pounds a month forever
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Will anyone see me?

    Honestly dating and online dating and issues, is bigger than surgery. I had an easier time dating as an 28/30 than I do as an 8/10. When I was larger I was more approachable, now men are intimidated. With the internet, everyone has a lot of options and it is hard to pin someone down. Losing weight isn't a magic ticket to getting a man, at least not a quality one.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    I'll eventually be able to eat more, right?

    Without knowing what complications you had, yes. Just keep eating and you will have more capacity as time passes.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    When does this get easier?

    Try laying on your stomach very carefully rolling over. That pressure really helped me a lot. I have a high pain tolerance, so I was never miserable like how a lot of people on forums claim to be. I stopped taking the pain meds when I got home because I wanted to drive. So I was only on pain meds the 26 hours I was in the hospital.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    VET'S FORUM. What the %^&* is going on around here?

    I'm not quite 2 year yet and now I know exactly why Vets stop posting. Pre-op it use to really puzzle me that so few long term people were active in WLS communities but now I totally get it. 1) New people ask the exact same thing that people have asked 1000 times before them. There is nothing wrong with them asking but it is tiring. 2) Personally I don't feel like a WLS surgery patient anymore. I eat normally, although in proper portions (the portions we eat are not small portions they are actual proper portion sizes). I can't really relate to post of the posts. There are things I could talk about with other people at my stage but none of them post, so, the site has little to offer me. Without getting too far into it. @bellabloom you told a lot of tall tales, admitted to them, and backtracked a ton of times. People calling you out on not being truthful is not bashing. I guess since everyone that used to post that remembers you left or was banned you feel like you can pop back up playing victim. I haven't forgot. If I get banned for saying it or my post gets edited. Whatever.
  6. OutsideMatchInside


    All the rewards I was supposed to get myself, diamond earrings and a fur I haven't got. Honestly there are so many little NSV every day I dont feel the need for erxternal gifts. Not having to worry if a chair is wide enough or can hold my weight is a gift that keeps giving every day.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    TMI - forewarned - constipation

    I didn't take a stool softener every day in the beginning, I wish I would have it would have made life a lot easier. Fluids and walking really helps with constipation. I'm glad you found a solution and shared. Good luck with your recovery.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthy beverages besides water.

    Water with drops. The only artificial sweetener I like is Stevia http://www.sturdrinks.com/ Orange Mango tastes great, almost like orange juice, almost These are good http://sweetleaf.com/stevia-water-enhancer/ I like the lemonade The nice thing about drops is you can keep them in your purse and you can turn any water into a tasty drink. Comes in handy at restaurants.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Terible pain when eating

    When you reheat things in the microwave you remove some of the moisture. So leftovers become denser and harder to eat. I never had anything like this on soft foods I had soft baked fish. Call your Dr, you should not have pain when eating.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 2 years out and gaining

    Something for over stretched RNY patients. I thought all reputable Drs had stopped over stitching.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    anyone who had DS after vertical sleeve?

    Are you going to Northwestern, University of Chicago or Loyola? I would go with DS over Bypass. At this point DS still makes the most sense and since you didn't react very well to the sleeve the first time, it seems like you need DS or SIPS. If you are going to have another surgery might as well go all the way with DS, it has better weight loss than RNY and the Sleeve. Who did your original surgery? Did anyone off you any reason why your sleeve stretched? A properly formed sleeve should not stretch. Have you reached out to that Dr? And yeah being pregnant probably affected your sleeve. If I have high waist pants on, I can hardly eat with my sleeve. I can't have any pressure on my mid torso to be able to eat. I can only imagine what a baby would do. There are fewer long term people that post here as of late and I can't think of any regular poster that went from sleeve to DS but I know there has to be some. Good Luck!
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Down 43 pounds in 10 weeks

    Handsome guy before and after. Starting with a great face makes it easy to keep one Congrats on all the hard work, keep it up.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Frustrated and worried need help

    It is scientifically impossible to gain 5 pounds of fat over night. Water weight...
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    Not wanting to tell your co-workers or your nosy sister in law is not the same as selling It Works Wraps and claiming your weight loss is because of the wraps. One is lying and deception and the other is personal privacy issue. People are acting like by not telling you are advertising yourself as a personal trainer and a fitness guru.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    How long until you level out?

    I would say for people that keep eating well, and are dedicated to the process. 3 years. At lot of people will get to a point at year 2 stay there for a long time and just lose a few pounds without trying. Then some people bottom out, gain a little and they stay there. I think 3 years though, if you aren't regaining is where you really see your final results. Even with people with lower BMIs. People say 1 year just because most of the first year is healing and adjusting. You have the most restriction and eat the least. I think people lose the most rapidly in the first 6 months, 6-9 is pretty fast, then it start slowing. It just depends on the person.
  16. I take regular high quality soft gel vitamin, not sold in most stores. I think giving WLS patients vitamins that taste like candy is counterproductive and stupid. Do any of these Drs ever think about that?!?!?
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Avocado soft food

    It's a good choice, just weigh it. The amount you get is going to vary a lot by the size of avocado, eye balling the measurement won't work.
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    No they don't help. The gas is outside your GI tract, you they use it to raise your organs. GasX is useless.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Working out post op & abs

    You are still healing. Expect to be tired until you get to 1000 or more calories a day. Did your Dr clear you for crunches? Ask them.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    When did your loss start to taper off?

    Well you always have restriction, 85% of your stomach is gone forever. Look online for a WLS expected weight loss calculator. There is one on another site I can't link here. When I got the average expected weight loss for my start weight, age, and height, which was around 220, my weight loss slowed down. This was also at around 14/15 months post op. I have lost another 32 pounds in the past 5 months. So it slowed down but the majority of my weight was gone already. It was cold and I wasn't walking as much and YOLO, I haven't been as strict about my food (too many protein bars). I think everyone slows down once they get under 200 pounds, or at least it seems like that from posts I see here.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Intense Exercise

    I really don't think anyone can realisticly eat and drink enough before 6 months for intense exercise and I would say 9 to be safe. You just don't have the stomach capacity to eat and enough and you can't replenish you water fast enough. I did Cross Fit for a while but I was about 10 months out. You don't need an intense workout to lose weight. If anything it seems to stall more people early on because you can't eat enough calories than it helps.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Can I swallow pills yet?

    I was swallowing pulls with in 24 hours after surgery.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone kept it a secret?

    As much as low BMI patients annoy me with the constant whining on forums. I feel like more people should have surgery sooner than later because of the health benefits from losing weight and keeping it off. I started with a 60 BMI and no one should be as super morbidly obese as I was for as long as I was. We should intervene with people before it gets out of hand. No one else is going to carry your excess weight for you and deal with the issues. So their opinions don't matter.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What's Your Favorite Workout?

    Walking. Yoga Squats with lots of variations so you hit all the muscles.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    anxiety over changing behaviour 3 weeks preop

    Find a therapist ASAP.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
