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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Sick of the BS

    I'm serious. You can pre-screen them so it is easy to weed out the losers. No visible tats - check Quality pictures without women or kids - check College education - check Career (not just a job) - Check Nice Smile/Teeth - Check On those alone you have narrowed it down to the top 1 percent. I get take on very nice REAL first dates, not coffee dates. Tinder allows you to screen them the most, so it is really the best option if you are pretty and take good pictures.
  2. Peanut powder without added sugar is good. I have found overall that peanut butter has too many calories and too little nutrition to keep around. I'll never have it in my house again.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Dealing with food you can't eat

    If it was dinner out it would be easier to sit there and eat nothing. I couldn't do that at the home of a friend/relative. I know people would be offended. Just stay home. The first 3 months all I did was walk, work and learn my sleeve. I went places as little as possible.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    $70k for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

    Mine billed at 39K total, BCBS paid 11K at the negotiated rates.
  5. Right it is an all carb diet. This is what happens when a government agency that is supposed to look out for people is really ran by corporations and lobbyists. How can anyone even eat that many carbs? It is like eating a large pizza, by yourself every day.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretch Sleeve

  7. I mean if the USA RDA was accurate everyone wouldn't be whales in America. I peg my protein needs to my lean mass. One perk of being really fat is you have a lot of lean mass it is just under a lot of fat. If you keep your protein high you can maintain that lean mass without a ton of strength training. At 10 months I had 90-120 grams of protein depending on my activity levels and 1100-1200 calories, basically zero carbs, and high fat. I hate carbs, can't tolerate them at all except leafy greens. Has little to do with WLS, I hate carbs before surgery. Useless. Currently I peg my protein to my lean mass which is 125 pounds, so my protein goal is 125 a day. Harvard article on protein. http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-protein-do-you-need-every-day-201506188096 RDA Recommendation on protein is .8 grams per pound of weight. I feel it is really important to point out this is the bar minimum to keep you from being sick, not for optimal health, which is something different. RDA Calculator for needs https://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/interactiveDRI/dri_results.php This calculator is terrible though, it has my calories needs daily at 2609 and my protein at 68 grams. Protein is only 4 calories per gram. Where would I get the other 2300 calories from?!??!!?!?!
  8. Give up the Banana and cheese and have meat. Deli meat should still offer restriction at that point but be easy to digest, so try it.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Aging process and Sleeve

    People have had all or most of their stomach removed for various reasons, ulcers, war injuries for over 100 years. There is tons of data on it. While the application for weight loss is new, removing the stomach is a very old procedure with tons of data. More than RNY which is why I choose it. People live long healthy lives with a minimal or no stomach. You do not need a stomach to live, found however need healthy intestines.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Iron pills making me sick.

    Try this one. These are the only kind that do not make me sick. https://www.nowfoods.com/supplements/iron-36-mg-double-strength-veg-capsules
  11. @Joann454 How soon you can up your calories depends on how you are healing, the faster you can get to 1000-1200 the better. The point isn't to race to higher calorie but not to stay at 600-800 for like 6 months because people feel that is the best way to lose weight. People just stall out like that. I don't know how accurate that RMR testing is. Most clinics and doctors test your by having you lay on a table with a tent over your head and you have to lay there perfectly still without falling sleep for about 30 minutes, they measure your breath and average it out. RMR is supposed to be when you are at rest, like if you were in a coma being a slug, these are the baseline calories you burn just existing, Standing alone seems like that would throw it off. I also had to fast before my test for it to be accurate.
  12. Today I saw a lot of people I haven't seen since before I lost weight. Guess what not one person asked me how I lost weight. They all just said I looked beautiful and a few commented they didn't recognize me at first. Which reinforces my idea that all the people around here that think people ask a ton of questions about your weight loss are either surrounded by fat people or people with zero home training, because polite well educated people don't ask rude personal questions. People that genuinely love and care about you are just happy for you.

    Happy Easter and Passover.

    1. Newme17


      Seems you had a pleasant day so far. You described my church family. "Love and care about you are just happy for you." This is why I share with so many what I'm doing.

      Happy Resurrection Day to you too. 😊

  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto diet

    I haven't read the Atkins book in about 15 years so I will look it over this weekend and get back to you. I don't recall Dr Atkins going into the mathematics of what your macros should be and using ratios, just to avoid carbs. I think the reason it works for me is I don't find it restrictive at all. It is very permissive to me. I get to eat a lot of rich foods, feel great and still lose weight. My brain functions very well off fat. I never ate a lot of the carbs that people like (don't like pasta, hate popcorn, hate rice, bread was just a vehicle for meat, crackers are a dumb concept), so I don't miss them. I think if I was a carb addict and I felt like I was missing out, I would be miserable. Instead I eat ribs, bacon and all the steak I can handle. That is pretty much heaven for me. Like this weekend at Easter Brunch, I will have eggs Benedict, minus the English muffin, a slice of ham and a crab cake. That is a feast to me and I am missing out on nothing and eating all the things I love.
  14. I'm not wasting my time answering anymore questions. 

    1. MowryRocks


      I look for your responses. Sorry to hear that it's been frustrating. I was more than frustrated reading the back and forth convo regarding the keto diet. I'm at a loss for why people are so set on having to be "right" or proving others "wrong". Hope you change your mind.

    2. Berry78


      Your voice is like the yolk in a pudding. Adds richness and dimension to the conversation....

    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Yes, I look forward to your posting and I just started on this site recently.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Average weight loss

    @ShinyLady Yeah basically, that is why the sleeve is so popular now. A lot of people that were not candidates for RNY due to other issues can be sleeved. A lot of Drs though only know RNY and lot a Surgeons only perform RNY. So people get roped into RNY because of that.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Does it really take 2 years?

    I'm typing on the internet and trying to be helpful, I can't help how you interrupt what I say. Good luck.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Does it really take 2 years?

    No offense to @blizair09 (congrats on the loss), don't compare yourself to the losses men have, you will lose your mind. Some of the guys here lose like 150 lbs in 4 months, it is maddening. I didn't have a pre-op diet, I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. I was 358 on surgery day and 230 at the 1 year mark.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Does it really take 2 years?

    My point was, expected weight loss is at the 2 year mark for everyone across the board. No one is really expected to hit their goal weight at one year. That is the standard, not 1 year. Only people on forums think you have to lose it all in the first year, because of the "honeymoon" period. Which is total BS. Honeymoon period is just an excuse to never learn proper eating habits.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Does it really take 2 years?

    I just said I weigh 187 and I started at 370. I don't get how you think I am saying you are only going to get to 250, I don't feel like I have done anything impossible. I am telling you what the averages are, and the averages are because most people suck at this. You don't plan on sucking do you? You can lose to a normal BMI if you want to, you just have to want to.
  20. The most ridiculous thing about it, the 10,000 steps a day is completely arbitrary and basically made up.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Does it really take 2 years?

    Hmm yes and no. I mean it all depends on how fast you lose. RNY people with a lot to lose don't lose it all in year one either. Most people with a BMI over 50 to start are going to need 2 years. I started with a 60 BMI and it took me 17 months to go from 370 to 199. I'm 187 ish right now and I expect it will take me another 4 to 6 months to lose the last 20 pounds I want to lose. My expect average weight loss for my start weight was 220, I hit the average expected weight for the sleeve at 1 year and the average expected weight for RNY in less than 18 months. Those number above are what you can expect to lose in 2 years not one year. Most people need more than a year to lose their weight. The only reason that is becoming different now is more people are having surgery at lower BMIs. Most people in the past were super morbidly obese. As you can see the chances of someone with my start weight reaching the weight I am currently at (which isn't even on this chart) is less than 20%. Most people that start in the 300s never see a weight below 200, most get stuck around the 250 range. It also depends on how low you want to go. I started out wearing size 28/30 now I wear an 8/10 (I could be smaller but I have loose skin). I could be perfectly happy in the 190 range. I stopped my diabetes meds at 2 months, my blood pressure is on the low end of normal. I am losing more to get a cushion for regain as I age. I never want to be over 200 again in my life. If I lose to 170 and regain to 190 in 20 years I won't care.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto diet

    It links to a Harvard Article.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Average weight loss

    Usually people with chronic conditions that need medications are steered away from RNY because of malabsorption.

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