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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Making Plans

    I'm going to tell you straight up, unless this concert has seats where you can sit you are taking a good chance on passing out. You have a lot of energy post op, but you also fatigue very fast. Now mix that with a crowded place, heat and possibly standing on your feet. You are creating a dangerous mix. Eating very few calories, drinking the bare minimum of fluids and heat is a recipe for passing out. If you really want to go to this concert, try to have your surgery in June.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Popcorn.. when did you start eating it

    @ShelterDog64 If you can control yourself with ice cream. Halo Top has a Red Velvet flavor. Luckily they seem to have a quality control issue. Sometimes it is amazingly delicious like a Southern Grandma made it, and other times it is just okay. Which prevents me from getting it all the time, Even if you can't control yourself and eat the whole pint, a pint of Halo top is minimal calories.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    STALL! Am I done losing?

    @Sosewsue61 Switching to fish for a day is always a good move, fish is lower in calories than other proteins, so you can eat more protein for less calories. It is a good method for stall breaking. If you like fish and you can cook it without adding a ton of calories.
  4. @AmandaTherese My health had been good, even being super heavy and diabetic, I didn't really have issues. Then it all started tumbling very fast and I was/am still a young person. Once I saw those dominoes tumbling, I decided to stop kidding myself and do something drastic. I didn't have anymore time to waste. I was seriously damaging my body. I realized I was at the point I wasn't going to die fast, but very slowly, painfully with a diminished quality of life. I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. If it wasn't for holidays and pre-op testing I could have done it in a month. When I was being checked in and got on the gurney, I had already looked death in the face during my cardiac clearance to qualify for surgery. I had no fears being wheeled back. Either I would die that day in surgery, or pretty rapidly post-op from a complication and I was fine with that. I wasn't interested in 15 years of living like and old person because I love cheeseburgers and milk shakes.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    STALL! Am I done losing?

    Increase your calories for a week, add 200 calories in protein and see if you start losing. I had a whole month, month 14 I didn't lose any weight, I thought I was done losing. I kept eating the same way and the weight started coming off again. During that month, I lost 2 dress sizes even though the scale didn't move. Our bodies take breaks to adjust.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthy Eating on a budget

    What do you like to eat and not eat and what is your meal prep time like? If you could afford Hello Fresh then you should easily be able to afford regular groceries. Those delivery services are expensive. I'm single so I just cook for me, but I keep my food costs low by keeping my diet simple and clean. I don't make recipes. They require a lot of ingredients for the most part and few things that I am ever going to finish as a single person. I eat a cut of meat and veggies. i cook my meat either pan fried, baked or grilled. I eat various cuts of steaks, pork and fish. I create variety in the method of preparation and the spices. The one thing I do splurge on is spices and spice blends. I purchase spices at https://www.penzeys.com/ they have a lot of sugar free and salt free spice blends. I also like https://flavorgod.com/ spices. They are very large containers that last a long time. I order the packs and leave the unopened ones in the fridge to keep them fresh. I see people complaining a lot in my keto groups about the cost of keto, but it is only expensive if you are making a bunch of recipes and buying lost of specialty items. Eating clean is very cheap. I do make recipes every now and then, but even with that I buy one container of coconut flour a year from Sam's club, and 2 bags of almond meal a year from Trader Joe's.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Your favorite NSV?

    Not being afraid I can't fit in a chair or it won't support me is the absolute favorite for me. I just enjoy being smaller more than I ever thought I would
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Is this the forum for me?

    What is a blind pouch?
  9. They are really just doing the most. I am really glad I had my surgery when I did and that I am basically healthy now. I have been toying with not getting down to a normal BMI because I don't feel it i necessary at this point, I just wanted to get my body fat to 30% or below but now I see normal BMI, is not going to be optional.
  10. Pre-existing is anything in your record. So if they have recorded her weight at any point she has had a BMI over 30 that is a pre-existing condition. If they make you give or document your weight for insurance like they do for life insurance then they will know you are obese. It doesn't matter if you have been treated for a pre-existing condition, just that you have it. http://time.com/money/4763609/pre-existing-conditions-ahca/ http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/what-are-pre-existing-conditions-what-would-gop-bill-do-n754836 Whatever changes there are, they won't be immediate. So it is important for people to get in the best health they can if and before these changes ever happen.
  11. OutsideMatchInside


    Hmm I usually go out, because I want something hot and I hate microwave food. I order Bunless burgers from 5 Guys a lot I go to sub places and either get a salad or I have them put a sandwich meat and the trimmings in a bowl for me If I do take something it is steak cut into strips so I can eat it like finger food
  12. Obesity is anything BMI 30 or higher, not just morbid obesity. That means millions of Americans 36 percent of the population have a pre-existing condition now. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db219.pdf
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Advice Needed

    Tuna, chicken, crab, hard to digest. I wasn't cleared to have steak until 6 months, so I can't really speak on eating that at the point you are. Soft baked fish was the easiest thing for me to eat. Eggs I couldn't eat unless they were over easy. I still can't won't eat scrambled eggs. Have you tried any high quality deli meat like Boars Head?
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Advice Needed

    What protein are you eating? Are you cooking it fresh or reheating it? What is the moisture content of the meat?
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein and my sleeve's precious little space

    @TheRealSergio Is your protein goal really 60 grams? For a 5 foot 11 inch man? That is the bare minimum even for a woman.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein and my sleeve's precious little space

    10 days post-op isn't an accurate view of life post-op. If this is your plan and you think it will work for you then do it. Long term you aren't going to have limited stomach space. In fact for the majority of the rest of your life you will not have limited stomach space. The amount of time you have limited stomach space is very short. My only caution to you is. The way you are planning on eating might satisfy you while you are swollen and still healing, long term, everything you are eating is a slider and you won't be satisfied. Starting post-op basing your diet on sliders (even healthy ones) might not be the best idea. Basing your life and eating off your immediate post-op restriction, long term is a recipe for failure.
  17. At the Federal level? I don't think so because almost every red state (and I am just saying red state for a simple grouping not to engage in politics) didn't have obesity coverage as an essential coverage.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight gain

    If you normally don't eat carbs, then you eat carbs, you are not gaining fat you are gaining water weight in your liver. Your liver is storing Glycogen which is increasing your weight. Why do you need cheat meals or cheat days? You should have a way of eating that you don't feel deprived and don't need cheat meals. They are counter productive and are always going to make you feel deprived. What are your cheat meals? Maybe we can come up with better options.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein and my sleeve's precious little space

    Honestly you are over thinking something that happens for a very limited amount of time. The amount of time that you can just eat protein is probably 6 months, maybe 12, and that is going to vary day by day. People focus too much energy on the time immediately post-op and never think long term. I think that is why so many people regain and start regaining so fast post-op. They assume post-op portions and restriction are the restriction for life and that just isn't true. Planning a post-op life around using protein powders and supplements is probably not going to work. The main reason being, after you are stuck on those for weeks you won't want to see another one, ever or for a long time. I used to have a protein shake for breakfast for years before surgery. I liked them. Now I will just go hungry before I have a protein shake. If I never see another one again in life, I'm good with it. You can't really accurately plan a post-op life when you are pre-op because surgery changes your life and your attitude towards food. You can't imagine it pre-op and no one can really accurately explain it to you. I'm trying but you have to experience it. Also with a normal size stomach, you can't imagine what having a small stomach is like. So unless you are an insane food addict. Eating 2-3 ounces of protein is going to take a lot of energy and you won't even be interested in eating anything else plus you will be stuffed. What I started doing to have veggies was have them as a mid afternoon snack. So I had an afternoon Salad. which I LOVED, because I could eat a large volume of baby spinach. Most green veggies at a certain point are going to be come a slider so you won't even want to eat them protein. I hate when I go out and get a chicken Cesar salad because they don't come with much chicken anyway and it gets pushed through my stomach with salad greens. As far as vitamins, I don't get why people are so anti-vitamins. I have taken a multivitamin my entire life. They are just a part of general good health. Most people are vitamin deficient even with a balanced diet just because of how our food is grown and processed. It is basically impossible to eat enough food to meet your vitamin requirements, even with a regular size stomach.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm so tired!!!

    It doesn't get better fast, but it does get better. I really feel like laparoscopic surgery does a number on people mentally. You have the majority of a major organ removed. Your body is freaking out right now trying to repair itself. If we lived in a better society people could take the 6 to 8 weeks off they need to recover instead of pushing themselves. Yet, in America, we don't even give people maternity leave so leave for surgery is too much to ask for. You are going to be tried until you can eat a decent amount of calories, 6 weeks to 3 months.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Popcorn.. when did you start eating it

    Most stuff in a store is real food. The whole meat and produce department is filled with real food. Avoiding processed food is pretty easy, humans lived for thousands of years without it. I'm one person and I spend less than $50 a week on groceries and most of that is spent on protein and I don't even go out of my way to bargain shop because I am lazy. I shop at the "most expensive" grocery store chain in my area, because they the best quality meat. I could save more by buying in bulk but I hate frozen meat so I spend more because I buy everything fresh. I eat at least a pound of meat a day and it costs me $5 a day or less. Eating healthy isn't expensive. I can catch pork chops on sale for $1.69 a pound when the average protein bar is over $2 for just one bar. Pretending that eating healthy is expensive is a cop out. Eating natural real foods is cheap. It just isn't convenient, but the cost of convenience comes in other ways. I don't care that you like protein bars, Hell I like protein bars, but I am going to have to quit them because my favorite one has been lying about the content. They are fake and made in a factory. They have a long just of ingredients that 95% of people can't even pronounce. Acting like they are real food when they are manufactured is disingenuous.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Diabetes Type 2 - Gastric Sleeve Pre Op

    I don't think I ever had sugar higher than 180. I didn't have any pre-op blood sugar requirements for surgery.
  23. Nope. I was pretty convinced I was going to die pre-op. I wasn't even concerned about dying because or during surgery because I knew that would be a lot faster than the route I was on. There are some benefits to hitting rock bottom, you have nothing to lose.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Want opinion on do I tell

    I guess the only issue you are going to have to address is recovery. You don't want to ghost on a new guy if you like him, I dunno if it isn't serious I would probably just break it off. You need to be focused on yourself and you food. It takes a lot of energy to get this right post-op. Then when you get into post-op hormone based mood swings. I wouldn't subject anyone to that I didn't have a really strong connection to. I'm lucky I have kept all my friends So dish on this guy so we can give better advice. How long have you been dating? What are your ages? Is he divorced? Where did you meet him? Have you been to pound town yet?
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Want opinion on do I tell

    If you have to ask, the answer is probably no. If you were in a place with him that you had a deep connection/relationship, you wouldn't be asking us you would just tell him. I wasn't dating anyone at the time I had surgery. The people have I dated post-op, I have been honest with about losing weight and trying to get in better health, but I haven't mentioned surgery. None have ask and most aren't curious that I have lost/am losing weight. They just like that I'm pretty and look amazing in a dress.

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