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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Unrealistic expectations?

    ^^^^^^ Basically. That is what life is like post-op you eat all day every 2 hours to get your calories and protein in. If you are having planned meals, it isn't grazing. When you can only eat small amounts, that is the only way to meet your goals, eating all day.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Compression Shirts

    First it depends on the brand and the fit. I used to buy a lot of male compression shirts for the guy in my life and they have different fits and vary by brand. Find a real athletic store, and ask the guys in there, they can tell you. If you have loose skin, go down a size it will hold you better. If you are still losing, go down a size, it will fit right soon.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What size is your sleeve?

    I feel like seeing my new stomach live on screen during my swallow test was a really powerful experience. Those few seconds answered and explained so much about how sleeves work and gave me a greater understanding of my body. I wish it was the standard that everyone have one. And mentally, seeing it on screen made it very clear I really had surgery, my anatomy was different, and it made me very protective of my stomach. I knew those stitches were real.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Unrealistic expectations?

    @New Me 31317 Drop the yogurt and the cottage cheese. Not enough protein, and too many milk carbs. Have another shake mid morning. I caution you against adding any nut butters back into your diet. When you are healing they are relatively harmless, but long term they are super calorie dense, easy to snack on and match or exceed carbs to protein. Bad long term choice. Whole nut when you we cleared for them are a better option. Protein shakes count as fluids. I would have a shake for breakfast, one for a mid morning snack, lunch meat or whatever for lunch, another shake in the afternoon, and whatever for dinner.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Did anyone here not need this (yet)?

    So your specific question is should you wait until your joints are ruined and your organs are damaged by metabolic syndrome and you have an enlarged heart before you have surgery? The answer is no, but you already know that.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone GAIN weight after sleeve surgery?

    They never do.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Stomach Noises

    That sounds like a lot of stuff your stomach can't handle at 2 weeks. Slow down, you should be focused on healing right now. Grilled chicken is one the of hardest to digest, for me still and I am almost 2 years out. That isn't a soft food. I can't drink the lemonade at ChikFilA, the acid in it kills me.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Did anyone here not need this (yet)?

    I'm just going to say this. If you go to a Dr that is "the best DS" doctor then he is going to recommend the DS because that is what he does and that is what he likes. Just like a lot of Drs still do RNY because that is what they have the most experience with. There are still Drs that do the band even though there is tons of medical evidence that the have all kinds of complications because at the end of the day they know the band is a lot of residual income for them. WLS and medicine in general in America if a for profit business. A DS is a lot more profitable than a sleeve, You seem to have your mind made up between your Dr and seeing your Mom. So, I think you are just having cold feet. If your Dr suggests DS and you want a DS, have a DS. Losing weight sooner rather than later only benefits you.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Did anyone here not need this (yet)?

    If you wait until you are entirely broken down, even though you have surgery it will be too late and you will have damage that surgery/weight loss won't repair. Like joint damage I still wouldn't have the DS unless I was old or in a wheelchair. Hopefully one of the like 3 people that had the DS that post here once a month will respond to you, eventually. I am sure they can paint a better picture.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Did anyone here not need this (yet)?

    No one that responded actually read what OP wrote, she even bolded her question and still ... A bunch of generic responses about WLS not her specific surgery which is what she asked about. @jessgnc I think the DS is extreme to lose 130 pounds. Why did they recommend DS and not the Sleeve? My Dr didn't want to me as a young person to have to deal with a life time of malabsorption and the malabsorption with the DS is extreme, a lot more than RNY. So unless they havea good medical reason, not just that it has better weight loss, I would decline and ask for the sleeve or switch Drs. ETA: Yes, DS is definitely the nuke option. I got the sleeve knowing if I didn't lose enough with it, I had a lot more to lose than you, that I could get the DS down the road. If I regained in my 50s or 60s, I could revise to DS down the road. If you go this route, later down the road, you have no where else to go, this is it. I don't believe revisions are the solution to WLS regain, but if you go down this path, this is your one shot. I've lost over 180 pounds with my Sleeve. I don't see DS in my future.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    What size is your sleeve?

    I saw mine live after surgery. The shape is banana, the diameter is not.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Still only see small change. Feeling bummed and down.

    Even though I knew I was smaller and my body was changing I never felt a big difference until I was in normal sizes. I started at a tight 28, it was until I hit a 12 that I really felt small and successful. Just keep losing.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Support for my Wife

    Don't eat food she can't have in her face. Have a thick skin. Losing weight is like having PMS 24/7
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeve, Cholecystitis, Regret!

    Try broth with unflavored protein powder. You might have to try a few unflavored protein powders to find one you like. You can swallow puree why can't you swallow pills? Bariatric pills and chewable are nasty if you can't stand fake sweeteners you don't be able to take them. Just take a normal high quality vitamin. Are you talking a PPI and antacid? You should be. You should not be hungry. Try pure stevia like the Stevita brand, in liquid form. It is hard to find but very high quality and pure stevia. Those blends are trash, don't use them. Life long term postop for me is very normal. Post 6 months I didn't really feel like a WLS patient, I really don't now. Give up that baked potatoe in your puree, it has no nutritional value and your focus should be on protein. You need to exceed your protein goals everyday if you want to heal and you need to take your vitamins. The are not optional things they are required. I have exceeded my personal goal and I am getting close to my stretch goal. I'm not unhappy about my weight loss. I have different problems that no one really prepared me for but they are good problems. I'm sick of buying new clothes, it has killed my love of shopping and I can't get attached to anything I own. All my other problems that I had before surgery were not solved because I had surgery. I still pick emotionally unavailable men. I still have issues with my business. My parents still suck. A lot of people blame everything wrong in their life on being fat, when thin people have the save problems. Those people are always going to be unhappy. People that are severe food addicts especially the cry baby carb addicts, they are miserable post-op. They can't binge and eat all the trash peasant food they love and they whine about it all the time. Those people are bad candidates for surgery and should have never had it. They are going to be miserable forever because they feel deprived like they are on a diet forever. That is a terrible way to live. I ignore those people, they are in a prison of their own making.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    My doctor lied to me

    I wouldn't have your Dr contact him. I would have your Dr document everything then sue the living hell out of the other one. And report him to the state board.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    I think Dr Matthew Weiner can help you. I went pescetarian for 6 weeks and it was terrible. I was hungry all the time, my carbs were higher than normal, weight loss stalled and I was overall miserable. I can't imagine doing this as a vegan or a vegetarian. I went pescetarian because I was playing with the idea of going vegetarian, but those 6 weeks convinced me it is impossible for me to do. There was one vegetarian that post here. They don't post often and never got anywhere near goal. They could tell you what proteins are okay but I haven't seen them in months.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric bypass 2008

    Some Drs in Mexico will bypass more of your intestine, and some will tighten your pouch. You are better off just eating dense protein than risking another surgery when you probably have scar tissue from the last one. Look at this Lady's YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ZLTY6f9v_YrH7FqVUn7Mw You can't really revise from RNY, not safely anyway. RNY is a one shot thing. This lady has revised and tried to revise with nothing but problems. She always talks about revisions but doesn't focus much on food, well not as much as she should have.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Periodontal Disease

    My teeth are better post op because I am no longer diabetic. I never had periodontal disease but if you take your vitamins and eat your protein there is no reason why surgery would make you lose teeth.
  19. I know people are judgmental. I have prevented that by not telling people my business. People can't judge what they don't know. I think you should push for surgery as soon after HS graduation as possible. Early June. ASAP. You need a lot of time to adjust. You need time to get your food and strength up so you can walk around campus. You need time to adjust to your new lifestyle so you can resist temptation at college. You want to be at least 6 weeks post-op when school starts, 10 would be better. My insurance approved me in less than 5 business days. I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. Unfortunately we live in a world filled with sociopaths, trolls and idiots. As a young woman who will be living away from in a college environment where people can be evil and petty. It is important to guard yourself from the outside world. I'm not ashamed of my surgery at all. I talk about it all the time with the people that love me. The people that love me know all about my surgery. The rest of the world doesn't. Strangers are not entitled to know your medical issues.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Did you have WLS? The audacity of some.

    I think men do so well with surgery because a lot of them are heavy meat eaters anyway. If they have to give up the potato but can still have the steak, they don't mind. Most men seem to thrive on a high protein diet. My dr asked my how I eat before surgery. I told him I didn't snack and I liked to have 2 big meals a day. He said I would be successful with surgery since I wasn't a snacker/grazer like most women.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Something doesn't taste right...

    It is probably that nickle taste you can get with ketosis. Try drinking more water.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Did you have WLS? The audacity of some.

    Yeah it is basically true. Look at all the "will I lose my boobs", "will I lose my hair?", "how can I prevent loose skin!??" There are most posts like that than, can I reverse my diabetes? Will my knees stop hurting? Can I repair my enlarged heart by losing weight? I wanted to lower my blood pressure, and get off diabetes meds, If I didn't have those issues I would still be fat, and I could be eating Steak and Shake right now
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    I live close enough to the South they have it in the grocery store. I started buying it because it was the only main stream Mayo in the grocery store that was just mayo without a bunch of other trash in it. People don't realize how simple the ingedients for mayo really are...
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Common misconceptions

    They do follow up with them, but they start the show on their road to surgery and most of them take a long time to qualify so that is most of the show, getting them to buy in. People on 600lb Life are the worst representation of WLS patients because they are severe food addicts. Most of them lose weight post-op with terrible, trash diets, They perpetuate the myth that you can lose weight with WLS eating anything. 75% of the people that post on this and other WLS forums have trash diets too, Which is why the general population doesn't think that WLS is hard work and that everyone regains.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    I love most of the Walden farms stuff. It is just water with Xanthum gum and flavorings. It is rather clever but its fake. So it is better for rare use. The pancake syrup is mana from heaven. That mayo is trash though. It doesn't taste like mayo, it tastes like miracle whip and miracle whip is gross. If you like miracle whip you will like it. It isn't thick though, its thin. You can't use it for stuff like chicken salad etc. I use Duke's Mayo. I have the calories to spare, and I need the fat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
