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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    When can you swim/bath tub

    Ask your Dr, your Dr will tell you, but at least 6 weeks.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Best pjs for the hospital?

    Wear what they give you. They give you one gown to wear and one to use as a robe. I would never use something that had been in a hospital again. I'd burn it. Too much exposure to ??????? in the hospital. Plus if something happens to you, they are just going to cut them off of you. They also provided socks with grips. I walked the whole night (they yelled at me multiple times to sleep, lol). The clothes I was provided were perfectly comfortable and functional. I took as little as possible to the hospital. I was also only there for about 26 hours, I guess if you plan on being there for days, you want more stuff, but the hospital I went to provided everything. When my lips were dry after surgery in recovery the nurse put Vaseline on them for me, that the hospital provided,
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    A lot of criticism on this app

    That is the perfect example of a completely civilized conversation blown of proportion by someone in their feelings probably from hormone dumping. It was a very normal conversation that simply had disagreeing opinions. Yet it is viewed as negative. People forget that we are all different ages, different cultures, and different education levels. Something that is offensive to someone else will be mild to non offense to other people. If you can't take disagreeing with people online, try these real life support groups. They are far more brutal than BP or any other WLS site.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    DOMS, Water Retention, and Weight Gain

    In my experience Nutritionists are useless. You might not ever get any good guidance, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
  5. Not chewing really messes with your mind
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    DOMS, Water Retention, and Weight Gain

    @Introversion I agree with everything you said and I really feel like at this point she needs to take a step back from exercising and invest in some body assessments. She needs to establish if her low caloric intake all this time has damage her metabolism and exactly what her RMR is. A DEXA scan wouldn't hurt.
  7. OutsideMatchInside


    I'm almost 2 years post op, never had popcorn.
  8. If I didn't track calories and carbs the first year I would have have starved myself. I had no appetite. I would have been 400-600 calories a day if I wasn't tracking. Some people don't track to keep their calories low, some have to track to get them high enough. Also if you are eating veggies 1/4 cup of spinach is less than 2 calories. LOL
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Pain getting worse

    I was talking to OP and OP should ask a Dr not the internet about pain.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    DOMS, Water Retention, and Weight Gain

    Why are your calories and protein so low if you are working out and strength training? If you are really serious about your goals, have your RMR tested so you know exactly where to set your calories. A DEXA scan can help you determine your lean mass so you can set your protein goals. Everyone gains weight when they are weight training. You build muscle by tearing your muscles apart and when they rebuild the tears you get gains (a little over simplified). Your muscles fill those tears with liquids, so you have increased fluid retention. Your trainer should have warned you about this. Depending on the exercises you are doing, you are going to gain inches. If you want to lean out and as a female and build muscles there are other options like pilates, barre3, etc. There are exercises you can do with normal weight that will lean you out but most trainers aren't skilled in that.
  11. OutsideMatchInside


    it isn't a picnic, I'm not thrilled with my body, but the longer I stay under 200 and keep losing, the more improvements I see. Like if I had surgery at 18 months post-op I would have selected completely different surgeries than I would select now. There are improvements with time. We live in a society where everyone wants a quick fix. You even see people complaining here about slow weight loss when they are losing a lot of weight in short time period relative to the normal population. Loose skin and a different body can be very annoying. I am still annoyed a daily sometimes hourly basis, but time is really making a lot of changes. Also the more you lose the better it looks. What most people are complaining about as loose skin still has fat in it, I know mine does. It is loose thin skin but there is still fat. The more fat I lose, the thinner the skin is and easier it is to hide, compress and deal with. I feel like by waiting, when I do have plastics my results will be so much better. It sucks to wait and I really don't want to but I am really looking at Fall of 2018 for plastics now instead of fall of 2017.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating Standing

    I still eat standing up if I am short on time and need to eat fast
  13. Yes, from the hormone dump. Then they went from just being heavier to being every 2 weeks for about a year. Then when I had lost the majority of my weight it went back to normal.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein drinks in week 1?

    They made me drink a protein drink in less than 24 hours so I could leave the hospital, so yes. Protein drinks were included in clear liquids for me.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Pain getting worse

    @randik Call your Dr, after hours emergency number, that isn't normal. You should be close to pain free at this point.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    @Zsazsaamor Update your weight so we can see your progress!
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    DS surgery

    Why can't you keep losing with the sleeve? What do you eat like? I mean you can easily keep losing in year 2 with the sleeve. There is a DS forum you can ask questions.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    I liked broth with unflavored protein powder. I got really sick of sweet stuff very fast.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    @Caryn68 I'm surprised you are still a G. Where are you getting measured? My boobs stayed pretty much the same but my band changed, and cup sizes are based on the difference in the under and over bust measurement subtracting the bust measurement. I went from a 50DD and I am a 36G. I'm not sure I will get below a 36 band size without skin surgery. I guess you are dropping uniformly. It is interesting how we all lose weight differently. I never gained weight in my boobs, just my band size, so I knew they were not going anywhere. I was thinking about a lift, but as more time passes I just don't think I want to deal with those scars and the risk of losing nipple sensitivity. I'm going to need enough surgery as is. I can live with the boobs. @B.Annie Mine looked pretty sad for a while but the longer I stay under 200 and my weight is somewhat stable (losing slowly), they are looking better each week. They aren't perky but they have settled very nicely. ETA: Mine point south too or they did, they always have, that is how they been since I developed but! The past 3 weeks or so I notice they have lifted. They are still large relative to my size but they are not as heavy. I can do a lot more with them, like wear bralettes, go bra less in tight bandage dresses and tape them up easily. So even though they are not perky, they are very easy to manage now. I really wonder about people that rush to plastics. The more time I spend in this weight range. the better my body looks. It is really readjusting and taking care of itself. Once I stop losing I think I will wait a full year before plastics. If I had rushed into them 6 months ago, when I wanted to, I had a completely different body then than I do now. Waiting is paying off.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Pant sizes mean almost nothing!!

    Some things are vanity sizing and some aren't. For example I had some jeans from college I was able to wear after losing weight even though at the time was 30 pounds heavier than when I was in college. Being morbidly obese changes your body (you have more muscle). I honestly don't find a ton of variation in sizing. I stick to pretty much the same department stores and I shop by measurements when shopping online. Also in saving money I buy a lot of clothes from Europe and Asia and the sizing is anything but generous. I find the sizes to be pretty standard. The only thing I find really arbitrary right now is medium and large. Some stores a medium is a 6-8 and some please it is an 8-10. Larges are either 8-10 or 10-12. I can wear the 8/10 but not the others so I have to check the size chart. And with designer clothes and higher end designer clothes, the sizing is pretty standard. It is well you get into that random mall stuff that it can mean anything.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Sore Tailbone!

    I had this issue. We have a thread about it here somewhere with illustrations Basically you sit one way when you are overweight to support your weight. Overweight people slouch even when you don't think you, you are to support your weight. When you lose weight you have to change how you sit. It is a process. I still have to be mindful of how I sit to make sure I am doing it right or I will hurt later.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    I am 5'5/5'6 depending on who does the measuring. I am pretty happy in the 180s I wear a size 10 dress, sometimes an 8 (I have a hard time because my breasts are still large 36G). 9 in juniors. I am happy with my physical size but I want more distance between me at 200, I never want to see that 2 on a scale again.
  23. I had a period every 2 weeks for about a year, so yeah I could write a book about it. It is pretty horrible. I ended up slowing my weight loss down some because I just couldn't take it anymore. I was becoming so emotionally unbalanced it was becoming too stressful.
  24. Everything sounds good to me. Keep up the good work, you seem on the right track.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    When does eating feel "normal"?

    I think it is always going to depend on what your eat, the moisture content and the amount. I can eat some things with zero restriction, other things are like a rock bu only if I eat too much. It just varies. You learn.

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