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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 lb life

    I like Fat Doctor UK better. Better Doctors, they seem to actually care and having feeling and emotions. The patients are more realistic. The people on 600 lb life are like aliens. Just because of their lifestyle and choices. They are always surrounded by so many enablers, if seems like Bizarro world. Plus I low key hate Dr Now. I watch a lot of documentaries and BBC specials on food, fast food and sugar when I need motivation to stay on track.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Not loosing expected weight after sleeve surgery

    People gave all these thoughtful responses. OP never came back. *sigh*
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    More sleeves than pouches?

    RNY is just kind of outdated. It is like how they used to wire jaws shut. They have been doing more sleeves in Europe and the rest if the world for years, The US is way behind. The majority of Drs pushing them still are doing it because it is the surgery they have the most experience with or for the money. That isn't to say that some people don't medically need RNY over sleeves because there are certainly people that can benefit from RNY over the sleeve, like GERD patients. Eventually there will be another development and the sleeve will be outdated.
  4. All fluids, protein drinks, tea, broth, all of it. if you can get the water in on top of those, great, but if not they count too.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Bending over Post-op

    Just wear something to support your stomach, like a compression top, you just don't want to pull on your stitches, and binder will work too. just be careful though, little dogs like to climb all over you and they won't understand that you are in pain/sensitive. Well at least mine does.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Starbucks Unicorn Frappucino

    It has almost the same sugar as 16 ounces of Coca Cola and a lot of other things (starbucks 59, coke 52). Unhealthy sugar filled foods and drinks are pushed on people every day. This drink is just an easy target. Almost everyone I know that has tried said they would never have another one. All those Frappucinos are full of sugar, especially all the creme based ones like this one. Everyone knows, everyone ignores it. I don't get why everyone is freaking out now.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    LESSON LEARNED... very first Dump

    It is a learning process, everyone learns what they can tolerate by trial and error and it changes over time. Just wait till 3 months and try again. I eat low carb fried fish once a week or 2 times a month. So I am not judging you on frying at all. I fry stuff all the time.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Which surgery??

    This is incorrect. The shape of the sleeve it totally different from RNY. The Sleeve is the first step for DS not RNY. RNY has a pouch at the top of the stomach and the Sleeve and the DS both share the banana shape. One reason I chose the Sleeve over RY was because I know if I didn't have success with the sleeve I could revise to the DS. If you fail with RNY you have no where to go unless you are going to go out the country and have more of your intestines bypassed which is risky. Also important differences beyond shape is the sleeve leaves the pyloric sphincter in place and the stomach still functions normally, just smaller. In addition a properly formed sleeves removes almost all of the stretchy part of the stomach, RNY does not, it uses part of the stretchy part to make the pouch, thus people with RNY can get a lot of stretch in their pouch. The only way a sleeve is grossly stretched out is medical malpractice. Back to OP. If GERD was anywhere on the table, I think RNY is the only option. GERD with the sleeve is pretty terrible, if you are already prone, then don't risk it. I never had GERD in my life before having the sleeve which is why I felt it was a safe choice for me.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    14 Weeks Post Op - Multiple Stalls

    If you change the way you think about stalls you can end up liking them the most. I like my stalls the best because I get the most physical changes during my stalls and my body improves. Scale loss is kind of useless compared to the inch loss in stalls and my fat rearranging itself. During a stall I might lose a dress size, when I am dropping weight, I hardly ever get smaller, I just weigh less.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Bridesmaid dress...

    If you are starting in plus sizes, like the high end of plus sizes, you might not drop more than 2 sizes. If you are on the low end of plus sizes, like a 20 starting, you could be a 12 in 2 months. People react differently to surgery there is really no way to tell. good luck with the dress!
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Living Life 4 Ounces At A Time

    @BigViffer Yeah, I track all my food in Metric. I wish we would just the rest of the scientific world. Also I notice that even on the packaging the grams in parenthesis are off from ounces/tablespoons, with the grams/ml being more accurate. It doesn't seem like much at one time, but over a month or a year, it adds up. @2-Liter I am really glad you like Keto. I think the key to doing it long term, is liking it. Really enjoying and understanding how it works. It makes it easy to make the right choices in various situations and you don't feel deprived. I also had a lot of bad habits that got me to almost 400 pounds. I am going the opposite now and trying to cement them as habits for life. Like weighing and tracking my food. The further out I get the more lax I want to get with it, but any time I slack off, even for half a day I suffer for it, so it just isn't worth it. If I hadn't been really serious about it in the beginning when it was fresh and I was really dedicated I am sure I would have quit by now. Also being serious about it in the beginning helped me learn that it really works and see the benefits so that also makes it easier to continue. I don't know if you use IG, but this guy https://www.instagram.com/vsg_kingtut_77 started large, he is still a big dude, but he built and fine as $%^&. If I was a big guy starting out, he would be motivation. Anyway, good luck and keep up the good work!
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Living Life 4 Ounces At A Time

    It is so nice to see someone really committing to the life post-op instead of eating trash and posting about it to get the thumbs up. Ditto what Big Viffer said. I mainly just come here as a reminder of what not to do. If you are actually doing the right thing around here you basically get zero support. The scale is your friend. I have been weighing all my food for almost 2 years, I still can't eye ball it accurately. Volume is always going to be inferior to weight. I wish more people here would weigh their food. They claim they are eating X, but they aren't tracking and they aren't weight so they have no idea. I even weigh my prepackaged food because the weights vary on those. This blog post sums it up pretty well why weighing is superior. http://christyshawfitness.com/2017/02/why-i-prefer-a-scale-to-measuring-cups/
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone having trouble finding..

    Report your Dr. Report them to the state and your insurance company, after you get all your pre-op test done Find a new one. Honestly just wait and find a new one once you get back after the surgery. Look for a young Dr that is not American. I found a new Dr, young, not American by birth. Far less prejudiced about WLS and other things in general.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    LESSON LEARNED... very first Dump

    You kind of have to pace yourself for introducing new foods. You are going from bland foods with barely any protein, fat or sugar, to regularish foods. You have to kinda chill at least until 3 months, then you can get more adventurous
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    LESSON LEARNED... very first Dump

    Man I have never dumped from fat. I think I would die, lol. Fat is my life. Although the more stories I read, the more I think it is excessive calories hitting the intestines too fast, than the content of the food. I don't dump but I can make myself sick if I eat something that hits my intestines too fast. @ShilohD How far out are you?
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Low acid coffee

    Yeah you should have no problems Cold Brew coffee is low acid. French Roasts are low acid. I drink probably 10 cups of coffee a day. First year I was acid sensitive. Not anymore
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    A lot of criticism on this app

    Fat stores estrogen. When you burn fat, estrogen is released into you body, this happens to men and women. The floods of estrogen can cause mood swings, increased periods. heavy periods. spotting between periods, periods in women that were menopausal, skin break outs lots of things. The mood swings can be insane. It is like PMSing for months on end.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    14 months post vsg

    @abbey 123 I stall for long periods of time. At least I scale stall for long periods, but I lose inches/my fat rearranges itself during those times. When you have a lot to lose and you have already lost a lot, you can expect stalls. You are only 14 months you can easily keep losing. I lost over 40 pounds from month 14 to month 20 without even trying really. I still don't have a regular exercise schedule. I do yoga and walk my dog but with winter my walking has been minimal. I don't eat carbs though, so if you know carbs are a problem, just top. Cold turkey, entirely with them.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-Op liquid Broth

    There are a lot of other broth options that don't have sugar in them like this one. You can just a regular broth, and add spices to it. Whole Foods if you live near one has a wider variety of broths, with better nutritional values.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Can't Stand Water

    Try black coffee or black tea. It just has to be fluids, calorie free preferably, does not have to be water. You can also drink a low sodium broth all day too if you want. There are lots of options. You have to tailor this to your lifestyle and your tastes. The only way you can live long term as a WLS patient and just a healthy person in general is to find a way to meet your goals and needs within the parameters without feeling deprived. That makes it easy mode.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Best pjs for the hospital?

    They will give you all the stuff you want. they have tons of blankets. Like seriously people you are paying more this night in a hospital than a room at a 5 star hotel. Make them give you everything! You are paying for it. Enjoy those amenities! @rainyann Is right about something comfy to wear. I bought a cheap wireless bra that hooked in the front from walmart to wear to the hospital and to wear home. I wore a maxi dress (I really miss that dress it was so pretty *sigh*) and panties. I had that stuff on for all of 2 hours maybe before stripping in the hospital, I wore the same thing home. I took my face wash, toner, moisturizing, lip balm, a kindle, phone changer, and phone. That is it. I walked out the hospital with so much swag, even more stuff than they gave at the pre-op meeting. I just tossed a bunch of my surgery stuff in the last few weeks. I got rid of the bariatric plate, I have never used it, the measuring spoons and cups, the canvas bag, a bunch of stuff. ETA: I know a lot of people are used to things not being large enough for them but the bariatric ward at a hospital is the one place where everything is going to fit you. I actually felt small, because I was swimming in the stuff they gave me and I was 358. So if you are worried about the stuff not fitting you, you shouldn't be.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    How long is the hospital stay

    I pushed to be released the next day because I hate hospitals and also because my friend needed to return home on my day 2 after surgery. I think 2 days is probably more normal, but I was really motivated to get out of that hospital, so I was out in about 26 hours from checkin
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    DS Seminar

    Why are you having the DS at 275 pounds? Is there a medical need?
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-op Diet Scare

    I would be more worried about the kidney stone than not dropping weight. The fact you were in the hospital getting IV fluids, that alone will slow your weight loss. The purpose of the pre-op diet is supposed to be to shrink your liver not lose weight. Good luck.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeving the sleeve.

    Most people go from Sleeve to DS, that is the more natural path. If your sleeve is done right in the first place you don't even have enough stretchy stomach for the bypass anyway. The only reason to go from Sleeve to bypass instead of DS is for GERD.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
