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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Does this seem right?

    Seems normal. You had a low start weight.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Fell off the wagon

    Why aren't you motivated? We can't motivate you. You have to motivate yourself.
  3. They do that as part of the tummy tuck
  4. This. Anyone with any sense can that coming from a mile away.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    New Clothes

    If you are in plus sizes it takes forever to lose a size, because of how they are designed also what @Brandeis said. When you get smaller, every 5-10 pounds is a size
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Low carb ideas

    Grilled fish for breakfast! Girl Scouts do it better... A lot of cultures have fish for breakfast, like people that live on islands...
  7. I agree with @PatientEleventyBillion I feel like your GERD will probably be resolved with losing weight. I am also so surprised to read sugeons pushing RNY on people who only need to lose 50-60 pounds, unless you are over 50, that seems like over kill. I have also seen an influx of people lately getting DS, who in the past they would have never pushed it on. If you are young and not slug the sleeve can get the job done. Also being a younger person. I chose the sleeve knowing that if things get out of hand down the line, I have revision options as I get older if I need it (I don't think I will have far exceeded my goals with the sleeve and enjoy my new life enough to protect it at all costs). RNY leaves you no revision options really. I know they tight the pouch for some people or bypass more intestine but its not the same going from like the sleeve to SIPS or DS. I have lost 182 pounds with a sleeve. You can lose a lot with it if you want to. My Dr is very skilled at them, they are all he does and he sees amazing results.
  8. Most people here don't have plastics until they are over a year post-op and actually have a healthy BMI. My opinion stands, you don't have to like it or even read it. She looks terrible and is piss poor example for WLS and reconstructive plastic surgery. P.S. All money isn't good money.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Scared to Eat

    I was scared to eat early on too. Very scared. I thought I would eat the wrong thing and rip my sleeve. I think being scared is good. It prevented me from giving I to head hunger. At first I would take a bite, wait 2 to eat minutes to see how I reacted then eat more. If you like fish, a soft moist baked fish turns to mush in your mouth. Very easy to eat. I never tried to ricotta bake. I would think the cheese would balance out the acid
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Binge eating and finding a therapist

    I think it is better to get the root problems that cause the eating than focusing on the eating. Like are you had at handling stress so you eat? Work on handling the stress. I found it was easier to detach from food once I stopped using food to numb issues I had, food and eating was a symptom of other issues. I was self medicating with food, some people use drugs but I was using food. I didn't have to focus on the food because I focused on the other issues.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    tylenol 3 giving me the shakes

    Call your Dr!!!!!! This not an internet forum question. Call the after hours number.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Feel like sabotaging today

    Eat the bagel, you will be miserable and learn your lesson. Some things are best learned by experience. Even now at 21 months I am pretty sure a bagel would sit on my stomach like a brick @Elizabeth R Maybe 6 months plus when your internal swelling is down and your staple line is healed. Early on a bagel, low carb or full carb is going to be painful as hell.
  13. @antoinette85 How much you lose after surgery is basically based on you and how you eat/live. I have lost more weight with the sleeve than most people with RNY. That is because of my lifestyle choices. I was diabetic. Completely reversed it. The one person I know that had RNY with a family history of diabetes had cured their diabetes with surgery. Then they started eating poorly and regaining, and now they diabetes is making its way back. It is really a roll of dice if RNY will cure you of diabetes or prevent you from every getting it. It isn't a guarantee. The only reason to choose RNY over Sleeve is if you already have GERD and that GERD is not based on a Hiatal hernia. In the end you have to live with the choice not the surgeon. A lot of things that claimed to be guarantees with RNY don't always apply like dumping, most people don't dump long term. People with RNY supposedly lose like 10% more weight, but that 10% isn't really worth having your intestines touched. JMO
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Need list of high protein foods

    Do you like fish? try a baked white fish. Swai is really soft when you bake it. I have a recipe in the recipe section and that is pretty much all I ate the first 3 months.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    I failed my sleeve surgery.

    @Greensleevie Is right. People newly post-op don't understand life when you are further out. I'm not as far out as either of you but I am almost at 2 years. I have pretty much figured out a lot of things I can basically eat endless amounts of, so I can't have those things. I still find that steak and pork chops fill me up and keep me full for a long time, so those are all I eat basically. The amount I can eat in those creeps up, I can eat more if I don't religiously track them. @Steeks Going back to liquids at this point is pointless. You are just going to be hungry, starve all day and end up binge eating in the end of the day. It will also just make you feel worse about yourself and your control over food. Try dense protein, Steak, Chicken Breast, Pork chops, eat those, 6 ounces. Don't eat anything else. Report back if that makes you feel full and for how long.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Low carb ideas

    Steak or a pork chop. If I have a small steak I might have an egg. Early on I had a shake. Then later I had baked fish. Your first meal of the day doesn't have to be breakfast food.
  17. She is a reality "star" whoring herself on television for fame, and was married to a pedophile that she admitted she did all this just to make him jealous, not to be healthy, not to set a good example. To make a worthless man feel jealous. I actual censored a lot of what I would have said about her because overall I feel like she is the scum of the earth. She doesn't really care about a healthy lifestyle or living, her daughter is still huge and they still eat trash. Yeah I think she is going to gain all her weight back. The people that did all her surgeries should be charged with Malpractice. It is ver obvious the whole process was rushed and the idea that she wears a 4 is ridiculous.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Not loosing expected weight after sleeve surgery

    @Basmouta You are not eating enough. You should be eating a lot of protein. You are not eat much and most of it is carbs. You should be eating 100 grams of protein a day with your high starting weight, at least 60 grams if you can't get 100 in. Give up the toast, yogurt, skim milk, cooca. They are useless. Do you keep a food log? Post what you eat in a whole day.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleepy after eating

    @James Marusek I can't edit my previous post because of forum rules, but I want to thank you so much for your suggestion. I thought about it all day and I realized exactly what is going on. I am eating protein bars for lunch since I am not eating meat right now, and they are making me feel terrible! Prior to giving up meat for Lent, I rarely ever had protein bars. Now I am having one or 2 a day and they hit my intestines very fast (I can feel it), they are slider for me basically. I only have a week to go so no more protein bars for me.
  20. Nothing here is private, it is public and all google searchable. Keep that in mind as you are posting, especially if you are posting with your RL picture.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Watchers post-op?

    I feel like a lot of Surgeons are cautious not to set goals for people too low, but you aren't even 6 months. you have a long time we can keep losing. I haven't found anyone skilled with counseling post-op WLS patients. Especially someone that has lost as much as me. I just had to work through my own issues, luckily I have been able to do it
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Smart Ones for Soft Food Stage

    Cook your own real food. Those smart ones are trash. Do not eat them, especially not early on, and mashed potatoes and gravy is a bad post op option. The nutrition value is bad. 22 carbs and 20 protein. You never want to eat anything where the carbs are more than the protein, if you have to eat carbs, the protein should out do the carbs 2 to 1 or 3 to 1. If the carbs on this was like 5 or 8 and the protein was 20 then it would be an okay choice.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Watchers post-op?

    My Surgeon would never. If I needed a support group, they have one there. I would never see that Dr again. That is a crazy suggestion. Also I wouldn't feel it would be fair for me to show up to WW with my tiny stomach, where I can easily eat normal to small portions and be satisfied and other people are struggling with a normal sized stomach. Not to mention the big losses I have. Then when you add in the points system, which doesn't align with how I eat all, it would be a disaster and I would feel like a fraud, just no.
  24. The more photos I see of her, the more I think she should have lost more weight. Her feet are so fat they look inflated. They never show her legs but you can see they are still trunks in the pictures of her in jeans. Her face and neck are still fat. She still looks like she needs to drop 50 pounds. I feel like they just faked/rush her whole process for TV.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleepy after eating

    Thnaks James I will look into it. I'm also only sleeping 4-5 hours a night because of my 2 jobs, so it still might not be food related, but I am going to check it out. I had lunch the other day and had most of those symptoms afterward.

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