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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. @Dknal2 I'm just going to keep it 100, there are other issues in your marriage. Your husband is being fake with this weight thing. There is something deeper here and every time you post about it, I know that you know there is something deeply wrong with your marriage. You guys are just doing some dance about this surgery thing, but surgery isn't even the issue. The fact he wouldn't even take you to surgery and your son had to take you (correct me if I am wrong), should have been the sign you needed. Things are not getting better, they are the same or worse. Life is too short for this BS.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Omg my fat friends are worse than my skinny bitch friends...wtf

    Sometimes it comes from jealousy but the longer I have been on this path the more I realize most people are straight up clueless about what is actually healthy. Most restaurants make 12 ounce steaks the norm, but that is 3-4 times the amount of steak you should eat at once. 3-4 ounces of steak is not a barbaric portion, that is a proper portion size. That is what everyone is supposed to eat. That is why is so annoying when people whine about only being able to eat a little bit for the rest of their life. No, you will actually be eating how everyone else is supposed to be eating. We are a society of gluttons and gluttony is encouraged at every turn. When you eat right around people that eating wrong, fat or skinny they know already they are eating wrong and you eating right it makes them self conscious. The more weight I lose with more results, people look at how I eat, everyone gets pizza, I get a chicken Cesar salad, and eating the toppings off a piece or 2 of pizza, everyone gorging on pizza looks at how I eat. Not because it is so different but because it really isn't terrible, especially to get the results I have. So now people are thinking, wow why can't I do that? How people feel about you losing weight is really complicated and they may not even know why they are in their feelings. Having your fat friend go healthy is just like having your party buddy get married or give up liquor. Now you lost your partner in crime. Not eating with your fat friends is the same thing. I was lucky post-op that I lived in a new area, where I did not know anyone. I never had to worry about how anyone felt because I never saw anyone for more than a few hours at a time. If I treated myself the every 2 to 3 months I hung out with someone I knew it didn't matter. My macros were still fine, and my idea of a treat is different than most people. I suggest people distance themselves from people they enjoyed their old habits with until they really have a good handle on their new lifestyle. Just like any other addict.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What to buy prior to surgery

    Don't stock up on anything. Do get a good scale Get an app to track your food. Try a few and see which one you like. Start weighing an tracking your food now, so it is a habit. @teacupnosaucer made great clothing and heating pad suggestions
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How did you handle changing clothing size ?

    Sizes go down slow in plus size sizes. So it wasn't that fast.
  5. OutsideMatchInside


    I found hydration and walking gets things moving better. Also in the beginning we are eating a lot less and just go less. The further out you get and the more you can eat as far as volume per day, the more often you will go. the first 3-6 months I could only go every couple days or so. Now its daily and sometimes 2x a day.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Will anyone see me?

    There is where I feel like Tinder gets a bad rap. People can only talk to you and you can only talk to them if it is mutal. So you don't have all these misses, only hits.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Loose Skin after sleeve surgery

    My inner thigh are my biggest issue and like my lower upper arms I don't think there is any help, the skin there is thinner than most of my skin and it is just stretched and wrinkled. Thighs make me saddest because I have never seen a good thigh reduction, not to the point that you can wear a bathing suit or something that shows all your thighs, it just seems like burning money, Not very hopeful but I'm being honest.
  8. OutsideMatchInside


    Try different temps. Cold hurt to me, room temp and warm were fine.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    One year post DS and seeing slow weight loss

    You didn't provide any details on what your definition of a slow down is. A Stall or are you just losing 5 lbs a month? You didn't offer your calories, daily macros or anything. DS is know for gas, really bad smelly gas. Again with not details on what you eating, and in what quantities it is hard to provide detailed help. I lost about 130 lbs by the one year mark, then in the 8 months since I have lost another 50. It slowed down, but I had lost the bulk of my weight (and so have you). I lost pretty fast then hung around the 250s for a while, then I dropped pretty fast to 220, hung out there for while, then hung out around 200 for a while, and now I am hanging out around 190 for a while. My body seems to take breaks from weight loss, but during the times the pounds are not dropping my body shape is changing and inches are dropping.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Preventing loose skin? Pre-op BMI 36

    I doubt you have much with that BMI.
  11. Tried on 20 dresses yesterday to find a dress for Easter. Women's sizing is crazy but wearing 8s and 10s is a lot of fun. What I do find annoying is it seems like there are more 14 and 16s than 8s or 10s. Grr. Grass always greener

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Interesting. I have a lot of boobs 36G and I am kinda of hippy. I can go smaller with separates, I always thought that was because I am not fitting larger breasts and hips, I had no idea dress sizes were different from pant sizes. Still my sizing is weird because I have a lot of loose skin on my torso, so it really depends on how all of that fits into something. I wear a 10 in Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. I can wear 8 if it is sleeveless.

    2. Newme17


      And it always seems like each brand has a different size too!

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      Sigh they do

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Spouse says to stop losing weight

    125 at 5'2 sounds about right. None of them have to carry your excess weight. I think people really don't realize how uncomfortable extra weight is. I never did until I lost it. Tell him you are losing to live a long healthy life, not for vanity. And yes, as someone said before we don't recognize a healthy weight anymore. When I watch old movies and see the size that women were in the past, I see how far off track we are.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    How I maintain

    I don't see it as a diet, it is a way of life. Thinking like that I don't have to have cheat days or cheat meals or diet. I don't feel like I am suffering or deprived. I legit don't like most carbs, didn't before surgery and still don't. I really enjoy just eating meat, veggies and the odd protein bar. I have a healthy relationship with food. If anything you said in this thread is true, then I am really happy for you, but I find it pretty hard to believe given your track record.
  14. I eat 1400 to 1500 most days, and 1900-2000 when I am really active
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I hungry?

    Collagen protein is good if you want a boost for your hair in skin, but the collagen I take, I don't even count in my protein for the day.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight gain after Gastric Sleeve

    Lots of people do. If you are going to snack, snack on dense protein only. no carbs, the weight will come off
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    How did you handle changing clothing size ?

    Last Spring/Summer I mainly wore Walmart workout clothes around the house. They are great and once you get to regular sizes super cheap. One caution though, if you keep wearing the same sizes, you feel like you aren't losing. especially in those times when you are not dropping weight but are dropping inches. I suggest even if you can't afford new clothes, to at least go try them on each month so you can see your progress.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Will anyone see me?

    Basically, even low quality men think they are a catch now just because they have access to thousands of women at their finger tips. I like just meeting men in person, it saves a lot of time, I can get a feel for them right away.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I hungry?

    She already said carbs are her weakness. She hasn't posted what she eats in a day probably for good reason. You can't help people who won't help themselves.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    When does this get easier?

    The pain meds cause more pain than they fix. Those narcotics were making my intestines like clinch/freeze and it hurt like hell. Stopping the pain meds ended most of the pain.
  21. There are some threads here you can search for where we had some long convos about this. Specifically about that biggest loser study. I am almost 2 years out and my metabolism is normal to high. You aren't supposed to stay on ultra low calories forever. The sooner you get your calories up, the better. Over 1000 a day ASAP.. I don't know how many calories @BigViffer eats but he is a guy that works out a lot and I think he eats around 2000 calories a day if I recall correctly. A lot of us eat normal levels of calories and are able to lose or maintain. The people that hang out at 800 calories forever even though they are stalled are the ones that ruin their metabolism.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Will anyone see me?

    I mean finding someone that loves you for you, weight loss surgery isn't going to help you with that. The only thing WLS did was give me a wider variety of men in more quantity to choose from. Losing weight you trade one set of problems for another. Men are visual. I know a lot of men ask me out because of how I look and how that makes them look when they are out me. That is just life.
  23. Your calves are probably always going to be bigger than other people, they got bigger carrying all your weight around. They will get smaller but they probably won't be the size of a person your same size that was never as obese. I have lost 4 inches off my calves but they are still larger than most people my size. I wear an 8/10 and my calves are still pretty big and give me trouble in some skinny jeans. My calves aren't fat either they are just muscle.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    To diet or to do WLS

    I low carbed for a long time. I had great health benefits from it but because of lack of portion control I never had the huge loses. There is a lot of things that WLS does to your body besides provide restriction and smaller portions, there is a lot of science to it. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/well/why-weight-loss-surgery-works-when-diets-dont.html Honestly I feel like if you have to question your decision and need other people support you are not ready for surgery. You have to be all in, 100 percent committed to this and think it is your only and best option or you will be miserable, tempted and full of regret like 80% of the people that post here.
  25. My Dr said vitamin E oil, I used that and bio oil.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
