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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    @CrazieConnie You are doing research and asking questions which puts you ahead of most people. I did a ton of research and that is how I made my decision, although for me RNY was never an option, but my research helped me decide that WLS was my only and best option. Good Luck!
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Common misconceptions

    But those people are huge and they only lose 30 pounds the first month. Most people that post here feel like they are going to hit goal in 3 months too. I used to think it was sad, now I just think it is comical.
  3. OutsideMatchInside


    I have lost more weight than everyone I know personally that had RNY and most of the people that post on forums that had RNY around the same time I had my sleeve. How much weight you lose is really all on you after about 6 months. The type of surgery doesn't matter. If you are an active person, meaning you are willing to move and you already do things for yourself, then the Sleeve will get you where you want to go if you work with it. I suggest trolling forums, not just this one but other, look for people around the 2 year mark and see what their losses look like long term. You won't find much difference, even the official stats aren't that different.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Did you have WLS? The audacity of some.

    When men have WLS people are more likely to assume that a man is having it because he is really in a dire health situation and it is necessary. When women have WLS they are taking the easy way out, doing it for vanity, and a trillion other little petty middle school thoughts. Most women are weight/size/looks obsessed, and they hate the idea of someone else getting some place they can't or even are, easier/faster/better. Men really don't understand how petty, and competitive women are.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Did you have WLS? The audacity of some.

    @Deactivatedfatgal I worked from when I was immediately post op so I never had to deal with people commenting on how I eat. When I started a job outside the home, it was around the new year and everyone was on a diet, so no one paid attention to me. People are so nosy, but I suggest you tell them as little as possible. Tell them you are on a Dr supervised diet, and make it seem like its life of death that you lose weight. Also one good way to shut people up, they have no response for it, is tell them you don't eat your feelings. Since most people are emotional eaters. BOOM you blow their mind. It is fun to see their face. In general I believe in being polite to rude people but sometimes you need to be rude right back so they get the message. Live a few years as a woman and get back to me on how this works for you.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    1 yr post op

    Well, you are only one year. You can easily keep losing in year 2. I have continued to lose without really trying that much. Just eating healthy the weight is still coming off, just slowly which is fine by me, I'm sick of buying clothes. In your second year you will probably easily lose those other pounds as long as you keep your eating on track. I would like to weigh less, but I am happy with my physical size. I'm still going to strive for losing another 20 pounds because I am way too close to 200 for my tastes.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Did you have WLS? The audacity of some.

    No one asks me anything. Resting B$#%^ Face for the win. I talk about healthy eating, but I don't talk about the physical stuff with people at all. Most people are clueless about nutrition so after like 3 sentences they have zoned out anyway.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeve May 15 and I'm Angry

    Surgery won't fix you and if you are unhappy now you will probably be just as unhappy if not more after surgery. Surgery magnifies all your emotions and you end up doing a lot of reflecting on yourself. I suggest your start working ASAP on coping with life and your feelings or life after surgery is going to be pure hell. You just trade problems with surgery, not solve them.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling paranoid about feeling hungry

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton-pump_inhibitor You should be on one after surgery. Your body doesn't understand it has a smaller stomach yet.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling paranoid about feeling hungry

    Carbs will make you hungry. So will acid. Pineapple juice is a bad bad choice. The hunger you are feeling is probably more acid than anything else. Are you using a PPI and an antacid?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Cold Water

    It isn't bad it doesn't matter what the temp is. I couldn't tolerate ice water, it felt like daggers in my stomach.
  12. I had problems like this at night. It had to do with the position I was sleeping in. The way I sleep post-op is completely different than pre-op. I was basically sleeping weird and cutting my circulation off. I had to learn how to sleep again and how to sit again. My blood pressure is at the bottom of normal, and dips lower. Most of my family is like that. If I am going to be active I have to really keep my fluid intake up and I can pretty much have unlimited salt. There is nothing wrong with my blood work. I just lost weight and turned delicate.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Scared to look old

    It is genetic for the most part and how much weight you carry in your face. I had a round fat face, but i didn't have a fat neck (I could wear normal necklaces and chokers) or fat jowls. I don't have wrinkles, hell my mom barely has wrinkles and she is in her 60s. So I didn't have fat filling in my wrinkles and I didn't end up with a lot of loose skin around my chin/jaw line. Overall to not look like a corpse, upping your calories and eating enough fat are going to be the most beneficial to your skin, along with exceeding your protein goals. I'm 40ish and people assuming I am 26-28 sometimes 30. It is super annoying but that is another topic.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling Frustrated...

    Just tell them you need to have surgery sooner. I needed to have surgery within a certain time frame so my friend could come. I told them and they gave me the date I wanted. They work for you. You are paying them, be pushy.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    HELP !!!! Had sugar by accident

    Not the end of the world. Just don't drink anymore, and move on.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Quest Protein Bars?

    They keep changing the formula, like every 6 months. Also a long time ago, they came on the bodybuilder forums and threatened people with legal action. ON A FORUM. Asshats.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    No, I don't want no SCALE

    I have this one. It is accurate. It is always within a pound or 2 of my DEXA scans. It balances itself and works on uneven floors. It rocks. Before this scale I had a scale I could step off of and back on and the numbers would be different every time. http://a.co/dRh56dM
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Duc Vuong on exercising

    @hermione53 I'm not sure why you thought he was a quack. He lays it all out very exactly why you shouldn't go to the gym in great detail with explanations YOU CANNOT CONSUME ENOUGH CALORIES. That is pretty much it in the nutshell. He also explains that increasing your activity increasing your hunger. Which is why we always see these people here talking about they are starving post-op when you shouldn't be hungry post-op and stalling while working out 6 days a week. Not only does he go into explaining why people shouldn't go in the first 6 months in great detail, he addressing weight loss and life post-op holistically by going into emotions and feelings. When I started working out doing yoga and other things after losing my first 70 pounds I felt to so much better. Not only could I do things like a normal person. I got more out of my poses etc. I also was going to working out not to lose weight, I already knew how to lose weight at that point with my diet. I was doing it to be stronger, feel better and improve my skin elasticity. Instead of trying to burn calories, I was just trying to be healthier, be better. Totally different attitude. And the heavens opened. I enjoyed being active like I did when I was younger. Also after I had already lost weight, I felt so much better physically. I had a ton more energy and I could move better, I didn't ache. I could stand on my feet and not hurt. Dr Vuong is my boo for life. He is telling the truth about loose skin. You can't fill real loose skin with muscle. Going to the gym isn't going to save you from loose skin. I have awesome biceps and triceps but I still have a 1/2 an arm of loose skin that I am never going to be able to fill with muscle unless I suddenly become a man and can build as much muscle and Arnold. I have lost an entire person in weight, I am literally 1/2 the person I was. I have a lot of loose skin. Most people never have loose skin like this because they were never as large as I was and they never lose low enough. He hit that nail right on the head. Most people lose some with surgery but never enough to really have loose skin even though every fat person uses loose skin as an excuse not to lose weight. Lose the weight and get their first then worry about it. Dr Vuong I love you!
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    @chynadoll619 My hair thinned a lot, but I lost a lot of fat and it was kinda traumatic to my body. I ended up with a lot of hormonal issues. I was really fat for a really long time and losing weight just freaked my body out. I also always lose hair when under stress. I just wear wigs, so it doesn't even matter now. Actually thin hair is better for wigs, they fit better. Since I have lost most of my weight my hair is growing back super fast. A year from now it won't even matter and I will still be wearing wigs anyway because I love them! Who knew. I never though I would be a wig or weave chick, but I love it. #hoeislife
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Quest Protein Bars?

    They are best bars on the market, even if I hate the company, lol. https://labdoor.com/rankings/protein-bars
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Duc Vuong on exercising

    @hermione53 I lost all my weight with walking for the most part for the first 9 months. I added in Yoga, I did CrossFit for a little while (really just to meet men), and I do weights at home. I found I can't do a lot of really vigorous exercise because I can't eat enough calories to support it, plus it stresses my body out and I cling to weight (everyone is different so you have to do what works for you). Walking 2-5 miles a day is enough to lose weight. Anything that is really going to make you sweat or burn a lot of calories before 6 months is pretty dicey imo. Just because you can't drink water fast enough to replace it and you are still healing and it is hard to get enough calories in to support an increased calorie deficit cause by exercise beyond the deficit you are already running because of decreased intake. If you want to do something intense I think you should wait until you can consume at least 1200 calories a day and drink water at a pretty decent pace. That is going to vary for everyone. Dr Matthew Weiner is a bariatric Dr I respect. One things he talks about is working out and injuring yourself, you end up back tracking. So instead of having your normal level of activity, now you are hurt so not only are you not exercising, you also are not doing your normal level of activity just moving around the house or the office. At Minute 8:57 he talks about injury. I think being active is really important, but I think people can lose a lot of weight with walking, something simple. It has a lot of benefits and if you like that is great. I hate being inside, I will run, walk, play any sport, swim, anything if I am outside. I can't stand being in a Gym longer than an hour, but I will walk outside 10 miles at a time. So you have to find what you like. The goal in the first 6 months should be healing and learning your sleeve, not burning calories to the max. I hate personal trainers too. LOL I'll never pay for one, and most of them look like they need trainers themselves. I lost my weight with keto and walking with a little yoga tossed in here and there. I think you will like what Dr Weiner has to say, I hope you watch the whole video. Edited to Add: I am watching this video now. I love this guy. I have never heard of him until this video. He is right and I like his logic. I need go walking before it gets dark but I am going to watch this whole thing and reply. What he saying about fat brain and skinny brain is totally right. He might be my new Dr crush, lol.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods

    Quest Protein Chips. All of the flavors except Salt and Vinegar are nasty imo, though.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Calorie Question

    Unless someone is like 4'11 eating calories that low is going to ruin their metabolism and make it easy for them to regain. Around 3 months I was eating around 1000 calories a day.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Any actual long term slow losers out there?

    @Hellya Thanks for sharing her story, I have never seen her on youtube. I stopped watching most YouTube WLS people because most of them have been to Mexico and are not diet compliant and all they do is complain about slow weight loss. It is cool to see someone like her who kept plugging away at it and got to a normal BMI. I'm guessing she is short, like 5'2 or 5'3? She posts her weight but never her height. I wear size 8s in the high 180s but I am 5'6 ish with lots of loose skin. I share her same attitude of never wanting to go back, Once I hit a new weight "decade" I never want to see the last one. I really enjoyed the couple of videos I watched, thanks again for sharing.
  25. @Introversion is exactly right. Nope that is normal. Your sleeve isn't stretched. You are making choices of things that are making it easy for you to eat more than you should. I can eat all the toppings off a large pizza. I can still only eat 4-5 ounces of steak. You are making bad food choices you can't blame on your sleeve.

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